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This plane needs a new "islamic" name

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I like JF-17 thunder,but just for discussion JF-17 Ababeel is good cause of its historic reference.

Ababeel is a bird.Let me clarify further this whole incident has nothing to do with Islam because Propeht Muhammad pbuh was born after this incident.This has more to do with Holiness of Kaaba which was first constructed by Hazrat Ibrahim(Abraham).

Surah Al-Fil from Quran
Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the owners of the elephant? (1)
Did He not make their plot go astray? (2)
And send against them birds, in flocks, (3)
Striking them with stones of baked clay. (4)
And made them like an empty field of stalks (of which the corn has been eaten up by cattle) (5)

But it looks like Ababeel along with Buraq(which literally means thunder,and was name given to the horse like creature that took Prophet Muhammad pbuh on Miraj) have already been used for drones manufactured by Pakistan

Agree with you 100%.
Can u also confirm if thunder symbols are also used in islam?

it was funny until the fourth picture of Kassab.. which is added in bad taste
may that bastard rot in hell for killing the innocent people
I dont care who trained him whether he was an inside or outside job
whether he was an Alien or he grew out of the ground
he is a symbol of a slaughter.
Even better.

JF-17 Ayesha



Watch your mouth. Ayesha is our beloved prophet mohammed's wife name. so kindly refrain from kidding around with this name.
Watch your mouth. Ayesha is our beloved prophet mohammed's wife name. so kindly refrain from kidding around with this name.

But, but.. but am I not allowed to like ayesha takiya anymore? :(
JF-17 Azaab-e-Ellahi

also sounds cool
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