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Pakistan and Israel

There was most certainly a province of Palestine... Palestine has existed for thousands of years... What you guys call Israel is just a temporary state that exists solely due to the help you get from the west... Once that help is gone... Watch what happens to you!!!
There was most certainly a province of Palestine... Palestine has existed for thousands of years... What you guys call Israel is just a temporary state that exists solely due to the help you get from the west... Once that help is gone... Watch what happens to you!!!
Before 1967 Israel recieved very little aid. Today US aid to Israel is less than 1.5% of our GNP, all of it military.
Before 1967 Israel recieved very little aid. Today US aid to Israel is less than 1.5% of our GNP, all of it military.

What are you a muppet? Israel is built on the poor tax payers money from America...

Even before 1967 u had plenty of support from the French and the British... You could not dream to setup your state had it not been the guarantees from the Brits... That support for the existence of your illegitimate state continues from these enemies of Muslims to this day...
it not only talk about Palestine but our 3rd Big MASJID there in occupied by Zionist

plz conversation about it ???? don't forget that thxxxxx

:pakistan: zindabad

<(_|_)| HU AKBAR
Mosque is under control of Islamic waqf. Israel has no control of it.

What are you a muppet? Israel is built on the poor tax payers money from America...
I repeat: today US aid is less than 1.5&#37; of Israel's GNP. And before 1967, when Israel was actually bult, there was virtually no help at all.

Even before 1967 u had plenty of support from the French and the British... You could not dream to setup your state had it not been the guarantees from the Brits... That support for the existence of your illegitimate state continues from these enemies of Muslims to this day...
Brits and Frenchs only sold weapons. In 1948 Brits actually helped the Arabs.
Well people the question here is not if arabs are our enemise or not, who is evil who is good. The question is about Israel and Pakistan.

I will always support the Palestinian cause bcz in all this game they are the real victims. Hamas is all drama they are funded by Mossad just to keep fighting and creating excuses to occupy more palestinian lands and to hold on illegaly occupied territories by israel. If Hamas do a peace treaty with jew state then how will these zionist collect all those funds from the jewish lobby from all over the world? who always pay heavy amounts to the state of Israel in the name of self defence! It's all a big game. Sooner we get out of these zionist dirty games soon we will have peace in this region. The moment when Palestine will become a free sovreign state most of the problems will be solved with israel. Remeber Qaid said that we will never accept a state which is created by supressing the rights of another nation. Personally Pakistan dosen't have much agaisnt Israel but it's this zionist state which always acts against Pakistan.

Regarding the arabs they are not perfect sometime they act worse then the non-muslims towards their own muslim brothers but you can't blame them for every wrong thing going on...in part it's our own fault too. All the muslim nations are our brothers and friends so no need to fight against them. These arab countries had always helped Pakistan in the time of need so just stop bashing at them. Personally i think we should form a strong Muslim world union in order to safe guard our interests. We are too divided in these moments.
Hamas are liars and kills innocent people.

So what messiah has to do with the issue?

Actually no one can understand zionism without understanding this part.why you people are shy?why you people don't tell us about his abilities,how he rule earth,sign of his appearance,about third temple,when you people become pure enough that you are allowed to enter in temple.
I know all these things.but problem is i want to hear from your mouth.if we educate world about these things we are labeled as religious bigots,extremists,fundamentalists.world will be very happy by hearing these things from democracy ,modern and chosen people.:p:P
Nomi -- to be the devil's advocate, they did militarily win those wars & PLO under Yasser Arafat did decline Camp David resolution

in hindsight, maybe Camp David should have been accepted....in 6 decades it was the closest thing to a peace deal if I ever saw one in my relatively short lifespan

sir what is happened is happened.what next?we also miss two chances of getting kashmir.48 and 62.we Chinese ambassador come to Ayub while he was sleeping.(see more detail in shahab nama).
the option for peace is Israel go back to pre 1967 postion.
BTW if you are referring to Cast Lead it was primarily to destroy Hamas and their weapons that were attacking Israeli civilians Period.
you people occupy their land,demolish their homes and in return you expect that they through flowers at you?
The aim was not to attack civilians but to achieve a military objective that being to destroy/reduce Hamas military capability of firing Kassam rockets. Your Hamas angels were hiding there weapons in civilian buildings such as schools,Mosques and so on.

why you forget UNO building?where only children are taking shelter.among those 1400 men,women children how many are hamas men.how does use of phosphorous is justified?

