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Why the Indian Establishment, Modi, and BJP hate and fear Imran Khan!

North Korea, Iran say's hi

LMAO what moron's

North Korea follows a 'Juche' philosophy which Pakistan can adopt to survive. It will be harsh and hard--but I really doubt Pakistan can. Iran?? A country rich with resources and no immediate neighbor as a threat AND with a largely educated population is still underperforming per its potentials. Compare that with Pakistan?? Looked at Pakistan's faultlines? At Pakistan's immediate neighbors? Or at Pakistan's lack of resources compared with the large population.
Only Pakistan's enemies would wish upon Pakistan a path of confrontation with Pakistan's largest trading block!! I am not accusing of YOU of that. I am pointing out some facts.
Before Modi India had the inefficient, corrupt Congress dynastic rule.
You have hit the nail on the head. Most of the BJP voters support Modi not because they support an extremist Hindu ideology, but because of the impact his policies have had on the life of common people and because there has been a very visible reduction in corruption. There is certainly a section of the BJP votebank that believes in hardcore Hindutva, but with just those votes BJP will not get over 50-60 seats in Parliament. It is the economic policies and execution of schemes for the common man that has gotten BJP the majority. Large sections of backward classes and Dalits now vote for the BJP. The party has also started to make inroads into Muslim voters, who had just been used as a votebank by Congress and socialist parties. A significant number of Shias and many Muslim ladies ( after BJP scrapped triple talaq) now vote for the BJP.
North Korea follows a 'Juche' philosophy which Pakistan can adopt to survive. It will be harsh and hard--but I really doubt Pakistan can. Iran?? A country rich with resources and no immediate neighbor as a threat AND with a largely educated population is still underperforming per its potentials. Compare that with Pakistan?? Looked at Pakistan's faultlines? At Pakistan's immediate neighbors? Or at Pakistan's lack of resources compared with the large population.
Only Pakistan's enemies would wish upon Pakistan a path of confrontation with Pakistan's largest trading block!! I am not accusing of YOU of that. I am pointing out some facts.
Oh no I was agreeing with you - guy was saying nukes means no American sanctions

NK, Iran comes to mind when talking about countries under sanctions
I can assure you Modi does not sell the toshakhana gifts first and pays the fee from the proceeds later.
Neither does Modi owns a Bani Gala whose expenses are met by god knows who.
There is no similarity b/w Modi and IK, it's just a fantasy of a few who want to see Modi's projections on IK.

What you point out as flaws about Imran are not significant.
Unfortunately for Pakistan, Imran was born with a silver spoon and even during his worst time in life was silver spooned. He means well, and would run a 'clean' govt and is personally non corrupt. Unfortunately, for people like him when life doesn't 'challenge' them, they are too self-absorbed to know what their actions could mean to the tens of millions of ordinary people. It is in human nature.
To repeat, I despite Modi and even wish him gone. But that's a Pakistani perspective. This forum has been deluded to think Modi is bad for India. I never thought that and the most I had ever said against Modi was that IF his sectarian policies would divide India....

PS. From a Pakistani perspective, I would rather have the Congress Party back in power to the good old corrupt, inefficient India---unless Modi does a Vajpayee like compromise with Pakistan over Kashmir and we all live in relative peace. Only a person of the stature like Modi or Vajpayee could make peace India and Pakistan.
You have hit the nail on the head. Most of the BJP voters support Modi not because they support an extremist Hindu ideology, but because of the impact his policies have had on the life of common people and because there has been a very visible reduction in corruption. There is certainly a section of the BJP votebank that believes in hardcore Hindutva, but with just those votes BJP will not get over 50-60 seats in Parliament. It is the economic policies and execution of schemes for the common man that has gotten BJP the majority. Large sections of backward classes and Dalits now vote for the BJP. The party has also started to make inroads into Muslim voters, who had just been used as a votebank by Congress and socialist parties. A significant number of Shias and many Muslim ladies ( after BJP scrapped triple talaq) now vote for the BJP.

