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Who is Fighting Who in Syria?

@Joe Shearer very informative post. Thanks!

Yep it does. Looking forward to read the other half of your post.


Your comments, yours and that of @fitpOsitive , made me really happy. Incidentally, there is a very well-read Turkish member - I will remember his name in a minute, Sinan perhaps? - whom you should tag. He will correct whatever I have said, and put in the Turkish perspective; really intelligent person. But let me finish this, to give you a full picture. The importance of the Ba'ath party in the Middle East was pivotal.
Your comments, yours and that of @fitpOsitive , made me really happy. Incidentally, there is a very well-read Turkish member - I will remember his name in a minute, Sinan perhaps? - whom you should tag. He will correct whatever I have said, and put in the Turkish perspective; really intelligent person. But let me finish this, to give you a full picture. The importance of the Ba'ath party in the Middle East was pivotal.

Thank you. You are one old member and even older in age than almost all of us. After getting to know about your age, I got respect for you.
And trying to seek knowledge from you. Yes I do disagree on many of your posts or say with your views related to Kashmir or India. But thanks for helping me to learn.
And I won't mind apologizing, if I ever got rude with you in past. Lastly, yes give us your second half of the post, then I will tag this member Sinan.

Thank you. You are one old member and even older in age than almost all of us. After getting to know about your age, I got respect for you.
And trying to seek knowledge from you. Yes I do disagree on many of your posts or say with your views related to Kashmir or India. But thanks for helping me to learn.
And I won't mind apologizing, if I ever got rude with you in past. Lastly, yes give us your second half of the post, then I will tag this member Sinan.


Be as rude as you want. You will never get a harsh word in return. I was rude to our most beloved member once, and the remorse haunts me to this day.
Be as rude as you want. You will never get a harsh word in return. I was rude to our most beloved member once, and the remorse haunts me to this day.

Actually I did get rude reply. :p:
Anyhow, it's past now.
Actually I did get rude reply. :p:
Anyhow, it's past now.

I did not know I was addressing a lady. When I realised, there was that moment of horror. I wish women members were distinguished from others in some way. Otherwise, I take no prisoners, and might be led into a horrible situation.
A tag, or some indication; different coloured frame to the DP, anything to tell old barnacles, "Watch your manners and stop drooling into your food; there are ladies present."

But I always try to keep a girlish dp, so no one gets confused. And have mentioned in my profile "female" and always correct members calling me brother.

Hota hai, chalta hai, dunaya hai. :blah::blah:

I agree with this good suggestion.

Me too.
We deal with enough sh*t as it is, don't need to stand out anymore. But I see where you're coming from and sympathize with your desire for such a distinguisher.

What I'd like way to distinguish moronic members from the others, then I wouldn't have to waste my time on this forum's imbeciles and I could focus on the more important things here... like trolling:partay:.

I used to do that too, but after a while, meh. So what if people confuse me for a man?

On the internet:

Men = Men
Women = Men
Children = FBI Special Agents

And so does PDF follow.

Once you become well known enough people usually stop referring to you as a guy though, and I've been lucky enough to have reach that point. Now only new members make the mistake, but in time, if they pay enough att

Hello. Never seen you around before.
I usually see the profile before calling brother or sister. :)
And most of Pakistani, well I think most of them know this account is used by a female. :lol:
And some Turkish and even Indian members know. But still I am called brother by some members.
Naaa' I must correct them.

I don't like being called brother when I am sister. :lol:
Nah, you've probably seen me around, just under a different name recently.

Maddy Lynn was what I was going by until just a few hours ago when Webmaster was kind enough to help me restore access to my original account.

But I haven't been around too much recently either, having taken a mutli-month break from PDF to deal with being pregnant:wacko:. Now I'm back, and many members here will recognize me.

Oh yeah. Have seen this Maddy Lynn around. So that's you?
Welcome back to your original ID, sister.
So how was your break? You are a mama bee now? :p
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