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The Afghanistan Flag needs to be Updated

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What anti-Islam tune ? I have been among the sane Muslim voices on the forum who speak of the truths of Islam as against the wrong and anti-Islamic propaganda by non-Muslims and the wrong understandings of Islam by misinformed and misguided Muslims. For example read the quoted section above about Ghulam Ahmed Parvez and then the two articles I linked in post# 9.

Pervezis are not as in that article, thats just propaganda. They even reject compulsory prayers, which are openly ordered in Quran. You cant read kalma in arabic and u say muslims dont have a proper understanding of Quran. You and the likes of u commies know real Islam while those that learn arabic, dedicate their life to studying Islam got it wrong? Lolz.
Communism is and was a failed system, and we saw it fail around the world. Even china had to change and make a hybrid system. You can now make excuses like capitalists and imperialists and bla bla but reality is communism failed everywhere. Islam though does have socialist elements and wants proper wealth distribution in society.
I would say worry abt the extremist hindus and RSS, to them even u are a taliban lolz.
He's right though. The Taliban have their freedom, their country and their flag.

The Taliban certainly have their freedom, as duly arranged by their protectors - the Crusader Western militaries, but what about the Afghan people whose freedom is being crushed under the slippers of the Taliban ? :)

So, let me ask you this, when are Muslims in India are going to design their own flag?

Let that remain unsaid.

You and the likes of u commies know real Islam while those that learn arabic, dedicate their life to studying Islam got it wrong? Lolz.

Then people like Nasser and Gaddafi were native Arabic speakers and Gaddafi even defeated Arabic-speaking Libyan mullahs on live TV in the 1980s or so, and these mullahs had dedicated their pathetic lives "to study Islam" so why were Nasser and Gaddafi speaking different than criminal groups like Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda and how were these Libyan mullahs defeated in Islamic understandings by Gaddafi ?

Communism is and was a failed system, and we saw it fail around the world. Even china had to change and make a hybrid system.

1. What is Communism in simple words ? Below is Google result for "Communism" :
Communism is a philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state. Wikipedia
How can any critically-thinking person object to such a humane and wonderful set of thoughts ?

2. China has a straight out Capitalist system which is not different than in Pakistan, USA etc. In the 72 years of the existence of the "People's" Republic the so-called Communist leadership neither proposed a way for money to be abolished or even evolved at some point soon nor proposed a way for the party-system to be abolished and for the people to directly govern themselves. At present China is a single-party Capitalist system where workers' rights are not present, there continues the traditional thousands-of-years-old money system, there are socio-economic classes ( very rich, rich, middle, aspiring middle and poor ) and there continues the stock market system where people gamble, lose money and the government allows those losing to commit suicide by jumping into steel furnaces and off buildings. Lovely.

I would say worry abt the extremist hindus and RSS, to them even u are a taliban lolz.

Well, I don't really know what situation will be for Muslims and other political and religious minorities in a year.
So a guy who can't even read the kalma is going to teach us on Islam. Hey man get lost you Hindu troll

You are back. I thought you were busy in setting up an army of momins in America and all departing to the "Islamic" Republic of Afghanistan to join the very intellectual and Islamic Taliban. And what is the progress in your Ghazwa-e-Hind plan ?

BTW read this thread of mine from about Muslim thinkers and activists who could read the kalma but still thought differently than you :
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Slow and steady boys. Slow and steady. Dhere dhere goron ki akal khud hi thikane a jaye gi.
Well, unfortunately or maybe not unfortunately no. My understanding of Islam is not about prayers, blind Quran-qani of the Arabic script that nobody understands, fastings, dress code and certain type of grooming. I understand the philosophy of Islam and that is enough.
Which is precisely why you should learn standard Arabic so you never have to rely on others to teach you Islam. This lack of understanding has allowed many extremists and scammer mullahs to exploit ordinary Muslims for their own evil motives.
Which is precisely why you should learn standard Arabic so you never have to rely on others to teach you Islam. This lack of understanding has allowed many extremists and scammer mullahs to exploit ordinary Muslims for their own evil motives.

Yes, the scammer mullahs with their half-baked, non-contextual understanding of Arabic and Quran and their own perverted thinking have misguided many a Muslim. But I have long ago known that through such clues like the man who formed Islam and had utmost regard for such a sublime creature as the cat would not be someone who would have anti-human and anti-harmonious thinking like the typical mullah.