It is a BS this forum believed in about Hindutva. I don't think I have ever totally agreed with the forum but, yes, occasionally, I might have paid back the Indians here with the Hindutva blah blah. Most Hindus are practical people. As I see it: India was and still is where Pakistan was through the 1970s as far social fabric was concerned. Both countries were very poor though Pakistan was ahead in many ways well into the 1980s. The differences we see now are because of the breakdown in Pakistan's social fabric: Instead of 'practical' people where religion was mostly a private matter for most of Pakistanis through the 1970, dogmatism has taken too much hold in Pakistan. India literally had famines and horrible ethnic cleansing incidents, the latest of that was that Modi's Gujrat massacre. But India doesn't anymore. Why? Because rising tide raises all.
Unfortunately for Pakistan, what was sowed in the 1980s has been harvested and I don't know when that harvest will stop. The only way that's going to stop would be through economic uplift. Compromise/shelving the Kashmir issue. Working with the Superpower who holds the key to Pakistan's trade/commerce. Educating people. There is no other way around it--nothing that I can think of given the idiotic leadership among which I also count Imran Khan with some sadness.
Modi does a Vajpayee like compromise with Pakistan over Kashmir and we all live in relative peace.
Firstly, Modi and Vajpayee are very different. Vajpayee was a bit of a idealistic dreamer who saw himself as a liberal Hindu. While their political beliefs were different, he was personally someone in the mould of Nehru. Modi is a hard headed pragmatist.

Secondly, after Mushy did Kargil behind India's and Mian Sahab 's back, the Indian establishment knows that just the Prime Minister of Pakistan does not have the authority to negotiate peace with India and any concessions India makes will be exploited by non -state actors and the Pakistani establishment will claim ignorance or inability to control them. Basically, there is very little confidence in the Pakistani establishment's willingness and/or ability to deliver on a peace deal. Because of what happened after Vajpayee's bus ride to Lahore, the Indian public is also not too enthusiastic about making concessions about a peace deal, even though they will appreciate the peace dividend. The bottom line is that after the Kargil episode, the peace constituency in India has been significantly marginalized and if Pakistan wants normalisation of relations, it would pretty much have to be on India's terms because India doesn't mind the status quo continuing.
India literally had famines and horrible ethnic cleansing incidents, the latest of that was that Modi's Gujrat massacre.
I think some facts need to be considered before calling what happened in Gujarar in Feb- March 2002 as Modi's massacre.

Firstly , Narendra Modi was not involved in politics at all until October 2001, when he was surprisingly selected to be Chief Minister of Gujarat following serious infighting within the BJP legislative party. He won the very first election he ever contested less than a week before the Gujarat riots started.

The riots were unfortunate and about three quarters of the around 1000 people who died were Muslims, but a large number of Hindus also died, including in the incident that started the riots, where over 50 Hindu pilgrims returning from Ayodhya were burnt to death in a train.

Cases were filed against Modi by the Congress government which was in power between 2004 and 2014 and Modi was ultimately cleared by the Supreme Court while the Congress was still in power. Cases were even shifted out of Gujarat to ensure that Modi could not influence them.

Modi was the Chief Minister in Gujarat at the time the riots happened, so he does have a moral responsibility. That doesn't mean he was personally responsible or culpable for them. This has been decided by the Indian judicial system by judges who were mostly appointed by Modi's political opponents and prosecuted by lawyers and CBI controlled by Modi's political opponents.
It is a BS this forum believed in about Hindutva. I don't think I have ever totally agreed with the forum but, yes, occasionally, I might have paid back the Indians here with the Hindutva blah blah. Most Hindus are practical people. As I see it: India was and still is where Pakistan was through the 1970s as far social fabric was concerned. Both countries were very poor though Pakistan was ahead in many ways well into the 1980s. The differences we see now are because of the breakdown in Pakistan's social fabric: Instead of 'practical' people where religion was mostly a private matter for most of Pakistanis through the 1970, dogmatism has taken too much hold in Pakistan. India literally had famines and horrible ethnic cleansing incidents, the latest of that was that Modi's Gujrat massacre. But India doesn't anymore. Why? Because rising tide raises all.
Unfortunately for Pakistan, what was sowed in the 1980s has been harvested and I don't know when that harvest will stop. The only way that's going to stop would be through economic uplift. Compromise/shelving the Kashmir issue. Working with the Superpower who holds the key to Pakistan's trade/commerce. Educating people. There is no other way around it--nothing that I can think of given the idiotic leadership among which I also count Imran Khan with some sadness.
Honestly I don't buy this dogmatism part or I think it's exaddurated cause people say it over and over til it becomes a fact

