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  • Um i think it was when a Mughal prince threatened to kill a Sufi in Delhi. The Sufi said that he would never become King. So the Prince captured the man in agra, and said, "I will kill you after my coronation". then sufi replied "hunooz dilli door ast". on the way to delhi, the prince died from an injury fulfilling the sufi's prediction..

    this is what i heard..
    Great video. Just completed.

    Iranians are realizing their great past and may go back to their roots in 1-2 generations. Will be interesting to see the domino effect once that happens. ;)
    I have discussed this with the Web master already, the problem is the ideological difference we have between us regarding the Kashmir issue.
    we cant be seen hosting such pictures of opposing side that are celebrating what we see as occupation & also no pictures from JuD or any other gorup are posted either that might cause offense to Indians

    I think your thread will suit Indian defence forum better.
    I hope this matter ends here.
    sorry your thread is against the PDF policy
    we cant showcase pictures of Indian troops posing with Kashmiri dead bodies as trophies
    kindly avoid such pictures in the future
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