And that's why Hamas rules like the Taliban and kills its own people
why you kill Ahmed Yasin and Rantessi at first place.
@ 500 and ruporum
if you people are so serious about peace why you don't move back to pre 1967 position.don't morn like a slut for peace because you are the people who hold the key for peace.
@ Tariq Bin Ziyad

People like you have brought Pakistan in its present state. Arabs are not our brothers, they never will be, they are our enemies!!! I don't care if they helped us during the floods because it won't compensate for all the damage their sick extremist ideology has done to our country.

Sir jee stay cool. I agree to whatever you are saying but I want you to keep in mind that we are on the same platform.

The sick disease called Al-Qaeda that originated from saudi arabia has destroyed our country while these arabs sit on their gold thrones in their countries and strap little bengali, indian, and Pakistani children on camels and watch the little children cry until they get trampled and crushed by the camels.

Al-Qaeda originated from Saudi Arabia but they worked under the umbrella of ISI and Pakistan like rest of the world supported them to get rid of Soviet invasion in Afghanistan. These Al-Qaeda terrorists were Jihadis for us.

These people are our enemies!!!!!!, they shake hands with our enemies! They treat us like a pile of SH*T, they look down on us! These arrogant animals don't deserve to be called humans, they are not humans!

So do our rulers and politicians.

These arabs have destroyed the image of Islam, because of them today there are suicide bombings in our country, due to them the middle east is riddled with conflicts and bloodshed!!!! These are the same pigs that supported the british zionists against the Ottoman Turks, these arabs created israel and now they get what they deserve!!!!

They did support zionists alright, but what about our leaders? The people our leaders meet are all Newcon zionists. . .

Why should we protest when israel slaughters these animals? why should we give a rats sh*t when they get massacred by their own zionist creation? When hundreds and thousands of innocent Kashmiris get killed by indians these arabs don't say a single word against india, they don't protest at all while on the other hand we Pakistanis burn the israeli flag and curse israel for the sake of these animals who could give a sh*t for what happens to us!!!!

We do hate Israel and and we are strictly against the atrocites that Israel carries out in Palestine and India does in Kashmir but you tell me: What have we got after burning Israel's flag? Did they stop all those wrong doings? And if arabs dont burn Israel's flag that does not mean they support Israel. .

This is what we did when a person in Germany made a picture of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


On the other hand Saudi Arabia stopped the import of Danish products.

Which one of the above actions do you think effected Germany the most?

And if you consider these hypocrite arab animals "good Muslims" then my friend your in for a big surprise!!! Each and everyone of these big bellied camel faced sheikhs has committed zina with a eastern european prostitute, these big bellied sheikhs are involved in human trafficking and sex slavery! These big bellied sheikhs hate Iran and Persians/Shia's but at the bottom of their heart these hypocrites would do anything to get their hands on a Iranian concubine for their "Harems"!
The princesses of the royal family go to europe to party and commit zina, while their princes are busy smuggling in little girls from eastern europe and then these same arabs call us Pakistanis and non-Arabs "half Muslims"? They think they own us because the last prophet (pbuh) was an arab and therefor they are superior to us????


Look it up for yourself how the saudi princess roams without wearing the Niqab or for that matter even the Hijab! And then these arabs tell us to cover our women, these arabs will consider any women that doesn't cover herself a "sl*t", "whore", and "prostitute" while their own daughters get impregnated by european men!

I hate to say but unfortunately we are in the same situation !


Whatever you mentioned is 100% correct but we are in the same situation. They deal with zionists (knowingly or unknowingly) to save their throne but if it saves our Holy places then for now let it be. But we are in the same situation. And does not give us the right to criticize THE ARABS. You could have mentioned just Saudi kings. . .
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