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Would The Friendship between China and Pakistan Last Forever ?

Oh i see free press NGOs han, My cousin lives in Hyderabad/ India he says that in recent riots between Muslims and Hindus, 17 mosques have been stoned and 3 have been burnt (shaheed), and there was curfew for more then couple of weeks, why dont you show some pictures on that, i have never heard it on press or any where else, go fool someone else:agree:

Ohhh yeah....u speaking of Hyderabad.??

Do u know the old city of Hyderabad..?and the muslim ghetto in it..?

Do u know how many hindus are robbed,killed there every year..?

Ok let me come to ur question...do u know in the recent clashes 2 hindus were also killed..?

please see both sides of the coin...not only one side.

And so do u say Indian media is more repressive than Chinese media..?
Operation Green Hunt (OGH) is eerily similar to Operation Blue Star (OBS) where there was a total media black imposed (on both foreign and domestic news crew).

And it eerily appears to being heading towards the same outcome. You noticed how the Naxalite Resistance had "insider knowledge" on the Jawans set out exterminate them, and so intercepted their bus.

What happened during OBS was that two of Indira Gandhi's Sikh security guards laid in ambush in the presidential palace lawns to assassinate her on that fateful day. It was in response to her brutal policies against Sikhs.

Now Manmohan Singh (MMS) is embarking on the same erroneous path. The result of his brutal dictatorial policies against the poor, minorities, tribals and dalits, will guarantee Manmohan Singh share the same fate of past brutal dictator Indira Gandhi. Now Sikhs are looked at with suspicion, and Muslims are barred from Research & Analysis Wing (RAW). Will all people of poor background or low caste be screened in the future???

What is different now is the babus have enraged a far larger and more potent dis-enfranchised group -- the poor, minorities, tribals, naxals and dalits -- that constitute not some "fringe minority" but the largest spectrum in India's society. These are not a scant group of brainwashed terrorists, but your brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, friends and neighbors that you are hunting down in Operation Green Hunt (OGH).

Please save us some time and type "Operation Green Hunt " in google.
the lasst time i did i got 20,300 results in 0.28 seconds.
Anyway since u asked i ll give u a sample.

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : Green Hunt: the anatomy of an operation

Now please give me a Chinese media article abt Tianmen square massacre if google is not banned wherever u r..?
Page 6 of this thread got virus. :devil:
Its from the site nxnews.net..
Y dont u try typing Tianmen square in google (oops sorry its banned)
and try coming up with the search results.
Meanwile i ll try in my country typing"Maoists" and we ll if its banned..

Fair deal..?

Really, do not generalize, looks like your Indian propaganda got busted pretty bad, next time please do some homework before shooting bad breath out of your big mouth. Insisting being a "Frog in a Well" get you no where. Now try the below link and shut up:azn:
Yahoo! Hong Kong - ????
On topic - Nothing is forever.

On topic - Paraphrasing Palmerston:"Nations have no permanent friends and no permanent enemies. Only permanent interests."



The Uighurs staged a rare public protest of their detention at Guantanamo Bay:

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVY BASE, Cuba — A group of Muslims from China awaiting a court-ordered release staged a self-styled protest inside their prison camp Monday, waving signs demanding their freedom written in crayon on their Pentagon-issued art supplies.

''We are the Uighurs,'' said one sign. "We are being oppressed in prison though we had been announced innocent.''

Another: "We need to freedom.'' [McClatchy]

Just to make this absolutely clear: these men are not terror suspects. It's not like they're accused of terrorism that the U.S. can't prove. They're not accused of anything. U.S. authorities admit the whole thing was a mistake.

The Uighurs are Chinese Muslims, a despised minority persecuted in the People's Republic. As a result of this repression, many flee to nearby Muslim countries, including Afghanistan, where they hope to live and worship in peace. The United States is satisfied that the Uighurs had absolutely nothing to do with terrorism, violence, or jihad. They can't be sent back to China because the Chinese government will probably kill them.

Attorney General Eric Holder initially suggested relocating at least some of them to the U.S., but he and Obama have caved to Congressional pressure and withdrawn that suggestion. The retreat on the Uighur issue may also have something to do with the fact that the U.S. and China have agreed to restart high-level talks later this month in Washington. China would consider it an affront if the U.S. were to give the Uighurs asylum
I hope this is not whats you mean;
, Kuffar is a highly derogatory Arabic term used to refer to non-Muslims,
Urban Dictionary: Kuffar

It is not derogatory. It jut means someone who has denied the trust,
Christins have used similar word to describe Muslims, jews, and non catholics back in the day.

