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Would The Friendship between China and Pakistan Last Forever ?

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVY BASE, Cuba — A group of Muslims from China awaiting a court-ordered release staged a self-styled protest inside their prison camp Monday, waving signs demanding their freedom written in crayon on their Pentagon-issued art supplies.

''We are the Uighurs,'' said one sign. "We are being oppressed in prison though we had been announced innocent.''

Another: "We need to freedom.'' [McClatchy]

Just to make this absolutely clear: these men are not terror suspects. It's not like they're accused of terrorism that the U.S. can't prove. They're not accused of anything. U.S. authorities admit the whole thing was a mistake.

The Uighurs are Chinese Muslims, a despised minority persecuted in the People's Republic. As a result of this repression, many flee to nearby Muslim countries, including Afghanistan, where they hope to live and worship in peace. The United States is satisfied that the Uighurs had absolutely nothing to do with terrorism, violence, or jihad. They can't be sent back to China because the Chinese government will probably kill them.

Attorney General Eric Holder initially suggested relocating at least some of them to the U.S., but he and Obama have caved to Congressional pressure and withdrawn that suggestion. The retreat on the Uighur issue may also have something to do with the fact that the U.S. and China have agreed to restart high-level talks later this month in Washington. China would consider it an affront if the U.S. were to give the Uighurs asylum

If that is all what India(ns) can do, the answer to "Would The Friendship between China and Pakistan Last Forever?" is: "sure, it is so self-evident."

To all Indians, just by a simple logic, if India is hostile to both Pakistan and China, if India trys to set fire on these two countries, if India's number one enemy is China and has a military pressure on Pakistan, if india's nuke is China and Pakistan specific, if..., what else can they do?

It's a no-brainer, isn't it?


For example, Chinese PM Chou En Lai, with his far sightedness first offered the construction of Karakoram Highway in1962. Pakistan turned it down lest USA got annoyed. Air Marshal Asghar Khan was sent to Peking during the War for immediate procurement of the aircraft and for the Chinese double barreled, very effective, 12.5 mm Ack Ack guns. Chinese PM graciously and promptly agreed to meet our request with the proviso that FM Ayub Khan will have to personally make the request. This he did soon after the war towards end of September. He visited Peking meekishly and very secretly lest USA got peeved. On advice from our Foreign Office, dominated by Brown Sahibs, Air Marshal Asghar suggested to Chou En Lai that these aircraft may be crated and secretly shipped to Jakarta, and from there to Karachi. Thus giving the impression to West that, just like Indonesian Submarines, these aircraft too have been obtained from there. It was an immature, time consuming and childish proposal.


The photo above shows PM Chou En Lai having exclusive lunch with our Ambassador M Sultan Khan and his wife Abida in the Embassy (Embassy is where Ambassadors live, Chancery is their office which is mistakenly called Embassy ). Occasion being the visit of M Shahabuddin, brother of first Pakistani PM Nazimuddin,( ex Chief Minister of combined Bengal pre-partition. He was a very honest but simple man who left little assets. His wife was living in a small house in some remote Karachi Colony till 1980 when Gen Zia allotted her some decent house.) Shahabuddin then was probably Speaker of Parliament.

Chou En Lai immediately shot the idea down and said that these will be made available at airbase like Hotian. It will be very easy to ferry them across to Pakistan from there. During this meeting Chinese PM enquired from AM as to how long it will take PAF pilots to achieve the necessary proficiency. Asghar Khan replied that our pilots are experienced aviators; they would not take more than 10 to 15 days. Remarkably PM disagreed and said that unlike your planes, these are equipped with metric systems, have configurations different from Western aircraft, and most of all there would be language problems. He thus opined it would require 6 to 8 weeks for transition. And it took that much. To highlight this, it took our pilots nearly one week to understand that switches on panels on right side of cockpit are in fact ‘circuit breakers’ and not switches as these appeared to be. China provided initially sixty F-6 aircraft along with tanks, arms and ordinance for 3 Army Divisons, large number of AA guns and ammunition etc..


Mr. Chou was arguably the greatest genius in both politics and military fields at that time.

In retrospect of 1962, feel sorry for Mr. Nehru (and his followers) that fate made him doomed and withered with no chance to cry in front of such a Chinese genius. Mr. Nehru was simply a no-match for Mr. Chou.

Poor Nehru!

it was also Indian style of democracy that delt a double kill to Mr. Nehru.
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ooops the genius has misssed out the terrirtory disputes of China with

Are your literate? If so, read this.


