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Rafale jets are not enough to face Pakistani JF 17: Shahid Latif

No, it doesn't have "extreme" BVR range; and no, this is not what it was all about.

I would say otherwise.

Having a range that is thought to be around 300 km is indeed 'extreme.'
Rafale isn't a specialized deep-strike platform, and for reasons other than nuclear deterrence, they intend on using it primarily for BVR combat as well. That's exactly why they complain about BVR range of Sukhoi so much compared to the GD F-16, and kept saying that Rafale will tip the balance. They never complained about strike capabilities of their aircraft.
What writers and commentators always ignore is the "role" any fighter jet would be deployed. The deployment as a "strike fighter" or an "interceptor" has a major bearing on how a jet performs. Add to this: pilot skills, jamming capabilities and support from other aircrafts.

JF-17 will never be a deep strike fighter (excluding Block-III for the moment)......Rafael primarily will be one.

An interceptor, defensive role of JF-17 takes out lot of issues about Jeff out of the equation.

We are yet to see where Block III stands.

Rafael, in its role, has to counter many many threats. The hype that has been created about it means, even if one jet goes down the whole IAF will be deflated (just like SU-30MKI)
Agree, jf 17 will be able to handle Rafale because jf 17 will fight in home air space
It may sound like crazy if it was about jet comparison with one on one basis. can you share details of both radars for better comparisons? After all, manufacturer maintains that Thunder AESA Radar will be better than F-22. Mind you, the comparison is not about the over all capability of jet but Radar only.

So you are saying, JF 17 radar gives same edge like F 35 and F 22???.. hmmm... Radar definitely gives you edge ...that's kinda new for me..
This is not true ... the F-35's formal name is literally Joint Strike Fighter. Besides air superiority, it is also supposed to perform deep precision strike.
It's "supposed to" but it won't. There's a reason American's have F-22 and F-35 needs constant refuelling due to shorter range and more so for carrier based ones.
So you are saying, JF 17 radar gives same edge like F 35 and F 22???.. hmmm... Radar definitely gives you edge ...that's kinda new for me..
It's not just Radar, PAF has built a complete environment to support JF17 and its technologies.. thanks to China for helping us. This includes missiles, ground based radars, avionics and EW package. There's less chance of hitting our own asset.

But the most important thing is that Pakistani pilots have been flying this machine for over a decade.

No one knows much about PL-15 missile that is being installed on block 3s. Indians are not taking this missile very seriously, which is a good thing for us. I can assure you that if PAF has given a go-ahead for this missile, there are definitely a lot of trials and testing involved.
It's not just Radar, PAF has built a complete environment to support JF17 and its technologies.. thanks to China for helping us. This includes missiles, ground based radars, avionics and EW package. There's less chance of hitting our own asset.

But the most important thing is that Pakistani pilots have been flying this machine for over a decade.

No one knows much about PL-15 missile that is being installed on block 3s. Indians are not taking this missile very seriously, which is a good thing for us. I can assure you that if PAF has given a go-ahead for this missile, there are definitely a lot of trials and testing involved.

Are you saying JF 17 radar is powerful as F 35/ F 22..
Source? The only time I have heard of that was when they said of nuclear deterrence. Not as a conventional platform

Source : the only Indian analyst who dared to tell India on its face that it wasn’t a F16 engine but a mig 21 ... :).

nuke deterrence yes also, but really they need an aircraft to deep penetrate Chinese airspace and the rafale represent their only hope..
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Just like in every single war, iaf was humiliated and defeated in Kargil too whenever they tried intruding into Pak air space


The only "successful missions" were carried out by iaf within indian air space....and that too, because PAF was not cleared to engage the enemy inside indian air space.

