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Donald Trump slams Pakistan for lies and deceit

we don't suck d*** to destroy Pakistan, If russian president is visiting India to get FGFA deal done is he sucking Indian d***, what nonsensical mentality pakistanis have. Indians are Unlike Pakistanis who are obssesed with Ghazwa e Hind, Kashmir ki Fateh, Independent Kashmir and all the BS.

you can select next super power?Just wonder if India thrashes Pakistan and gives route to US. It may happen, but we are sane people we don't like third parties around. But Pakistanis have no option except to sell their strategic location as your economy is doomed.
Abay chal boosri kay.Your soldiers are dying of hunger and you talking about competiting with us.Taking on PAK Army who is in real fight for for ages.Did your na mard jawan even killed a rat? pehlay kud ko roti do phr amerikaay ko way do.Toilet bana lo.
What can India thrash Pakistan with? What routes will India give to the US? Is India a direct neighbor of Afghanistan? Don't talk in hypotheticals.
How is Pakistan's economy doomed? Just because we have a balance of payment issue, Pakistan's economy is doomed? In the past 70 years, Pakistan has never defaulted so why would it now?
I have always said this and I will maintain, Pakistan will stand its ground on issues that are core to its national security, whether the Americans are for it or against it. Pakistan was sanctioned and blocked off from international monetary institutions for a decade and got by without giving up on its security considerations. This is what gives the government and the people of Pakistan assurance.

Pakistan has options, always did and always will. They may not all be rosy but the country can get by. The global stage is changing. Its no longer a uni-polar world in terms of geo-political influence. As other players like China increase their investment in Pakistan, they will not be willing to let this investment go by the way side just because the US wants to sanction Pakistan at the UN for its own tactical interests. For China, this may not be out of love for Pakistan, but simply a matter of safeguarding its geo-political and economic interests. This complicates the situation for any spoilers. As more countries come out of US orbit, there is a developing convergence of interests for these players and Pakistan will align accordingly. On top of all this, not a single country bordering Afghanistan wants to see a sustained US presence in the region. Even if Pakistan is arm twisted, there are other spoilers at play in Afghanistan.
Agreed with you brother. It is a multipolar world now.
First raction - Pakistan should reduce the US embassy foot print in Islamabad to appropriate size.
The permission (by CDA/Government corrupts) for multi floor building to be reduced to maximum only 02 floor.
This should be the new years gift and response to foolish Trump's tweet.

Spot on. I will go to length that Pakistani embassy in Washington needs to be measured and US embassy in Islamabad need to cut down to the exact same size. This also needs to be done on the personal as well. Equilibrium needs to be maintained.
How many times will Pakistan decide to review its policy? This constant rhetoric to review policy shows weakness not strength and inability to make the right decision.

It 'shows weakness' because there is indeed much weakness.
Pakistan's response has been calibrated--not knee jerk, bombasts like Qaddafi or Saddam. The consequences for Pakistan can be dire--security, international commerce/banking/trade, and economy. And thus, smart calibrated responses are needed and they have been given.
But this time, unless some mutual friends intervene, the break will be as deep as it was in late 90's--or even worse. There is a lunatic in the White House--a person who has managed to annoy and alienate long time American allies in less than 1 year. And thus we have the idiotic acceleration of what was to be expected eventually.
Ryan Crocker, ex ambassador to #Afghanistan, #Pakistan and #Iraq, thinks Trump tweet on #Pakistan is counterproductive & doesn't think foreign policy team gets the whole picture

Just look at the areas Taliban control, most are no where near Pak border. Is all of Afghanistan bordered by Pakistan? Who will these arrogant folks blame for these others areas? Santa Claus? That's why they will do everything they can to hinder the construction and management of a proper border control system. It will leave them without a scapegoat. Pakistan must complete the border fencing and improve monitoring of the border to save itself from the Black hole of Shyte that is Afghanistan.

LOL that is one heck of a progress in Afghanistan.

I am waiting for the day when beijing will. itself call pak regime as dubious liars..

bound to happen once mullah element engages with chinese and bam bam!!

Look at this curry rapist burning like an ape. LOL

You haven’t seen half of it yet.

What can India thrash Pakistan with? What routes will India give to the US? Is India a direct neighbor of Afghanistan? Don't talk in hypotheticals.
How is Pakistan's economy doomed? Just because we have a balance of payment issue, Pakistan's economy is doomed? In the past 70 years, Pakistan has never defaulted so why would it now?
I have always said this and I will maintain, Pakistan will stand its ground on issues that are core to its national security, whether the Americans are for it or against it. Pakistan was sanctioned and blocked off from international monetary institutions for a decade and got by without giving up on its security considerations. This is what gives the government and the people of Pakistan assurance.

