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Why the Indian Establishment, Modi, and BJP hate and fear Imran Khan!

Indians actually like IK.

It's Modi who doesn't like him, he knows IK is a stronger and more charismatic character compared to him. That's why he likes a Sharif or Zardari in power because these are little rat like corrupt vermin he can look down to. That's why I think PPP and PMLN are in cahoots with the Indians because the global media immediately attacked IK.

Can you imagine a philanthropic former world class athlete with a track record of providing free cancer care to the poor and schools takes over a 3rd world country. It would have been celebrated had it not been for Sharifs and Zardaris along with Modi paying off the global media to print negative news on him.

The balakot strikes happened to destabilize Khan's government, it was very deliberate. Is India doing anything now? All quiet since PDM took control. I keep repeating myself about this but nobody takes notice. How deep is Pakistan compromised inside? If Sharifs and Zardaris are compromised, then so is the army?

When the balakot strikes happened, why did they let the Indian jets have a clean journey to their target? Did they want it to happen so Khan's govt is rocked? The missile that crash landed right at the end of IK's tenure? Again another deliberate act. Something does not smell right.

A high impact leader abruptly removed after posting encouraging metrics in challenging economic downturn and covid times. Pakistani politicians compromised by the enemy?

This is all high treason. The Pakistani public are fools, they are taking it. Held hostage by a compromised elite and they are all sitting back and watching the country drown. Who knows what else they have prepared for you.

You'd be on the right track if you, like most other Pakistanis, weren't so blinded by Imran Khan's blind spots.

I had supported Imran Khan and saw him as 'the Messiah' for Pakistan's problems. I was watching Ali Zafar's re-incarnation of 'Hum Taba Abad' song through March 2022 during the Islamic Summit in Pakistan and was very proud of finally Pakistan getting a good leader when he was shown in that video as a charismatic voice of Pakistanis. But barely a few days later Imran Khan's National Assembly Speaker tore away the No Confidence Motion based on a lie of 'foreign conspiracy' which I knew then was a lie and now finally being shown to be a lie. But a sitting Prime Minister of Pakistan accused the Superpower of 'regime change' which was not only a lie but also even if it was truth, there was no Plan B to go around the dependence on the Superpower and its allies. The worst part of all that saga?? Imran Khan didn't even have to concoct such lies: The alternate forces were / are discredited and would fall on their own swords, as they are. But by recklessly risking the lives of tens of millions of Pakistanis, Imran showed he is too stupid and power hungry to be a leader of Pakistan. And thus I despair for Pakistan: This is the best we can produce??

Imagine the sanctions America could have and still can put on Pakistan without even going through any UN processes??? Just EFFING imagine??!! But then what would Imran, the Silver Spooned Born-Again-Muslim know of the hardships of ordinary Pakistanis???
I can't say about Modi personally, but the Indian establishment would like nothing more than for Niazi Sahab to come back to power. India has been trying to cultivate relationships with three countries that at some time in history were seen to be in Pakistan's corner - the US, UAE and Saudi Arabia. Kaptaan Sahab has single- handedly managed to upset the establishment in these three countries and made India's job much easier.

Also, no person, with the possibble exception of Fatimah Jinnah and Mujib, has done more to completely shred the reputation of Pak fauj in the eyes of Pakistani awaam than Kaptaan Sahab has. He even managed to convert a military victory in Afganistan into a diplomatic and political defeat.

His colorful personal life - claiming to be sadiq and ameen while refusing to acknowledge his daughter ( who is considered part of the family by his sons and their father) , sex tapes , exposes by another former begum of his - are also a source of salacious entertainment for the Indian masses.

So, both the Indian establishment and masses love IK and hope he will come back to power and take Pakistan in the direction that India wants and also provide a lot of entertainment.

In comparison, the patwaris and jiyalas may be more corrupt, but they are also more boring and won't dare to take on the establishment to be a bull in a china shop and destroy Pakistan's international relations like Kaptaan Sahab will.
I forgot to address the topic of this thread:
Yes, Indians had every reason to fear Imran Khan just like Pakistanis should be very careful of the efficient and clean govt of Modi. Imran and Modi are alike in some ways: Both are non corrupt unlike the Congress Party in India and the PPP/PMLN in Pakistan. If and when both would perform then both countries would see progress, respectively. Unfortunately for Pakistan. Imran didn't have the parliamentary majority unlike Modi to pursue his agenda and thus Imran faltered. Imran had to make painful compromises while Modi didn't have to.
The 'Devil is the Details'.
You'd be on the right track if you, like most other Pakistanis, weren't so blinded by Imran Khan's blind spots.

