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''Sharpshooters'' Convert To Thunder Bravos Move To Bholari

FTC-2000G can be a good lift option as it is based on the F7PG. PAF can install AESA Radar from Turkey and weapons of both China and Turkey
I hated the plan way back in 2002
It was a bad decision to procure them then
(I am an amateur so...)

Mirages have a role but mig21/f7 r just flying coffins
Hence why PAF has retired them first and has kept mirages

I think in 2022 we will only have mirage5 rose(2-3) special mission aircarfts left (around 40-50), rest of legacy will all be retired even the air superoirity rose1

I’ve been wondering this too today. After the induction of the J-10CEs and JF-17 Block IIIs, how many F-7P/PG, FT-7, Mirages 3/5 will the PAF still be operating?
South of Kasur till Arabian sea is the only open space left for conventional large formations to take large offensives.

This thing they concluded in the 80s. Since then, their focus has been on the southern side.
Would a lot of that (due to climate) also make offensives somewhat predictable?
Summer nights (men and machine barely last in the open sun) Or winter when IR has a field day
Would a lot of that (due to climate) also make offensives somewhat predictable?
Summer nights (men and machine barely last in the open sun) Or winter when IR has a field day
Campaigning weather in these areas generally starts from October and goes on till March / April. Rest of the months are generally hot, but they can be used for surprise. Moreover, assembly of large conventional forces in these areas is easily detected (dust clouds, open spaces) therefore surprise is negated.
I feel it would be nice if everyone can visualize how much of Pakistan lies south of kasur

Bohlari from what i have read and heard is going to be extension of Kamra and it is going to expand rapidly in years to come so I wouldn't be surprised that it will see a lot of new toys there, also it is less vulnerable than Masroor and should give Indian planners a major headache
Campaigning weather in these areas generally starts from October and goes on till March / April. Rest of the months are generally hot, but they can be used for surprise. Moreover, assembly of large conventional forces in these areas is easily detected (dust clouds, open spaces) therefore surprise is negated.

Operating undetected in the “off season” months would give any one side that can do it a considerable advantage, and hopefully the PA is studying it. It reminds me of the Israeli campaign in the Sinai in ‘67 when they developed “trafficability” maps of the terrain and were able to move through the desert from directions the Egyptians could not and didn’t not anticipate, resulting in the Egyptian loss of the Sinai.
Operating undetected in the “off season” months would give any one side that can do it a considerable advantage, and hopefully the PA is studying it. It reminds me of the Israeli campaign in the Sinai in ‘67 when they developed “trafficability” maps of the terrain and were able to move through the desert from directions the Egyptians could not and didn’t not anticipate, resulting in the Egyptian loss of the Sinai.

Similar to Hannibal's death march through the Alps in the winter to attack Italy. The element of surprise reigns supreme in military engagements.
Similar to Hannibal's death march through the Alps in the winter to attack Italy. The element of surprise reigns supreme in military engagements.

Surveillance/maneuver and counter-surveillance are fundamentals; it’s just sharing information and command as well as disrupting that C2 that are getting faster.
PHYSICAL movement of military units cant be hidden in any case. In this case, people living around Bholari, alongwith good Sats, would have already picked up this movement.
We on PDF, unfortunately, are the last ones to receive such news.....due to our near to no-access to such news.
Plus Bholari being a new base is under the watchful eye of the enemy, same as once Gujranwala cant was
Campaigning weather in these areas generally starts from October and goes on till March / April. Rest of the months are generally hot, but they can be used for surprise. Moreover, assembly of large conventional forces in these areas is easily detected (dust clouds, open spaces) therefore surprise is negated.
In this era of tech I think it would be near to impossible for both the parties to surprise each other.
I’ve been wondering this too today. After the induction of the J-10CEs and JF-17 Block IIIs, how many F-7P/PG, FT-7, Mirages 3/5 will the PAF still be operating?
My guess once 40-45 J10s are here, we would only have specilaized mirages left i.e mirage 5 that underwent rose 2,3(~50)
40 j10
75 f16
180 jf17
50 mirages
My guess once 40-45 J10s are here, we would only have specilaized mirages left i.e mirage 5 that underwent rose 2,3(~50)
40 j10
75 f16
180 jf17
50 mirages
That’s only 345 planes (approx. 20 squadrons). I thought the PAF had 25 active fighter squadrons or approx. 425 planes?

If we are gonna be limited to under 350 aircraft, I hope they go all the way and acquire enough J-10s to retire the last of the F-7s and Mirages; especially for the sake of pilot safety.

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