So, if you dont "believe" or deny unity of God, why would you be offended by the word Kafir??? It is not a hate word but I know some people use it as such.

BTW the word for christians & jews is people of the book or ahle kitaab.
why would uighurs be killed if they went back to china? what are they afraid of if they weren't actually terrorists?
Only thing which last's in today's world is mutual interest, and friendship is just a side show. :pakistan::china::coffee:
sorry to offend you but this is truth as Luft explained. All non Muslims are kuffar.

Now they way I see it, in the long term, friendship between Muslims and kuffar is not sustainable.

The only sustainable possibility if Chinese embrace Islam.

Timeline of China-Pakistan Friendship Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz


Following are some of the most important events in relations between the two neighbours.

- 1950 – Pakistan becomes third non-communist country, and first Muslim one, to recognize China.

-1951 – Beijing and at the time Karachi established diplomatic relations between themselves in the month of May.

-1970 – Pakistan helps US make contacts with China that result in visit to China by then US National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger in 1971.

-1978 – Karakoram Highway linking mountainous Northern Pakistan with Western China officially opens.

-1980s – China and US supply help through Pakistan to Afghan guerrillas fighting Soviet occupational forces.

-1986 – China and Pakistan reach comprehensive nuclear Co-operation Agreement.

-1996 – Chinese President Jiang Zemin pays state visit to Pakistan.

-1999 – A 300-megawatt nuclear power plant, built with Chinese help in Punjab province, is completed. China is helping to build a second 300-megawatt nuclear plant due to be finished by 2010.

-2001 – A joint-ventured Chinese-Pakistani tank, the MBT-2000 (Al-Khalid) MBT, comes into full production.

-2002 – Chinese Vice Premier Wu Bangguo attends ground-breaking ceremony for Pakistan’s Gwadar deep-sea port. China provides $198 million for $248 million joint project.

-2003 – Pakistan and China signed a $110 million contract for the construction of a housing project on Multan Road in Lahore [7]

-2007 – Sino- became Pakistan’s biggest arms supplier with no strings attached, a true “strategic partnership”.

-2007 – Sino-Pakistani joint-ventured multirole fighter aircraft – JF-17 Thunder (FC-1 Fierce Dragon) is formally rolled out. 2008, Pakistan starts mass production of the aircraft.

-2008 – China warns US of war against Pakistan, during which former president, Pervez Musharraf, visits China, Musharraf raised issues of US attacks inside Pakistan.
Pakistan’s foreign office (the first foreign issue to speak of Tibet) speaks for more than three times per month on the Tibet issue, calling for the world to stop opposing China and the Olympic Games.
Pakistan welcomes China’s Olympic Torch warmly. Pakistan became the first country not to protest against Tibet when the torch arrived. In fact, when the torch passed through the rural hinterland of the capital Islamabad, local villagers showered rose petals upon the procession. As a result, China thanked Pakistan for its continuous support.

-2008 China and Pakistan sign an FTA (free trade agreement). It is the first such agreement signed by the two countries. As a direct result China has opened new industries in Pakistan and Pakistan has been given free trade zones in China.

-2008 China vows to help Pakistan in civil nuclear technology by building and helping in the Khusab Nuclear Programme providing technology to Pakistan for better maintenance of civil nuclear plants.

-2008 Pakistan and China to build first ever train route through the Karakoram Highway, ultimately linking China’s rail route-net to Gwadar Port.

-2008 The F-22P frigate, comes into service with the Pakistani Navy. The first frigate was inducted in Pakistani Navy in July 2009 and last one is expected to be in 2013.[
Well.. i think the friend ship started as a matter of convinience.. as china needs pakistan to counter india.. and pakistan needs china to counter the world big powers and india.. Which inturn might have turned into a true friendship or something..!!!
Pakistan is one of the countries we will go to war for if it was in danger of collapse. It is also one of the very few countries we will share high level military technology with. North Korea doesn't even have this, and China-North Korea ties are like blood brothers, so what's China and Pakistan?

Pak China friendship Man-Chray, Pak China friendship Zindabad:cheers:
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