I had supported Imran Khan and saw him as 'the Messiah' for Pakistan's problems. I was watching Ali Zafar's re-incarnation of 'Hum Taba Abad' song through March 2022 during the Islamic Summit in Pakistan and was very proud of finally Pakistan getting a good leader when he was shown in that video as a charismatic voice of Pakistanis. But barely a few days later Imran Khan's National Assembly Speaker tore away the No Confidence Motion based on a lie of 'foreign conspiracy' which I knew then was a lie and now finally being shown to be a lie. But a sitting Prime Minister of Pakistan accused the Superpower of 'regime change' which was not only a lie but also even if it was truth, there was no Plan B to go around the dependence on the Superpower and its allies. The worst part of all that saga?? Imran Khan didn't even have to concoct such lies: The alternate forces were / are discredited and would fall on their own swords, as they are. But by recklessly risking the lives of tens of millions of Pakistanis, Imran showed he is too stupid and power hungry to be a leader of Pakistan. And thus I despair for Pakistan: This is the best we can produce??

Imagine the sanctions America could have and still can put on Pakistan without even going through any UN processes??? Just EFFING imagine??!! But then what would Imran, the Silver Spooned Born-Again-Muslim know of the hardships of ordinary Pakistanis???
His NC motion shenanigans proved him to be an utter moron, he is, was and will remain a foreign policy nightmare
He talks, talks and talks with no filter

But I'll still choose him over ganja league, it's not like Pakistani people have many options

With him in charge, I felt like we had a functioning government, this coalition government just feels like incompetent, Daku 11 coming to power leaching off everything in sight
His NC motion shenanigans proved him to be an utter moron, he is, was and will remain a foreign policy nightmare
He talks, talks and talks with no filter

But I'll still choose him over ganja league, it's not like Pakistani people have many options

With him in charge, I felt like we had a functioning government, this coalition government just feels like incompetent, Daku 11 coming to power leaching off everything in sight
What about Shahbaz Sharif as the CM of Punjab, do you think he's good there?
I forgot to address the topic of this thread:
Yes, Indians had every reason to fear Imran Khan just like Pakistanis should be very careful of the efficient and clean govt of Modi. Imran and Modi are alike in some ways: Both are non corrupt unlike the Congress Party in India and the PPP/PMLN in Pakistan. If and when both would perform then both countries would see progress, respectively. Unfortunately for Pakistan. Imran didn't have the parliamentary majority unlike Modi to pursue his agenda and thus Imran faltered. Imran had to make painful compromises while Modi didn't have to.
The 'Devil is the Details'.
If we had a functioning democracy -PTI would EASILY be the most dominant party in Parliament

Modi is actually a very astute diplomat, his foreign policy is on point

Where he lacks is uniting all of India outside of just Hindus

IK is a loud mouth, foreign policy disaster but is loved by all Pakistanis, I have seen Hindus, Cristians Twitter users overwhelmingly supporting him, liberals like him, conservative like him, ethno centrists have a soft spot for him

His is a very inclusive, Pan pakistani figure, no one feels left behind or ignored

This is his strength, he unites us all, his federal government wasn't incompetent

My concerns are his foreign policies and freebie culture he is introducing
His NC motion shenanigans proved him to be an utter moron, he is, was and will remain a foreign policy nightmare
He talks, talks and talks with no filter

But I'll still choose him over ganja league, it's not like Pakistani people have many options

With him in charge, I felt like we had a functioning government, this coalition government just feels like incompetent, Daku 11 coming to power leaching off everything in sight

I am not so sure. Pakistan had the incompetent govts before--all through most of Pakistan's history but Pakistan was ahead of India through the 80s somehow. Has this forum's fanbois ever pondered why??!!!

You know: There are CONSEQUENCES to pissing off the sole superpower which can destroy Pakistan by the flick of Biden's pen?? Has anyone of you 'gamed' the scenarios?? I know many of you are sitting in prosperous Western countries pontificating but have you thought of the consequences for ordinary Pakistanis?? I had these arguments with one of my erstwhile Karachi University friends from the 1980s--living in America, BTW, after Imran's stupid follies in April 2022-- and he said something like 'America wouldn't dare put sanctions on Pakistan because Pakistan would put the entire region in flames'. He sounded JUST like Pakistan's former ambassador to America Hussein Haqqani when Haqqani said something like Pakistan blackmails the world by pointing gun at its own head!!!
What about Shahbaz Sharif as the CM of Punjab, do you think he's good there?
No-punjab under him saw deindustrialization, South Punjab province movement strengthened, HDI figures largely stayed stagnant , infrastructure building putting provincial government in huge debt- PTI on the other hand was great for Punjab's industries

Only thing I liked was his tough on crime, terrorism approach, I remember walking around with latest iphone out and about in Lahore with no fear of ever getting robbed

