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Syrian Air Defense Intercepted 71 Cruise Missiles Launched by West - Russian MoD

More info:

US cruiser Monterey and destroyer Laboon fired Tomahawks from the Red Sea

US destroyer Higgins fired Tomahawks from the Persian gulf

US Virginia class submarine John Warner fired Tomahawks from East Med Sea

2 B-1 bombers participated

A French frigate and fighter jets participated

British fighters participated
It's intended to intercept cruise missiles and I already referenced where the Russians said it would be used to shot down incoming missiles. There are clear intercepts as well, but most got through. The missiles obviously went through S-400 covered areas to hit targets near and in the capital. I'm sorry but no amount of face saving works with such overwhelming evidence of damage and strikes.
The Russians really did lose face; they claimed that they would shoot down missiles (not to mention they would attack the 'missile carriers' too). It seems that they didn't even bother, as statements for Russia's MoD were :"None of the cruise missiles launched by the US and its allies did not enter the zone of responsibility of the Russian air defenses, covering objects in Tartus and Hmeymim ,"
But in the end of the day, it doesn't really change the situation on the ground, so I bet the Russians weren't willing to take the risks as apparantly they knew the extent of the strikes.
A report suggests that a Russian frigate (Admiral Grigorovich class, which is well armed) was shadowning the Us destroyer and it didn't attempt to shoot down any Tomahawk.

The Russians were tipped of in time too, so casualties for Assad are minimal, perheps a few missiles could have been shot down, but never 71...

If I am going to be honest, I expected more, at least a few airfield from Assad (like helicopters, which apparantly dropped those chems). I'd say that the 2017 strikes were more impactful.

76 missiles struck the research facility in Damascus: 57 Tomahawks and 19 JASSM's

I truly hope russian response does not come because it will escalate the situation out of control. Russia should use indirect means to teach uncle tom a lesson.
The Western Coalition’s strikes targeted important centers of the regime in the capital Damascus and its vicinity and outskirts as well as the outskirts of Homs city


The regime forces and their aliens are continuing the state of alertness in their controlled areas in the Syrian territory, in anticipation for retargeting them by the Trio Coalition “the USA, Britain and France”, which targeted during this dawn, Saturday the 14th of April 2018, the scientific research centers in Jamraya north of Damascus, and Barzeh in the north-west of the capital Damascus, arsenals of the 4th Division and the Republic Guards in the area of Al-Mazza Military Airbase, the arsenals of Al-Kiswah area in the southern countryside of the capital, and the scientific research center in the outskirts of Homs city, where the missiles fired on the latter position, fell away from the target, also violent explosions heard in the Eastern Qalamoun, while no missiles fell on Al-Dumayr and Al-Naseriyah Military Airbases.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights managed to monitored interception by the regime forces to tens of missiles which targeted their positions and military bases in the Syrian territory, where several intersected sources confirmed to the Syrian Observatory, that the number missiles that were downed, exceeded 65 missiles, of the total number of missiles fired by the Trio Coalition, while the air and rocket strikes, caused great material damage, while no information about casualties was reported yet.

