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Donald Trump slams Pakistan for lies and deceit

Fact is America tried to bully north Korea and it kept firing missiles with longer takes. Now the Americans know if war comes they will get hit. Even if one nuke or missile gets through imagine the global impact. War will finally be brought home to the American people.
Pakistan Iran have always been the targets. America needs Iran to sell weapons to the stupid Arabs who will not support us at any hard juncture.
Pakistan in a veiled stament said it will put a man in space in two years indicating it has ICBM tech but I think beforehand they will have to gear up and fire a much much longer range missile bringing America within range. That will take the heat of.
Regarding sanctions. I am sure they will follow as they have been applied on Russia and Iran.
Pakistan if smart would work with these two to ensure American derailment in Afghanistan but must go after Isis even if that means it has to get in bed with the Taliban. Better the enemy you know.
India will do it's best but will never cross that border. It will up the ante. Chinese many bring forces closer to the border if the Indians push additional forces towards Pakistan.
Can China be relied upon for veto. Well it has a huge investment in Pakistan and it's trade will depend upon Pakistan being free and stable. So I am pretty certain that if push came to shove we may end up with a detachement of Chinese fighter planes and troops in the country to assist. Maybe that's not a bad idea.
Israel will work hard to ensure maximum pressure is applied to Pakistan.
Now question is will paksitan strangle NATO forces. Will it consult Britain and other members and perhaps try to divide NATO as per maverick American presidents actions.
Does the world want another Syria and can it handle 220 million crazy Pakistanis on the loose with guns? Does the world want to destabilise Pakistan. Ehat will happen to its nukes abd other toys.
Is American goal to weaken Pakistan to the point where it cannot manufacture military equipment itself and still depend on largely the American. Is this anything to do with the endorsement of the yuan?
Many questions..

Don't worry. No body in so called world gave a fag about this part of the world. Where war wagged on consistently. When us invaded Afghanistan it also invaded Iraq. Making their expenses more valuable. Now Iran going through the the same state of Syria before internal wars between factions. Pakistan always aligned itself with us enemies. That's the fact and history. Pay more I won't disrespect you " game ended already. Ur foreign policy is so much rhetoric with no substance. Ur aim is not to become a super power but stop India to become a superpower and stop Afghanistan to get stable.

US is the last nation u want fak with.

I see all want to hurt Americans in Afghanistan. Well u can do anything u want. US is fully capable of defending itself against the whole world. Just check their aircraft inventory alone and do a comparison. Let alone their airforce their navy itself consist of massive fighter jets. Now include their missiles, networking etc etc. And final come to ur sense and compare it with Pakistan. China will do all pom pom in the open. Chinese will make sure Pakistan will be its next North Korea fully dependent on them. Good luck
So what we are expecting in 24 or 42 hours from Americans? Any one has any idea?
I am an Indian. I was only going by the mood of the thread. I know you'll feel idiotic now.
Don't care who u are. Just pointed out ur stupidity and trolling

It's a serious issue. Not as easy as many people think. Come on now. Pakistan really ready to go against US interest in the region. That's foolish. 33 billion should had spent wisely in developing a good military and action must had taken to clean up from with in. These proxy leaders strategies are of 80s. It's 2018. Lots changed.
Don't care who u are. Just pointed out ur stupidity and trolling

It's a serious issue. Not as easy as many people think. Come on now. Pakistan really ready to go against US interest in the region. That's foolish. 33 billion should had spent wisely in developing a good military and action must had taken to clean up from with in. These proxy leaders strategies are of 80s. It's 2018. Lots changed.

I was being sarcastic. Why would otherwise Indian want Pakistan to fight US? If many Pakistanis want to fight US in all seriousness in this thread, i am not going to be one to deny that right for them. And Be cool, you have no dog in this fight.
Pak should stop NATO supply line and show these foreigners their place!
Stick your finger (with respect to your d.p) on right place and let us decide what we need to do, For every crack and d@ckhead we don't need to go ballistic.
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We will announce further action :o::o: and Pakistan shamelessly waits for what further action will be announced :lol::lol:damn either you people know that you are at fault for harboring terrorists or you are really spineless even a puny country won't let somebody make statements against them like this and get away with it
Without Russia retaliating to German invasion and British holding on to the German advance , American would never have succeeded , if US was fighting the Germany alone, i would put my money on Germans .