On 27th Feb, PAF was cleared to engage the enemy inside india and as expected, iaf was brutalized, humiliated, and defeated by superior PAF yet agan:pop:
Jets were downed by ground fire, not by PAF. isn’t it cowardly that a military operation was purposefully hindered and abandoned by the generals as they did not want a big conflict with India..??
If you want to hide the incompetences of your military by such rhetoric then please go ahead.
You are happy with small inconsequential victories and discount major defeats of your military, it goes to show that you don’t have much options than to go with the flow.
Jets were downed by ground fire, not by PAF. isn’t it cowardly that a military operation was purposefully hindered and abandoned by the generals as they did not want a big conflict with India..??
If you want to hide the incompetences of your military by such rhetoric then please go ahead.
You are happy with small inconsequential victories and discount major defeats of your military, it goes to show that you don’t have much options than to go with the flow.

LOL, Kargil was a prolonged skirmish and denying our direct military involvement was part of the whole operations from the get go. Still, we butchered multiple times more indian soldiers than losing our own....as it was Pakistan who held the heights during most of the conflict. We still hold indian posts and territories conquered during Kargil and all of it is well-established.

Anyways, the topic was not kargil....topic was air force vs air force, and as always....PAF humiliated iaf whenever two faced in direct conflict (which didn't happen in Kargil btw).

And yes, your pathetic air force was shot down by our ground troops. We didn't even need PAF in kargil on Pakistani side :lol:

Your military history is the most embarrassing on the planet. Even sub-Saharan Africans showed better military caliber than hindus who have been humiliated and defeated again and again by smaller forces for 1000 years and permanently lost massive territories of theirs to superior Muslims. Even in Indo-Pak case, geography, numbers, resources---everything favors india yet india has never been able to win against Pakistan in Western sector and only suffered humiliating defeats and ended up signing an agreement of stalemate with a 10x smaller country as forced by Pakistan military victories in 65:lol:

Anyways, all of this is moot right now as PLA is buttplugging your army as we speak..worry about Chinese sitting on your territory after butchering 22 soliders of yours...and as always, coward and weakling indians can only sit and watch helplessly :rolleyes:
It's not just Radar, PAF has built a complete environment to support JF17 and its technologies.. thanks to China for helping us. This includes missiles, ground based radars, avionics and EW package. There's less chance of hitting our own asset.

But the most important thing is that Pakistani pilots have been flying this machine for over a decade.

No one knows much about PL-15 missile that is being installed on block 3s. Indians are not taking this missile very seriously, which is a good thing for us. I can assure you that if PAF has given a go-ahead for this missile, there are definitely a lot of trials and testing involved.

We dont know this for sure. There is no confirmation that Block-3s will carry PL-15s BVRs.
LOL, Kargil was a prolonged skirmish and denying our direct military involvement was part of the whole operations from the get go. Still, we butchered multiple times more indian soldiers than losing our own....as it was Pakistan who held the heights during most of the conflict. We still hold indian posts and territories conquered during Kargil and all of it is well-established.

Anyways, the topic was not kargil....topic was air force vs air force, and as always....PAF humiliated iaf whenever two faced in direct conflict (which didn't happen in Kargil btw).

And yes, your pathetic air force was shot down by our ground troops. We didn't even need PAF in kargil on Pakistani side :lol:

Your military history is the most embarrassing on the planet. Even sub-Saharan Africans showed better military caliber than hindus who have been humiliated and defeated again and again by smaller forces for 1000 years and permanently lost massive territories of theirs to superior Muslims. Even in Indo-Pak case, geography, numbers, resources---everything favors india yet india has never been able to win against Pakistan in Western sector and only suffered humiliating defeats and ended up signing an agreement of stalemate with a 10x smaller country as forced by Pakistan military victories in 65:lol:

Anyways, all of this is moot right now as PLA is buttplugging your army as we speak..worry about Chinese sitting on your territory after butchering 22 soliders of yours...and as always, coward and weakling indians can only sit and watch helplessly :rolleyes:
Since you seem to be very happy with pak military let me tell you a hypothetical situation. We take gilgit baltistan, but two years after loosing territory PAF has downed another Indian jet. You will still be clapping for pak military.
There is nothing much to do after annexation of Kashmir on Aug 5th, but somehow you need to be relevant, so go ahead.
Since you seem to be very happy with pak military let me tell you a hypothetical situation. We take gilgit baltistan, but two years after loosing territory PAF has downed another Indian jet. You will still be clapping for pak military.
There is nothing much to do after annexation of Kashmir on Aug 5th, but somehow you need to be relevant, so go ahead.