And the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights published on the 11th of April 2018, that the regime forces’ controlled areas are witnessing ongoing alertness, where the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights obtained information from several reliable sources which confirmed to the SOHR that the regime forces are continuing their state of alertness, and they evacuated all of the main airports and military bases in their controlled areas in the Syrian territory, on renewed orders by the command of the regime forces, and the evacuation and alertness which included all military bases and positions of the regime forces, and which was coincided with the threats of the USA to carry out violent strikes targeting positions of the regime forces inside the Syrian territory, where accompanied by movements and alertness by the regime’s allies of Syrian and non-Syrian nationalities, in anticipation for strikes that may target their positions, by the United States, Britain and France, while the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights published on Tuesday the 10th of April 2018, that it monitored alertness since the midnight of Monday – Tuesday, and it will continue for 72 hours, as a part of the preparations of the regime forces in anticipation for possible strikes expected to be carried out by the United States, Britain and France, against the regime forces on the Syrian territory, on orders from the command of the regime via telegrams, to carry out a full and immediate alertness lasts for 72 hours, within all the military bases and airports in the capital Damascus and the provinces of Rif Dimashq, Al-Suwaidaa, Homs, Tartus, Latakia, Deir Ezzor, where these orders issued by the regime forces, were coincided with instructions obtained by their allies of non-Syrian nationalities, to alert in anticipation for the same strikes, which the Trio Coalition intends to carry out inside the Syrian territory, where the positions of the regime’s allies witnessed establishment of fortifications and preparations for the safeguarding of these strikes, which is expected to be carried out at any time, in the wake of threats by the Trio Coalition, which threatened to carry out strikes against the Syrian regime, as a part of the international action after the massacre of Douma in the Eastern Ghouta, which left hundreds of casualties and wounded.
Have you changed your skivvies?
The trio did bomb Syria, so the shithead state can live..But they failed miserably in their attack..So , if I was at your place, I will beg mama America for a boat ticket..your demise clock is ticking..tic tac toc tic tac toc.
I predicted from the beginning that they will attack some empty buildings:


As usual I was right. I dont know which shithead state u belong though.
110 Cruise Missiles worth billions fired over Syria, only 3 people injured
14 Apr, 2018



WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump on Saturday hailed a US-led missile assault on Syria 's regime as "perfectly executed," despite the limited nature of the strikes and Russia's condemnation, which further heightened tensions between the Cold War foes.

The UN Security Council was set to meet at Moscow's request at 1500 GMT over the operation, which was unleashed by the US, Britain and France in response to an alleged chemical weapons attack on the rebel-held town of Douma.

READ MORE: 71 Cruise Missiles out of 103 fired were intercepted over Syria: Report
The strikes were targeted to inflict maximum damage on sites linked to chemical weapons development. A top Pentagon official, Lieutenant General Kenneth McKenzie, said the action would set back Syria 's chemical weapons program "for years."

The sounds of massive explosions rang out across Damascus just before dawn on Saturday, ushering in 45 minutes of explosions and the roar of warplanes, AFP's correspondent in the city said.

READ MORE: Turkey responds to the Western strikes over Syria
Flashes flared in the distance and by daybreak, plumes of smoke could be seen rising from the city's north and east.

"A perfectly executed strike last night. Thank you to France and the United Kingdom for their wisdom and the power of their fine Military," Trump tweeted early Saturday.

READ MORE: Russia may supply missile defence system to Syria, other countries
"Could not have had a better result. Mission Accomplished!"

Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White later told reporters: "We successfully hit every target."

Both the regime of Syria 's Bashar al-Assad and its ally Russia have denied all responsibility for the deadly Douma attack, and Moscow slammed the "aggressive actions" of the Western coalition, but it has not yet responded militarily.

- 'Crimes of a monster' -

US President Donald Trump announced the joint action against Assad's regime from the White House late Friday.

Trump said the strikes were a direct response to the April 7 attack on Douma, outside Damascus, that rescuers and monitors say killed more than 40 people.

"The evil and the despicable attack left mothers and fathers, infants and children thrashing in pain and gasping for air. These are not the actions of a man. They are crimes of a monster instead," Trump said.

US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis called the strikes a "one-time shot" with no additional military action planned for now.

The strikes were the biggest foreign military action so far against Syria 's regime.

The targets included a scientific research facility near Damascus, a chemical weapons storage facility west of the city of Homs, and a third location near Homs that contained both a command post and a chemical weapons equipment storage facility, the US military said.

The facilities hit had however reportedly been evacuated in recent days.

Syrian state media reported only three people injured, while Russia's defense ministry said there were "no victims" among Syrian civilians and military personnel.

- Defiant Assad -

Assad, who has denied ever using chemical weapons against his opponents, responded to the strikes with a defiant vow.

"This aggression will only make Syria and its people more determined to keep fighting and crushing terrorism in every inch of the country," he said.