Pakistan has options, always did and always will. They may not all be rosy but the country can get by. The global stage is changing. Its no longer a uni-polar world in terms of geo-political influence. As other players like China increase their investment in Pakistan, they will not be willing to let this investment go by the way side just because the US wants to sanction Pakistan at the UN for its own tactical interests. For China, this may not be out of love for Pakistan, but simply a matter of safeguarding its geo-political and economic interests. This complicates the situation for any spoilers. As more countries come out of US orbit, there is a developing convergence of interests for these players and Pakistan will align accordingly. On top of all this, not a single country bordering Afghanistan wants to see a sustained US presence in the region. Even if Pakistan is arm twisted, there are other spoilers at play in Afghanistan.

You kicked this ugly Indian monkey in his teeth.
LOL that is one heck of a progress in Afghanistan.

Just imagine, they are having serious problems controlling a little nation like Afghanistan. And they dream of doing that to Pakistan. :lol:

Pashtun, Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch, Urdu speakers, Kashmiris, Kalash, Wakhis and Khos etc are an even more deadly combination for any invader than what they have seen in Afghanistan.
Steve Bannon indicates that the Breitbart chief is getting increasingly frustrated with President Donald Trump, and might tap into his own presidential ambitions in the coming years.

Vanity Fair’s Gabriel Sherman wrote an extensive report stating that the former White House chief strategist has expressed concern to various aides about the longevity of Trump’s presidency. Even though Trump and Bannon are believed to be still in close contact with each other, the latter is unhappy with the direction of current administration and starting to think his own direct intervention is needed for national politics.

Bannon has also remarked on the toll the office has taken on Trump, telling advisers his former boss has “lost a step.” “He’s like an 11-year-old child,”:rofl::rofl::rofl:
You, due to the mussalsal aid seeking paalician of your GHQ Rawalpindi have been accustomed to viewing International Relations as d**k s*cking contests.

Tell this to your fellow sanghis who are most illogical creatures i have seen. When it comes to Pakistan then they come telling us Pakistanis what's best in our interests and our international relations with china is not international relations. We are their allies, we will stay so, now i know it's a difficult thing for you indians to digest. We take care of our mutual interests with our allies. Same logic of you indians; when applied to you, then you come telling us oh no no no... it is international relations. (Read the bold alphabets with emphasis)

Edit: Just found this earlier post of you.

I am waiting for the day when beijing will. itself call pak regime as dubious liars..

bound to happen once mullah element engages with chinese and bam bam!!

It don't take much to find out the real intellect level of you people.

we don't suck d*** to destroy Pakistan, If russian president is visiting India to get FGFA deal done is he sucking Indian d***, what nonsensical mentality pakistanis have. Indians are Unlike Pakistanis who are obssesed with Ghazwa e Hind, Kashmir ki Fateh, Independent Kashmir and all the BS.

sigh... but you are obsessed with AKHAND bahaaarat, hinduvita, surgical strikes, supa powa BS.
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How many times will Pakistan decide to review its policy? This constant rhetoric to review policy shows weakness not strength and inability to make the right decision.

Yes, this is what i wanted to say. they do not want to make the decision even after continuous chitrol, they just hoping to get $$$$ and continue business as usual.

they do not care about Pakistan and Pakistanis. once they get $$$$ safely put away in foreign banks , they are just trolling Pakistan and in the end all will run away have a nice life.
Yes, this is what i wanted to say. they do not want to make the decision even after continuous chitrol, they just hoping to get $$$$ and continue business as usual.

they do not care about Pakistan and Pakistanis. once they get $$$$ safely put away in foreign banks , they are just trolling Pakistan and in the end all will run away have a nice life.

I really wish it were that simple: Only a few dozens 'elites' having the dilemma. If it were, people like Raheel Sharif or the current COAS would have sorted them out very quickly.

BTW, this use of 'they' is quite common where I live in America--the South. It's a very casual, if not lazy, way to make serious discourse casual. Generally, 'they' are everything: the Corporations, the media, the 'govvnment', the Unions, the medical industry...usually such people are Trump supporters. Not saying you are a Trump supporter :)
I really wish it were that simple: Only a few dozens 'elites' having the dilemma. If it were, people like Raheel Sharif or the current COAS would have sorted them out very quickly.

BTW, this use of 'they' is quite common where I live in America--the South. It's a very casual, if not lazy, way to make serious discourse casual. Generally, 'they' are everything: the Corporations, the media, the 'govvnment', the Unions, the medical industry...usually such people are Trump supporters. Not saying you are a Trump supporter :)

They, Pakistani Political leaders. Army sorting out these things is little far fetched. Zardari and nawaz are teh prime examples....nothing is being sorted out when Judicial System and all institutes are filled with same types.
there is a saying in hindi

Khisiani Billi Khamba Noche

It is urdu

And applies well to your creed

you are an ignorant retard who need to be in mental hospital
for reality check

Sir you are wasting your time on a troll who isnt interest in any serious discussion neither do he have any knowledge on topic at hand to debate
let the mods deal with him
@waz @Horus

This bharati is a joke. I remember in some thread in past he claimed that Indian army can set up towers at siachen to block communication of pak army at Skardu HQ since siachen is at higher altitude :lol:
Here is the Pakistani Response. Now what do those jingoes who were indulging in chest beating have to say?

