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Iranian Nuclear Doctrine

Iran has the nukes. They just need to test it.

But, has the Iranian Crazy Mullah Regime ever done anything for the benefit of Iran in specific and Muslims in general?
Also, reposting of ways to test a device without fissile material:

Do you know who made this map? Is this true and backed by facts that it was the alleged location?

I'm really confused about Iran and WMDs, on some other forum, people says that Iran doesn't have any nuclear weapons and that US+Israel is pushing that alleged fake narrative to sanction Iran

And here, a lot of people thinks Iran has nuclear weapons and even former test sites

Do you think Iran has nuclear devices ready to be tested or even used as a weapon?
Do you know who made this map? Is this true and backed by facts that it was the alleged location?

I'm really confused about Iran and WMDs, on some other forum, people says that Iran doesn't have any nuclear weapons and that US+Israel is pushing that alleged fake narrative to sanction Iran

And here, a lot of people thinks Iran has nuclear weapons and even former test sites

Do you think Iran has nuclear devices ready to be tested or even used as a weapon?
Iran has had that capacity starting with a crude device towards the end of the Sacred Defense and BEFORE Natanz STARTED construction.

That means Iran has had the capacity at least since 1988. There is absolutely no doubt about it.

1988 is the inflection point when it became apparent how nakedly vulnerable Iran was both militarily and economically—kicking off the nuclear industry and missile programs to apply this new found capacity in various forms.

It doesn’t take a brilliant mind to come to this conclusion. OTOH, dismissing it is the height of denial at best and idiocy at worst.
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