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8 yr old girl given as vani twice, "husband" raped her


May 12, 2009
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Child married twice against her will

RAHIM YAR KHAN/ KOT SABZAL: Kot Sabzal police registered a case against 12 people including local landlords belonging to the Shir clan for giving handing over an eight-year-old girl in Wani. An FIR has been lodged under Articles 360A and 366A of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC).

According to police officials, the accused had charged Yasin of karo kari with Salim’s wife two years ago. A panchayat then declared that Yasin’s brother Shabbir Ahmed give his six- year-old daughter Gulzaraan in wani as atonement for his brother’s crime. Gulzaraan was then forced into marrying Bashir Ahmed, a 21-year-old member of the Shir clan.

Two months ago one of the panchayat leaders, wadera Rasool Bukhsh Shir forcibly handed custody of the girl over to another party. The girl’s father protested saying that his daughter was a minor but had been forced into intercourse which had caused severe injuries. “She was married to me for nearly two years and I could do whatever I wanted with her but I didn’t,” Ahmed said, adding that he had allowed for Gulzaraan to be handed over to a buyer who had purchased the girl for Rs87,000.

Gulzaraan was purchased by an influential family in a neighbouring village. “Bashir Ahmed divorced the girl and when she came to us she was wed to my nephew,” Haji Master Dad Shir, said, adding that once the girl was married to his nephew Rasul Buksh, he did not know what happened.

According to police officials, Rasul had intercourse with the girl and she was severely injured as a result. She was taken to a district hospital in Sukkur for treatment and doctors said that she had sustained internal injuries. “The child is only eight-years-old and she was severely bruised when she was brought to us,” Dr Pervaiz Alam said, adding that they had handed Gulzaraan’s custody over to her father after treating her. On her return to her parent’s house Gulzaraan broke down and told the police what had happened, she said that her first husband Bashir Ahmed had not hurt her but made her do house work and sold her off to another family. “The second man, Rasul was cruel and he hurt me badly,” she said.

On the complaint of the girl’s father, Shabbir Ahmed, an FIR has been registered against wadera Rasul Bukhsh Shir, Gulzaraan’s former husband Bashir Ahmed, his brothers Muhammad Salim, Muhammad Anwar and waderas Sardar Sonharay Khan, Master Dad Shir, second husband Rasul Bukhsh, Nazir Ahmed, Lal Bukhsh and Gul Hasan. Ahmed said that his daughter had suffered dearly and he had begged the police to intervene and provide them with protection from the waderas.

“I know that if the men are released they will seek revenge on my family and Gulzaran, and she cannot be made to suffer any more than she has already,” he said.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 29th, 2010.
and no surprise that Pakistan ranks on top for search term child **** on google.
I used rape since she has no will of her own and it's rape. Even the term marital-rape doesn't apply here. What kind of a inhuman person marries and 8 year old and commits paedophilia.

To hell with panchaits and jirgas. They are a parallel system of (in)justice that destroy the society. Neither do they solve any problems nor can they provide any kind of justice and the only thing they do is give girls as wani and order kar-karis and other heinous crimes. Jirgas are a travesty of justice and uphold only power and money. Even the most under-developed of nations do not support such non-institutions of justice.

Anybody who supports jirgas and panchaits (yes you Mr. Imran Khan, Amin Fahim, et al) should be thrown out of the parliament and disqualified from competing for public office forever.

What kind of a barbaric society is this?
These tribal customs have no place in Islam. These people maintain their barbaric tribal customs and give bad name to both Islam and Pakistan. These old customs will take decades to disappear and in urban educated class it has disappeared.

Karo-kari (کاروکاری) are pre-meditated honor killings. Karo-kari is part of cultural tradition in Pakistan and is a compound word literally meaning "black male" (Karo) and "black female (Kari), in metaphoric terms for adulterer and adulteress. Once labeled as a Kari, male family members get the self-authorized justification to kill her and the co-accused Karo to restore family honor, although in the majority of cases the victim is female, while the murderers are male.