HAHAHAHAAHAH "take Gilgit-Baltistant"....yeah, in your dreams the humiliated, beaten-down, weak, conquered hindus will ever dare to invade GB :lol:


370 literally means zilch in reality. Tomorrow, Modi can pass the law "Kashmir is ATOOT ang of India and always has been for 5000 years"....What would it change on the ground? Kashmir valley was de-facto indian territory since 70 years. It still is. Modi did not change anything. india bitches about Azad Kashmir and GB, and yet cant even think of re-taking it back from us after 10x smaller Pakistan conquered that territory and kept it for ourselives

Infact, Modi is loved by Pak establishment because he is weak and ineffective (classical Hindu leader). He lost territory and prestige in Kashmir to both Pakistan and especially China. PLA marches across, took over strategic territory in Kashmir (Ladakh), killed 22 indian soldiers, and still hold indian claimed territory under their boots. Not to mention the worldwide humiliation india faced at the hands of Pakistan

What could Modi do? Nothing! He is a weak leader just like his nation (Hindus) are weak who have only perpetually lost territory, got defeated, and have been reduced into small size by superior Muslims.

Take Turkey and Erdogan as a counter-example. Under Erdogan...Turks expanded outwards. Quadrupled their economy, established cultural influence and military bases in Arabian Gulf (Qatar), Africa (Somalia/Presence in Sudan), Central Asia (Azerbaijan etc), Near East (Syria/Iraq), Mediterranean coast (Libya), and so on. Industrialized and became powerful defence exporters in the region. A true powerhouse in a very complex neighborhood.

Meanwhile, compare Modi? :lol: india lost even its small influence in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal etc. Got militarily humiliated by its foes (Pak and China), lost territory to Chinese expansionism, growth of economy reduced compared to 2000's, internal strife increased, soft-image of india all but evaporated, your capital Delhi burned in riots and your intelligence officer got thrown into the gutter (remember that image? LOOOOL).

Even ultra pro-India, anti-Pakistan analysts (Christine Fair) now regularly mock india for being a weak and ineffective state (go to her twitter someday :D )

Can you ever imagine Pakistani Hindus daring to kill and dump an ISI officer into gutter and rioting in Islamabad? Not in next 1000 years!!! We aren't cuckkked, defeated, weak people like you lot. Modi wont change that. He hasn't change that :) Even rebuilding Ram Mandir, you are giving double the land of Babri Masjid to Muslims to rebuilt their Mosque...what a "victory" meanwhile Kashi and other holiest Hindu temples remain under Islamic boots and states like Bengal, Kerala, Assam etc are increasingly more Muslim, and less Hindu (Alhamdulillah!). All of this in the only land you have remaining (rest of your civilizational presence was permanently conquered by superior Islam and Dharma was eradicated methodically from Indonesia, Malaysia, Bengal, Sindh, Pakistan, Central Asia, and even as far as Arabian peninsula. Without Islam, Indian Dharma would have been the LARGEST religion on the planet---but now, you are reduced, humiliated, small, weak, and irrelevant....restricted mainly to one country (decreasing even there lol)
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Since you seem to be very happy with pak military let me tell you a hypothetical situation. We take gilgit baltistan, but two years after loosing territory PAF has downed another Indian jet. You will still be clapping for pak military.
There is nothing much to do after annexation of Kashmir on Aug 5th, but somehow you need to be relevant, so go ahead.
Eh? What?
India it self went and begged to china that 5th august was only about paper nothing on ground