Vietnam over Sprately and Paracel with Vietnam
Senkaku with Japan and of course the biggest of them all Taiwan.

That's sea dispute which are normally more complex.

Taiwan is part of China. India affirms that every time when it pays homage to China.

Oh cmon if ur so concerned abt neo-imperialism pls come out of the US which is the heart ,soul everything of it and then give ur ethical lectures.

Does that mean US evil behaviour can justify your evil behaviour? :tdown:
Are your literate? If so, read this.


That's sea dispute which are normally more complex.

Taiwan is part of China. India affirms that every time when it pays homage to China.

Does that mean US evil behaviour can justify your evil behaviour? :tdown:

Many Brahmins have delusions that they are equals to Americans, and thus can bully others around (even stronger foes). It is this small-minded two-bit crook mentality that exposes them as fools before the world's eyes.:bunny:

India already got "Adaman & Nicobar", "Sikkim", "NE" and "Kashmir", yet they want to steal more land from her neighbor. :hitwall:
^^ well said, buddy.

I read a post in this very forum, some Indians ardently want that Nepal becomes Sikkim the second.

Sikkimization of Nepal by the neo-imperialism/expansionism must not happen!
Many Brahmins have delusions that they are equals to Americans, and thus can bully others around (even stronger foes). It is this small-minded two-bit crook mentality that exposes them as fools before the world's eyes.:bunny:

India already got "Adaman & Nicobar", "Sikkim", "NE" and "Kashmir", yet they want to steal more land from her neighbor. :hitwall:

This is preposterous, you've generalised India into Brahmins...its like calling Pakistan..mullahs.

Bullying stronger foes is a Pakistani speciality and not India's. Its admirable how Pakistan has used China and US and at times Russia against each other to survive in the region and annexed a part of Kashmir....even gifted a part to China.

Pakistan has issues with Afghanistan, Iran and India ; all its neighbours...its a 0% record...

Now Pakistan wants to have proxy control over Afghanistan and annex the rest of Kashmir..

Hmm...the glass is half full..really.
This is preposterous, you've generalised India into Brahmins...its like calling Pakistan..mullahs.

Bullying stronger foes is a Pakistani speciality and not India's. Its admirable how Pakistan has used China and US and at times Russia against each other to survive in the region and annexed a part of Kashmir....even gifted a part to China.

Pakistan has issues with Afghanistan, Iran and India ; all its neighbours...its a 0% record...

Now Pakistan wants to have proxy control over Afghanistan and annex the rest of Kashmir..

Hmm...the glass is half full..really.

U R So Indian.

Many threads have been dedicated to why Pakistan had to get involved in Afghaistan, go and read them to be enlightened.

India is a bully as it has pre and post partition tried to damage pakistan by interfering In east pakistan, in other princely states and in Aghanistan.

But India has been told by U.S. to lay off and has to scale back its interferering in Aghnistan..

India wellcomed Russians in Afghanistan, there is more, go and read the related posts.
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Im literate...but i highly doubt abt u,,...

this quote is from the same link u provided.

The two sides, however, did not resolve their dispute over the Spratly Islands, the largely uninhabited islands and surrounding waters that are believed to have large oil and natural gas reserves. They straddle busy sea lanes and are rich fishing grounds

So that means there are still disputes with Vietnam.

That's sea dispute which are normally more complex.

Sea dispute or air dispute...U have border dispute with japan.Period

Taiwan is part of China. India affirms that every time when it pays homage to China.

ok..now so stop harping abt Sikkim...u holy govt has accepted it as an integral part of India everytime they pay their return tributes to India

read it genius and from on u guys stop crying Sikkim

China's gesture
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Im literate...but i highly doubt abt u,,...

this quote is from the same link u provided.


So that means there are still disputes with Vietnam.

Sea dispute or air dispute...U have border dispute with japan.Period

ok..now so stop harping abt Sikkim...u holy govt has accepted it as an integral part of India everytime they pay their return tributes to India

read it genius and from on u guys stop crying Sikkim

China's gesture

An Indian report about sikkim is as credible as isreali reports about Gaza, A report from an indepandant source would be good.


I asked google.....not wikipedia..Any fool can create a wiki page.

I repeat I want just the results of Google search of this if u can "Tianmen Square massacre"

So, can any fool create a google HK China home-page ?

Go pick English language, no more excuse of Chinese or English please.

Now be a "man" tell me whats show up when you type "Tiananmen square massacre" ?

This is what show up, so what say ?

Since you repeatedly in a typical loser denied mode cos your Indian idiotic propaganda were busted badly, this will be my last reply to you
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