Kinda way right... but without the Help of US they would have never succeeded in holding the line in the first place..
I'm not saying entire credit goes to US... but without them the war could never be won by UK and Russians... more than 60-70% of production for war came from US and US investments on other countries...
Stick your finger (with respect to your d.p) and let us decide what we need to do, For every crack and d@ckhead we don't need to go ballistic.
Dude he is president of America. Not som D and hary

I was being sarcastic. Why would otherwise Indian want Pakistan to fight US? If many Pakistanis want to fight US in all seriousness in this thread, i am not going to be one to deny that right for them. And Be cool, you have no dog in this fight.
This will have serious consequences for us too. Think about nukes going into the hands of irregulars
Don't close the route to Afghanistan but with every sanction keep increasing the price per container.

That will do it for me. Increase the price per container.
Dude he is president of America. Not som D and hary

This will have serious consequences for us too. Think about nukes going into the hands of irregulars

What part of sarcasm you didn't understand. I don't think they would go to war just for my prodding. Come on, you are taking all this too seriously. This forum is an imaginative world, have little or no imapct in the real outside world. We are all here to vent out frustration, hoping for our dominance on the world.
What part of sarcasm you didn't understand. I don't think they would go to war just for my prodding.
America will make sure full destruction of Pakistan and escape from there. Later we will have to face the threats.
Are u OK bro? Even Russians yet to declare war on us. Cost whole Russian nuclear weapons alone will surpass ur gdp by far. Now u want to call America for a fist fight
Remembered the fall of soviat union? how much they were nuked by USA? go change your pamper
America will make sure full destruction of Pakistan and escape from there. Later we will have to face the threats.

Buddy relax. All this is not real. No body is going to war just for my saying it. Jeez, you are taking everything too literally.
Remembered the fall of soviat union? how much they were nuked by USA? go change your pamper
Where are. The soviets? Dude exactly my point why Russia don't declare war on US which Pakistanis are wanting to do at least on public forums like pdf? So are you calling up on US?
Not going to happen. I was listening to Husain Haqqani on the radio on my way home from work today. He said Pakistan is dysfunctional state and will only make temporary noise for domestic consumption but will ultimately accept the decision. He’s spot on. This is the state that made someone like him an ambassador and dismissed legal case him so he can leave the country and continue his campaign to undermine his country’s credibility. Such a state that lacks basic accountability has no credibility. So yes there will be few noises about sacrifices made and semantics of the dollar figure but separately GoP will plead its case and beg for some respite. This is a country whose leadership both civil and military lack basic self-respect and a diplomatic language of the 1970s and 1980s. It’s a totally irrelevant establishment

I can understand your concerns regarding Pakistan not taking a solid and consistent stance. Also, our history of tacit approvals etc. doesn’t speak in our favor. So far we are only hearing noise from the civilian leadership. The same noise we have heard after every US onslaught. The only difference is that the Pak armed forces continue to firmly resist the do more demand. The Americans continue to believe that they eventually will bully Pakistan into submission.

Only time will tell how Pakistan is going to respond to this latest US bullying tactic. One thing is certain. The US has opted for a fully confrontational strategy against Pakistan. Trump is being pushed by the military consortium in the US to go on full offensive. I don’t see someone like Trump toning down.

Pakistan has its work cut out. Trumpland is different. The Democrats had a different approach. This is a very different “Republican” breed in the White House right now. It defies the very norms it once represented and as the world had become accustomed to. To be blunt, it is the rule of the jungle. Pakistan doesn’t have the luxury of remaining indecisive. The weak and inadequate response by the civilian government won’t have the desired effect. This will embolden Trumpland. Pakistan is going to be forced to devise a counter strategy. Some sort of drastic countermeasure will have to be undertaken to hit the message home.
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