And Pakistan is known for it's gun culture (means easy access to guns, easier to rob people) so that makes it even more impressive
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No-punjab under him saw deindustrialization, South Punjab province movement strengthened, HDI figures largely stayed stagnant , infrastructure building putting provincial government in huge debt

Only thing I liked was his tough on crime, terrorism approach, I was walking around with latest iphone out and about in Lahore with no fear of ever getting
Who has been the best few CM for Punjab?
Imran and Modi are alike in some ways: Both are non corrupt unlike the Congress Party in India and the PPP/PMLN in Pakistan.
They are also very different. Modi didn't come from a privileged background, did not have affairs with multiple women and a child out of wedlock, who he still refuses to acknowledge. Unlike Kaptaan Sahab, who will take to any foreign news reporter and make gaffes, Modi is also notorious for not giving many interviews and is extremely careful about managing his messaging. Modi is also a complete workaholic and hard taskmaster and a terror for IAS babus who prefer to be posted to the state capitals instead of coming to Delhi and be forced to work late nights and weekends. In that respect, he is more like Shahbaz Sharif than Niazi Sahab.
My concerns are his foreign policies and freebie culture he is introducing

When a country is a beggar country then what you said above matters above all!! WTH Imran Khan was thinking when he accused America of the 'regime change'?? Has anyone has 'gamed' it if Biden put unilateral sanctions?? Anyone? Biden didn't and still doesn't need any UN authorization. America is a Superpower with powerful allies. All he has to do was to put trade/commerce sanctions and ask his allies to hire/buy from Bangladesh or Philippines or India.
Have you guys thought of what could have happened to ordinary Pakistanis in that case? Where would be the 'Haqeeqi Azadi' then?? A leader would fight battles which he could win otherwise he put tens of millions of people into even more distress and poverty.
Imran Khan has proved to be an impeteous leader. My best hope is that he learned his lessons. But knowing him from his arrogant ways from his cricketing years, I have my doubts.
I am not so sure. Pakistan had the incompetent govts before--all through most of Pakistan's history but Pakistan was ahead of India through the 80s somehow. Has this forum's fanbois ever pondered why??!!!

You know: There are CONSEQUENCES to pissing off the sole superpower which can destroy Pakistan by the flick of Biden's pen?? Has anyone of you 'gamed' the scenarios?? I know many of you are sitting in prosperous Western countries pontificating but have you thought of the consequences for ordinary Pakistanis?? I had these arguments with one of my erstwhile Karachi University friends from the 1980s--living in America, BTW, after Imran's stupid follies in April 2022-- and he said something like 'America wouldn't dare put sanctions on Pakistan because Pakistan would put the entire region in flames'. He sounded JUST like Pakistan's former ambassador to America Hussein Haqqani when Haqqani said something like Pakistan blackmails the world by pointing gun at its own head!!!
North Korea, Iran say's hi

LMAO what moron's

Who has been the best few CM for Punjab?
Pervaiz elahi - no one even comes close to him in modern history
They are also very different. Modi didn't come from a privileged background, did not have affairs with multiple women and a child out of wedlock, who he still refuses to acknowledge. Unlike Kaptaan Sahab, who will take to any foreign news reporter and make gaffes, Modi is also notorious for not giving many interviews and is extremely careful about managing his messaging. Modi is also a complete workaholic and hard taskmaster and a terror for IAS babus who prefer to be posted to the state capitals instead of coming to Delhi and be forced to work late nights and weekends. In that respect, he is more like Shahbaz Sharif than Niazi Sahab.

You are right. This forum hates Modi and, to be honest, I had hoped Modi would not be re-elected or even die years ago, because I had known then and know now that that despite Modi's divisive policies, Modi is good for India, and thus bad for Pakistan. Before Modi India had the inefficient, corrupt Congress dynastic rule.
Anyway, I am letting out the truth which I had pondered for years about Modi. This forum can continue to live in wishful thinking and illusions.
I forgot to address the topic of this thread:
Yes, Indians had every reason to fear Imran Khan just like Pakistanis should be very careful of the efficient and clean govt of Modi. Imran and Modi are alike in some ways: Both are non corrupt unlike the Congress Party in India and the PPP/PMLN in Pakistan. If and when both would perform then both countries would see progress, respectively. Unfortunately for Pakistan. Imran didn't have the parliamentary majority unlike Modi to pursue his agenda and thus Imran faltered. Imran had to make painful compromises while Modi didn't have to.
The 'Devil is the Details'.
I can assure you Modi does not sell the toshakhana gifts first and pays the fee from the proceeds later.
Neither does Modi owns a Bani Gala whose expenses are met by god knows who.
There is no similarity b/w Modi and IK, it's just a fantasy of a few who want to see Modi's projections on IK.
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