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If war is declared, can I volunteer?


Jun 6, 2017
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Hong Kong
I m an overseas Pakistani but willing to fight if war is going to break out, the only problem is my age, I heard people over 22 can’t join the army.
I turned 24 two months ago...
I m an overseas Pakistani but willing to fight if war is going to break out, the only problem is my age, I heard people over 22 can’t join the army.
I turned 24 two months ago...

People over 22 can't join the army? What's the reasoning behind that? You remain young a while afterwards too.
how can one volunteer? if not as fighting force i am sure we can help our boys in other ways!
People over 22 can't join the army? What's the reasoning behind that? You remain young a while afterwards too.

You can still join in some other roles.

The regular Army Officer route requires a sort of "undergraduate" education at the Pakistan Military Academy (much like West Point in the States) --- earlier the max age was even lower than 22 but they relaxed it a few years ago.
i am not sure if any one have done NCC.. which is programe after 12th grade by military. if you complete that training you can volunteer and grad will be 2nd lieutenant.
You can join civil defence forces.
Guide me
What do I need to do? I read we have to give up our dual nationality and only keep Pakistan nationality which i am willing tbh.

Anything else I would need to know, I am ready to serve in the armed forces if there is even a smallest chances of me joining
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May be you can collect donations and donate.

But for that there should be a credible fund raising facility known to all.

I remember PDF forum collected donations during flood in Pakistan in 2011.
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