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Featured What more proof is needed: French nationalist leader Marine Le Pen thanks India for support as Pakistan and Turkey lead anti-France sentiments

If it's haram, I'm in.

They don't need anyone to tell them what to do and how to think, and they're doing just fine.

Macron has finally showed some courage and spoken the truth. The whole kafir world respects him a hell of a lot more now.

They just want to make money.

Yeah Krishna doesn't allow consumption of French ham and bacon. Learn your own Hindu teachings.

France might have earned respect among Islam hating nations, but it has lost the little respect it had among all Muslim nations.

You tell me what France has won when it lost face by pleading Islamic nations not to boycott its products. LOL they just want to make money. Islamic money is haram remember.
The Indians have been seeking ways to destroy Muslims credibility, they do that through their deceptive crooked media like how WION and many more pathetic Indian medias chunking out propaganda trying to put bad light on Muslims, Pakistan and China. I have been saying this countless time that the Indians are snake, I know it’s a harsh words but that is how they operate, they failed to develop their country and their nation remains a cesspit and most likely will remains so in the future so the only way they can get up and running is through their snake media while being a lapdog of the west.

Be incredibly careful with the Indians as they have are completely run by the delusional extreme nationalist hindus culture which is toxic to Muslims, Pakistan, China and many of its neighbor who don’t share their snake culture.

The Chinese have great relationship with the Muslims throughout the history and also now, I can tell you that the Chinese in China have great understanding and respect for the Muslims, because our media is not being manipulated, yes we have tight control under the central government but news are being filtered out to maintain social stability through facts.
Yeah Krishna doesn't allow consumption of French ham and bacon. Learn your own Hindu teachings.

France might have earned respect among Islam hating nations, but it has lost the little respect it had among all Muslim nations.

You tell me what France has won when it lost face by pleading Islamic nations not to boycott its products. LOL they just want to make money. Islamic money is haram remember.
idgaf about religion. We're not that closed minded here in the kafir world.

French ham, bacon and baguette along with a nice merlot.

Macron/France have finally shown that they will not submit to what Trump correctly refers to as 'a violent foreign ideology'

Good job, France. The entire kafir world stands with France.

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