Vani (ونی) is a child marriage custom in tribal areas of Pakistan. Besides tribal areas, it is widely followed in Punjab in Pakistan. This custom is tied to blood feuds among the different tribes and clans where the young girls are forcibly married to the members of different clans in order to resolve the feuds. The Vani could be avoided if the clan of the girl agrees to pay money, called Deet (Urdu: دیت). Otherwise the young bride may spend her life paying for the crime of her male relatives.
8 yr old girl

Kinda reminds me of the movie Bandit Queen.So sad.
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I used rape since she has no will of her own and it's rape. Even the term marital-rape doesn't apply here. What kind of a inhuman person marries and 8 year old and commits paedophilia.

To hell with panchaits and jirgas. They are a parallel system of (in)justice that destroy the society. Neither do they solve any problems nor can they provide any kind of justice and the only thing they do is give girls as wani and order kar-karis and other heinous crimes. Jirgas are a travesty of justice and uphold only power and money. Even the most under-developed of nations do not support such non-institutions of justice.

Anybody who supports jirgas and panchaits (yes you Mr. Imran Khan, Amin Fahim, et al) should be thrown out of the parliament and disqualified from competing for public office forever.

What kind of a barbaric society is this?
Jirga is the most criminal justice system i have ever seen.Do you know a case where wife was killed by husband and the jirga concluded that brother of wife should just reconcile with husband and they actually did that..hugged each other..just disgusting.
@sparklingway and others:

I might be wrong but whatever little, Pakistani media, I follow - I haven't seen such issues being discussed in a big way.

Are you guys sure that these are huge "social issues"? - may be they are criminal cases...

At the end of the day there are natural checks and balances that should prevent such social evils in modern world. For e.g. friends and families of the potential victms would naturally step in to prevent the crime...
Milestogo these issues are largely in villages far off areas so you see for media the only Pakistan is Peshawar, Lahore, Karachi and other cities.
Milestogo these issues are largely in villages far off areas so you see for media the only Pakistan is Peshawar, Lahore, Karachi and other cities.

You are mistaken with Peshawar. It's only Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. The country is limited to these three cities and zooming in, it's just the gated communities of these cities that are worthy of attention. Nothing more, nothing less. Have you even heard any news about Faisalabad or Hyderabad?
You are mistaken with Peshawar. It's only Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. The country is limited to these three cities and zooming in, it's just the gated communities of these cities that are worthy of attention. Nothing more, nothing less. Have you even heard any news about Faisalabad or Hyderabad?

The residents of smaller cities, towns and villages should have their websites where news about these communities be available on Internet. People have blogs about their life why not about their towns. These blogs may have to be anonymous since the feudals don't like news of their private domain getting out.
Saraiki region is pakistan most backward region on behalf of education and social justice, we should quickly reform our policies of neglecting west punjab ,
@sparklingway ,
sir, what punishment u suggest for the criminal?
@sparklingway ,
sir, what punishment u suggest for the criminal?

Life imprisonment and if the people support vasectomy and/or castration for the "husband".

Life imprisonment for the father. He be denied any rights to meet his children forever.

Life imprisonment and a fine of 10 million each on the wadera and every panchait member which should be put into a Gulzaaran Trust for Victims of Vani and run by Aurat Foundation or any other respectable NGO.

PS:- Life imprisonments since I do not support capital punishments for any crime.
Life imprisonment and a fine of 10 million each on the wadera and every panchait member which should be put into a Gulzaaran Trust for Victims of Vani and run by Aurat Foundation or any other respectable NGO.

Good points. The panchait,/village council, wadera/zamindar of that area should be jailed as accessories of the crime.
Child married twice against her will

Two months ago one of the panchayat leaders, wadera Rasool Bukhsh Shir forcibly handed custody of the girl over to another party

The girl’s father protested saying that his daughter was a minor but had been forced into intercourse which had caused severe injuries. “She was married to me for nearly two years and I could do whatever I wanted with her but I didn’t,” Ahmed said, adding that he had allowed for Gulzaraan to be handed over to a buyer who had purchased the girl for Rs87,000.
Gulzaraan was purchased
by an influential family in a neighbouring village. “Bashir Ahmed divorced the girl and when she came to us she was wed to my nephew,” Haji Master Dad Shir, said, adding that once the girl was married to his nephew Rasul Buksh, he did not know what happened

Published in The Express Tribune, July 29th, 2010.

Purchased? If he chose to divorce the child why was she not allowed to return to her own family, to on sell her to a pedophile sounds to me to be slavery appart from the other crimes commited.

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