Another example : About ten years ago or so I read an English summarization of the Islamic inheritance law and to my Communist mind it appeared a very just, rational and scientific law.

On PDF I have since almost my membership in 2014 I have been writing of the progressiveness of Islamic socio-economic laws. Another example, please read this thread of mine from 2015 whose OP is by an Indian Christian woman who married an Indian Muslim under Islamic marriage law because that law gave her better socio-economic security in case of divorce. I quote a section :
One wonders why a reference to the Islamic law was not made either by the minister or other experts. Married Muslim women, we find, are often on a higher and more secure footing than their counterparts from other religions. In fact, as a Christian marrying a Muslim, I chose to marry under the Muslim personal law, even over the seemingly modern Special Marriage Act, 1954, to better secure my economic rights. My mehr was a house in my name and my nikahnama includes necessary clauses to safeguard my and my children’s rights. My husband’s family members were witness to this document, which is registered and enforceable by law.

When we examine marriage laws in their historic context, it is interesting to note that the universally accepted notion that marriages are contractual rather than sacramental originates in Muslim law, which was accepted by the French law only in the 1800s and incorporated into the English law in the 1850s and became part of codified Hindu law as late as 1955. Today it appears to be the most practical way of dealing with the institution of marriage. Treating marriage as a sacrament which binds the parties for life has resulted in some of the most discriminatory practices against women such as sati and denial of right to divorce and remarriage, even in the most adverse conditions.

The cornerstone of a Muslim marriage is consent, ejab-o-qubul (proposal and acceptance) and requires the bride to accept the marriage proposal on her own free will. This freedom to consent (or refuse), which was given to Muslim women 1,400 years ago, is still not available under Hindu law since sacramental rituals such as saptapadi and kanya dan (seven steps round the nuptial fire and gifting of the bride to the groom) still form essential ceremonies of a Hindu marriage. Even after the codification of Hindu law, the notion of consent is not built into the marriage ceremonies.

The contract of marriage (nikahnama) allows for negotiated terms and conditions, it can also include the right to a delegated divorce (talaq-e-tafweez) where the woman is delegated the right to divorce her husband if any of the negotiated terms and conditions are violated.

Mehr is another unique concept of Muslim law meant to safeguard the financial future of the wife. It is an obligation, not a choice, and can be in the form of cash, valuables or securities. While there is no ceiling, a minimum amount to provide her security after marriage must be stipulated. This is a more beneficial concept than streedhan which is given by choice and usually by the natal family. In addition to Mehr, at the time of divorce, a Muslim woman has the right to fair and reasonable settlement, and this is statutorily recognised under the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 as per the 2001 ruling of the Supreme Court in the Daniel Latifi case.

It is also important to address polygamy and triple talaq, two aspects of Muslim law which are generally used to discredit the community and argue in favour of a uniform civil code. While sharia law permits a man to have four wives (before 1956 Hindu law permitted unrestrained polygamy), it mandates equal treatment of all wives. If a man is not able to meet these conditions, he is not permitted to marry more than one woman. (Quran 4:3; Yusuf Ali’s translation)

On the other hand, though codification introduced monogamy for Hindus, the ground reality has not changed and Hindu men continue to be bigamous or polygamous. The most disturbing aspect is that while men in bigamous/adulterous relationships are allowed to go scot-free, it is the women who are made to pay the price. Women in invalid relationships with Hindu men are denied maintenance and protection and are referred to as “mistresses” and “concubines”, concepts specific to the uncodified Hindu law. Any attempt to codify Muslim law to bring in legal monogamy should not end up subjecting Muslim women to a plight similar to that of a Hindu second wife. This is an important concern which needs to be taken into account while reforming the Muslim law.

And lastly, the much maligned triple talaq or talaq-ul-biddat, which the Prophet himself considered as the most inappropriate form of divorce. Fortunately, in 2002, in Shamim Ara vs State of Uttar Pradesh & others, the Supreme Court laid down strict Quranic injunctions which must be followed at the time of pronouncing talaq, hence now fraudulent practices adopted by errant husbands (including email and SMS talaq) can no longer constitute valid talaq. Yet, after a decade and a half, very few know challenge the validity of such divorces in court as they are unaware about this ruling.