NSC decides not to take measures in haste post Trump statement

ISLAMABAD: The National Security Committee (NSC) expressed its disappointment over US President Donald Trump's anti-Pakistan statement and decided not to take measures in haste in reply to US accusations.

The high-level huddle of the country's civilian and military leadership, chaired by Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, came after Trump's tweet and threat to cut Pakistan's aid.

"The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools," Trump said in the early-morning New Year's day tweet. "They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!"

The committee stated that the country is undeterred in its resolve for establishing peace in Pakistan and has fought the war on terror with unflinching resolve.

The statement further added that during visits by US officials, it was decided to move forward with mutual trust and cooperation, which would also lead to stability in Afghanistan.

Elaborating further, the NSC stated that Pakistan can not be blamed for failures in Afghanistan and accusing allies will not lead to the establishment of peace in the neighbouring country.

It added that large areas of Afghanistan are outside the government's writ and have become safe havens for terrorists which endanger the region.

Pakistan also voiced its support for the Afghan government's efforts for peace, with the NSC agreeing that peace in Afghanistan is not only linked to peace and stability in the region but also important for peace in the world.

Referring to the international coalition operating in Afghanistan, the Pakistani leadership stated that the country, even today, is helping the coalition. The committee further said Pakistan's anti-terrorism operations have wiped out al-Qaeda from the region.

The NSC also said that the Pakistani nation knows how to defend itself and vowed to continue efforts for stability in the region, adding that the country fought the war on terror with its limited economy and resources.

Sources said it was also decided during the NSC meeting to summon a parliamentary meeting to discuss the anti-Pakistan statement by Trump and take the parliamentary leaders into confidence over Pakistan's response.

The meeting was originally scheduled to take place on Wednesday along with a meeting of the federal cabinet.

According to reports, the NSC meeting was briefed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Pakistan's diplomatic efforts, while the Director General Military Operations also briefed on the efforts taken in the fight against terrorism.

Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States, Aizaz Chaudhry, arrived in Pakistan to attend the NSC meeting. He was expected to brief the NSC on his meeting with high-level officials in the US.

On Monday, Pakistan’s Foreign Office summoned US Ambassador David Hale to record a protest over Trump’s tweet.

Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif, in a reply to the US president's tweet, said Pakistan will let the world know the truth and will be responding to Trump's tweet. He added that there is a difference between facts and fiction.

The foreign minister, following the tweet by Trump, called on Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, sources informed Geo News. The meeting held a detailed review of Trump's statement, sources added, besides discussing the country's foreign policy.

Corps Commanders discuss input for NSC meeting
The Corps Commanders Conference was held at the General Headquarters and discussed input for the National Security Committee meeting.

The Corps Commanders also reviewed the geo-strategic environment and internal security situation.

'Pakistan capable of defending itself'
Defence Minister Khurram Dastagir, in response to Trump’s tweet, said that Pakistan is fully capable of defending its motherland.

The soldiers of Pakistan Armed Forces and civilians have given great sacrifices in the war against terrorism, he told a private news channel after Trump lashed out at Pakistan with threats to cut aid over "lies" about militancy.

Pakistan fully capable of defending itself: Defence Minister Dastagir

Commenting on the tweet, Dastagir said Pakistan had extended unprecedented cooperation to the US for eliminating al-Qaeda from its soil and Afghanistan, besides fighting the war against terrorism.

Pakistan does not have any safe haven for terrorists, he said.

The terrorists from Afghanistan have targetted our armed forces and civilians due to which Pakistan has had to suffer a lot, the defence minister said.

He made it clear that Afghanistan's war would not be fought from the soil of Pakistan.

'Trump briefed by enemies of Pakistan'
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairperson Imran Khan said Trump was briefed by the enemies of Pakistan. "He [Trump] was working on the agenda of Pakistan's enemies."

Trump briefed by enemies of Pakistan: Imran

Imran stressed that the US president was not aware of the realities in Afghanistan and the sacrifices rendered by Pakistan. “Trump has no understanding of the war on terror and the destruction caused in Pakistan," Imran said, adding “everyone knows the damages this has caused to our economy. 70,000 people have been killed in the war which had nothing to do with Pakistan.”

‘US no longer interested in defeating terrorism’
Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari in a series of tweets said that the US was no longer interested in defeating terrorism.



Bilawal added that Trump needed to be explained the difference between coalition support fund reimbursement for work done and US aid ostensibly given for humanitarian reasons.


'Trump statement irresponsible’
Punjab Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif called Trump’s statement irresponsible. He stressed that Trump had levelled serious allegations against Pakistan and the entire nation needed to be united in its reply.

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