Pakistani establishment is very happy with this annexation ..what we couldnt engnr in decades (unanimous support) was done by indians overnight
Since you seem to be very happy with pak military let me tell you a hypothetical situation. We take gilgit baltistan, but two years after loosing territory PAF has downed another Indian jet. You will still be clapping for pak military.
There is nothing much to do after annexation of Kashmir on Aug 5th, but somehow you need to be relevant, so go ahead.
oh bbboy...here we go again with your gow muttar induced delusions...oh chanda, if you could take GB, you would've done so when you started your failed disaster of a misadventure in siachin when nearly all of Pakistan Army was occupied with the western border of afganistan & the soviet invasion & had no nuclear weapons. your incompetent & inept indian army intended to do just that but couldn't even properly take the glacier. now forget about GB/AJK along with any other delusions. ab chup chaap baith kay ice cubes hugo! :lol:
HAHAHAHAAHAH "take Gilgit-Baltistant"....yeah, in your dreams the humiliated, beaten-down, weak, conquered hindus will ever dare to invade GB :lol:


370 literally means zilch in reality. Tomorrow, Modi can pass the law "Kashmir is ATOOT ang of India and always has been for 5000 years"....What would it change on the ground? Kashmir valley was de-facto indian territory since 70 years. It still is. Modi did not change anything. india bitches about Azad Kashmir and GB, and yet cant even think of re-taking it back from us after 10x smaller Pakistan conquered that territory and kept it for ourselives

Infact, Modi is loved by Pak establishment because he is weak and ineffective (classical Hindu leader). He lost territory and prestige in Kashmir to both Pakistan and especially China. PLA marches across, took over strategic territory in Kashmir (Ladakh), killed 22 indian soldiers, and still hold indian claimed territory under their boots. Not to mention the worldwide humiliation india faced at the hands of Pakistan

What could Modi do? Nothing! He is a weak leader just like his nation (Hindus) are weak who have only perpetually lost territory, got defeated, and have been reduced into small size by superior Muslims.

Take Turkey and Erdogan as a counter-example. Under Erdogan...Turks expanded outwards. Quadrupled their economy, established cultural influence and military bases in Arabian Gulf (Qatar), Africa (Somalia/Presence in Sudan), Central Asia (Azerbaijan etc), Near East (Syria/Iraq), Mediterranean coast (Libya), and so on. Industrialized and became powerful defence exporters in the region. A true powerhouse in a very complex neighborhood.

Meanwhile, compare Modi? :lol: india lost even its small influence in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal etc. Got militarily humiliated by its foes (Pak and China), lost territory to Chinese expansionism, growth of economy reduced compared to 2000's, internal strife increased, soft-image of india all but evaporated, your capital Delhi burned in riots and your intelligence officer got thrown into the gutter (remember that image? LOOOOL).

Even ultra pro-India, anti-Pakistan analysts (Christine Fair) now regularly mock india for being a weak and ineffective state (go to her twitter someday :D )

Can you ever imagine Pakistani Hindus daring to kill and dump an ISI officer into gutter and rioting in Islamabad? Not in next 1000 years!!! We aren't cuckkked, defeated, weak people like you lot. Modi wont change that. He hasn't change that :) Even rebuilding Ram Mandir, you are giving double the land of Babri Masjid to Muslims to rebuilt their Mosque...what a "victory" meanwhile Kashi and other holiest Hindu temples remain under Islamic boots and states like Bengal, Kerala, Assam etc are increasingly more Muslim, and less Hindu (Alhamdulillah!). All of this in the only land you have remaining (rest of your civilizational presence was permanently conquered by superior Islam and Dharma was eradicated methodically from Indonesia, Malaysia, Bengal, Sindh, Pakistan, Central Asia, and even as far as Arabian peninsula. Without Islam, Indian Dharma would have been the LARGEST religion on the planet---but now, you are reduced, humiliated, small, weak, and irrelevant....restricted mainly to one country (decreasing even there lol)
Ohh dear this is a long long rant, sorry to hurt your disillusions.
Stay strong!!

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