It's more like guns becoming wide spread, government allowing terrorist organization to operate and or turning a blind eye thus building a whole infrastructure for these organization to operate

Pakistani people are pretty much the same as they always were (maybe some areas changed)
IDK rest of the country but I know central Punjab and I don't think it changed much

There was always a strong anti Ahmediya presence cause most of it is barelvi sect, blasphemy things were always there, lynchings is a new 21st century addition though - that's new , Cristians were always looked at as lower castes, that's not a new phenomena

Urban class is still the same as always there's sections where wearing western clothing for men and women is the norm, universities are the same as they were before with my father's generation, going by what my cousin's say who are studying in universities now it's more party culture, if you're in that scene
when it didn't exist before (or my father never talks about that part lol), I was seeing a photo of stadiums and back than none of the women wore head covering or it was simple dupata, it's the same today

Infact I think Pakistani women had bigger balls then men and when Iran was just starting enforcement of hijab laws women in Pak were protesting against it and burning hijabs - now Iranians do the same and get huge coverage as some brave people standing against tyranny
Secretion violence was something that became an issue after Zia with militant organizations Popping up but except for tiny minority it was never supported by anyone, in lower middle class to middle class neighborhood no one even knows who is who unless they tell you

Maybe societies around Afghan borders changed but society at large wasn't completely transformed

My parents generation atleast don't feel Zia changed anything in our society except for Afghans, drugs and guns

I add that in the 90s after Zia militant organizations on pakistani soil became a thing - other than that I don't think Pakistani society or the part of Pakistan where I lived changed drastically

It's like the main character is the same but settings changed IDK it's a dumb analogy
Kartarpur corridor.

"Baray office may chotay log".

Speaking against Islamophobia at appropriate forums.

IK whether you agree or not was a big hurdle in indian modi dream to isolate Pakistan internationally. The guy literally won respect amongst indians (sane ones).

Feb 19, no hesitation shown.

Obviously the personality, IK vs modi.

IK is not perfect but it does show you a glimpse of what type of leaders Pakistan can have if they let merit to prevail.
Only thing I liked was his tough on crime, terrorism approach

He cracked down on Malik Ishaq after ISI was done with him.

What other tough on crime and terror stuff did he do?

That sounds good but it's probably not sustainable also apparently I heard that deal was really corrupt and there was going to be a dell factory opening but he messed it up

I was saying it out of sarcasm. Of course it would be riddled with corruption its the Sharifs.
I was saying it out of sarcasm. Of course it would be riddled with corruption its the Sharifs.
The sad thing is that he's actually intelligent but just really greedy and evil, Nawazu on the other hand is not very intelligent he's quite slow
The sad thing is that he's actually intelligent but just really greedy and intelligent, Nawazu on the other hand is not very intelligent he's quite slow

Same with Zardari. Zardari can pull all kinds of malicious cards.

However Zardari’s smartness can work only on Pakistani politicians nobody outside of Pakistan buys into that 💩
What other tough on crime and terror stuff did he do?
Apparently he was strict on criminals and gave permission to open fire at perpetrators and suspects. Something like this but there was extrajudicial killing which dropped the crime rate

I support that but it can get carried away very quickly
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