Though Muslim law stipulates many different ways to end a marriage, including a woman’s right to dissolve her marriage (khula), divorce by mutual consent (mubarra), delegated divorce (talaq-e-tafweez), judicial divorce (fasq) and dissolution under Muslim Marriage Act

Not to boast but I am more aware of the real philosophy of Islam than most who just pray and pray and pray all day and look a certain way. :)

Lastly, about reading the Quran, as I said a friend gifted me the English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Someone until now I have not been able to put my mind to read through it fully and have not progressed beyond the introduction. Maybe in two years I will complete it.
Lo, Afghaniyo ko Pareshani nahi lakin Pakistan ke logo ko ajeeb keera kata hai...
@arjunk, you should inquire with NATO as the Taliban are their boys after all. In 2011 NATO prepared flags for their created "rebels" / transnational criminals who wanted to establish mullah rule in Libya and Syria. You should ask NATO to prepare a flag for the glorious "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan.
Meaningless thought
Man, your posts are almost always about two things : (a). Indian Muslims being slaves of Hindus, (b). Your obsession with Indian "members". :hitwall:

Grow up.

I don't understand Arabic or Nastaliq so what does it say ?

1. It is not "anti-Soviet fighters". During that war the transnational criminals from around the world who were trained, armed, funded and politically supported by NATO, China and Zia's government fought not only the USSR's military but also against the progressive Afghan government.

2. The "glorious and very intellectual" Taliban were creations of NATO too. If NATO had really wanted to finish them entirely it would have invaded Afghanistan on full scale like it did in Iraq, Libya and doing in Syria. That is what an actual invasion looks like. Also during the so-called war against Taliban the American military wouldn't be buying opium from the Taliban who were forcing Afghan farmers to grow it. Also, Western intelligence agencies of the Mossad would have long assassinated the Taliban's embassy people in Qatar where there is a big American military base. From 2013 to 2021 this Taliban embassy worked without its people having even a scratch from NATO. At present, the West will at the convenient soonest provide aid to Taliban to run the "Islamic" Emirate as the NATO has with every mullah movement. How will the Taliban feed the remaining Afghans ? With 10-times-a-day prayers and burqas ?
What do you know about Taliban or Mullah movement?...
Nothing but just opposing them.
Because your deductions about Taliban are completly wrong.
Lo, Afghaniyo ko Pareshani nahi lakin Pakistan ke logo ko ajeeb keera kata hai...
Na to app afghanistan ki pareshani janty hain ur na pakistan k logo ki dil ki awaz sun sakty hain.
Dar haqiqat app tamashay hain.kal k madan me akar to dekh.
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What do you know about Taliban or Mullah movement?...
Nothing but just oppose them.

1. I live in India where the regressives and drone producing Deoband mullah school was started. The Taliban are Deobandis.

2. The Taliban formed in mullah schools in 1990s Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan and the teachers were also the criminal, so-called Mujahideen who came from all over the world and were armed, financed and politically supported by Western governments and Zia-ul-Haq's government to fight against the progressive Afghan government and the USSR military which had come to defend it.

3. When the Taliban began taking over Afghan one region by another, Western-government-aligned media agencies like BBC championed the Taliban.

4. The Western-government-aligned UNO did nothing to stop the Taliban from brutally assassinating President Najibullah. You should read this article about how the Indian government bungled up in its half-hearted attempt to bring Najibullah to India. His family was already in India.

5. When the Taliban ruled Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001 it was with full consent of the Western governments.

6. You want me to write about the Taliban and Western governments now ?

7. What do you want me to write about mullahs ? Does Islam have a priest system at all ? An agent between Man and God ? If not why do the mullahs exist and hold sway over the minds of many ?
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You are back. I thought you were busy in setting up an army of momins in America and all departing to the "Islamic" Republic of Afghanistan to join the very intellectual and Islamic Taliban. And what is the progress in your Ghazwa-e-Hind plan ?

BTW read this thread of mine from about Muslim thinkers and activists who could read the kalma but still thought differently than you :

Don't quote me hindu your time is coming soon. :sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper:
@arjunk, you should inquire with NATO as the Taliban are their boys after all. In 2011 NATO prepared flags for their created "rebels" / transnational criminals who wanted to establish mullah rule in Libya and Syria. You should ask NATO to prepare a flag for the glorious "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan.
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