Assad's key ally Iran also slammed the attack, with supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei describing Western leaders as "criminals."

The targets appeared to steer well clear of any Russian personnel or equipment in Syria , where Moscow launched a military intervention in support of Assad in 2015.

The Russian military claimed Syrian air defense systems had intercepted 71 Western missiles, though the Pentagon disputed that.

- Rally in Damascus -

In central Damascus, dozens of Syrians arrived on bicycles, on foot and in cars spray painted with the red, white, and black colors of the Syrian flag, blaring patriotic tunes.

Nedher Hammoud, 48, claimed to have seen missiles "being shot down like flies."

"Let them do what they want, kill who they want... History will record that Syria shot down missiles -- and not just missiles. It shot down American arrogance."

Despite the strikes, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said it was still planning on carrying out its investigation into the Douma attack.

Thousands of rebels and civilians have since been bussed out of the town under a Russian-brokered deal. Syrian internal security forces entered Douma on Saturday and were poised to declare their control over it within "hours."

Jaish al-Islam, the group that held Douma, said it only abandoned the town because of the chemical attack.

Leading Jaish al-Islam member Mohammad Alloush said Saturday the Western strikes had not gone far enough.

"Punishing the instrument of the crime while keeping the criminal -- a farce," Alloush wrote on Twitter.

And Ahmad, a 25-year-old mechanic who had been displaced from Douma, told AFP the Western strikes were too little, too late.

"Assad won't collapse. They'll bomb for a day or two and then the regime will take it out on us," he said.

The specter of military strikes had hung over Syria since harrowing footage of victims in Douma sparked outrage from Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Theresa May.

France said it fired cruise missiles from frigates in the Mediterranean and deployed fighter jets from home bases on Saturday.

Britain's defense ministry said four British Tornado jets had fired Storm Shadow missiles at a base 15 miles (25 kilometers) west of Homs.

- UN chief urges restraint -

The Russian military had vowed to respond to any attack, and President Vladimir Putin's administration had repeatedly warned Trump was taking America down a dangerous path.

Despite the warnings, Washington, Paris and London insisted their own secret intelligence belied Assad's guilt. A US spokeswoman said Friday the allies had "proof."

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who delayed a planned trip to Saudi Arabia and was to brief the Security Council, called for calm.

"I urge all member states to show restraint in these dangerous circumstances," he said in a statement. APP/AFP
71 Cruise Missiles out of 103 fired were intercepted over Syria: Report
14 Apr, 2018



*Moscow IRNA – A senior Russian military official has said that Syrian air defense had intercepted at least 71 cruise missiles fired by US, UK and France at Syria early Saturday.*

At a news conference in Moscow on Saturday, Lt. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy said at least 103 cruise missiles, including Tomahawks, were fired at a number of targets in Syria , Aljaeera reported.

READ MORE: 110 Cruise Missiles worth billions fired over Syria, only 3 people injured
'Russia has fully restored the air defense system of Syria , and it continues to improve it over the last six months,' Rudskoy said.

The Russian defense ministry was quoted as saying that Syria deployed Russian-made surface-to-air missiles, including S-125, S-200, 2K12 Kub and Buk to repel the attacks.

READ MORE: Turkey responds to the Western strikes over Syria
Among those targeted by the US-led operation was the Al-Dumayr military airport outside of Damascus. Russia said all 12 missiles directed at the airport were intercepted.

In his statement, Rudskoy confirmed at least one US Navy warship in the Mediterranean, and US B-1 bombers were involved in the operation, as well as UK's Tornado fighter.

READ MORE: Russia may supply missile defence system to Syria, other countries
The US-led strikes on Saturday come after a suspected chemical weapons attack on the former rebel stronghold of Douma last week.

Assad's government and its ally Russia have called the alleged chemical attacks as fabrications.
Were these missiles fired to kill people?

The other lesson from this incident is that pakistan's babur missile will have no use against India.

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