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I want to join Pakistan Army and i need to ask about a problem regarding this.



New Recruit

Feb 26, 2019
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I wanted to ask one question. I want to join Pakistan Army. I am in matric as of today. I will give my SSC-II exams next week. So i will be in college in some months. I want to join Pakistan Army after FSC. And the problem is... I had some issues with me and i was over masturbating. Long thing short i was addicted. But its been month i have over come that. I want to ask that if i start proper gym and eat healthy will i be selected in army. I still have 2 years so...Or there is any problem regarding that?. Can i clear medical and everything? This is not a joke question so don't give joke replies. And also tell anything regarding this and Pakistan army. what should i do from now to make myself ready by then and all.. Thank you.
PS: I was involved in it for a year and a month.
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I wanted to ask one question. I want to join Pakistan Army. I am in matric as of today. I will give my SSC-II exams next week. So i will be in college in some months. I want to join Pakistan Army after FSC. And the problem is... I had some issues with me and i was over masturbating. Long thing short i was addicted. But its been month i have over come that. I want to ask that if i start proper gym and eat healthy will i be selected in army. I still have 2 years so...Or there is any problem regarding that?. Can i clear medical and everything? This is not a joke question so don't give joke replies. And also tell anything regarding this and Pakistan army. what should i do from now to make myself ready by then and all.. Thank you.
You just have to pass all the tests and you'll be selected most of the candidates pass all physical tests easily but are rejected in other tests
You just have to pass all the tests and you'll be selected most of the candidates pass all physical tests easily but are rejected in other tests
So what should i do so i am not rejected in medical? Anything you can tell please do. thanks
As long as you are not a chronic masturbator it isn't an issue. Just eat healthy, exercise and you will be fine. You don't really need gym but you do need good food, health and exercise. And no excessive masturbation doesn't mean its chronic. You probably have plenty of free time on your hand with nothing better to do, just keep yourself busy, keep a good company of friends, spend more time with your family and you will overcome that habit.
As long as you are not a chronic masturbator it isn't an issue. Just eat healthy, exercise and you will be fine. You don't really need gym but you do need good food, health and exercise. And no excessive masturbation doesn't mean its chronic. You probably have plenty of free time on your hand with nothing better to do, just keep yourself busy, keep a good company of friends, spend more time with your family and you will overcome that habit.
Okay. Thanks for replying. :-)

As long as you are not a chronic masturbator it isn't an issue. Just eat healthy, exercise and you will be fine. You don't really need gym but you do need good food, health and exercise. And no excessive masturbation doesn't mean its chronic. You probably have plenty of free time on your hand with nothing better to do, just keep yourself busy, keep a good company of friends, spend more time with your family and you will overcome that habit.
Also one thing more if you dont mind.... Do i have to completely leave this? Or keep it in limits?

As long as you are not a chronic masturbator it isn't an issue. Just eat healthy, exercise and you will be fine. You don't really need gym but you do need good food, health and exercise. And no excessive masturbation doesn't mean its chronic. You probably have plenty of free time on your hand with nothing better to do, just keep yourself busy, keep a good company of friends, spend more time with your family and you will overcome that habit.
I was involved in masturbation for a year. This doesnt comes in chronic? @Death Professor
Also one thing more if you dont mind.... Do i have to completely leave this? Or keep it in limits?

That's a good question, the reason why you are asking it because you are looking of approval of that habit. Being in army is a tough task, you have to leave some of your habits. If you can't leave this habit of yours now, then you would have a pretty tough time when you join the force. Human body has it's own mechanism, and it functions well without you doing anything. It's better to leave your habit now then latter. If I said that keeping in limits is fine, it won't help you mentally because masturbation is like addiction. It won't go away unless you make a strong conviction by yourself to stop doing it now. Kuch pannay k liye kuch khoona parta hai....

I was involved in masturbation for a year. This doesnt comes in chronic?

A year, what do you mean? Example of chronic masturbation. Don't really think you have a disorder. IT's just your age and may be you watching too many movies or stuff...
I wanted to ask one question. I want to join Pakistan Army. I am in matric as of today. I will give my SSC-II exams next week. So i will be in college in some months. I want to join Pakistan Army after FSC. And the problem is... I had some issues with me and i was over masturbating. Long thing short i was addicted. But its been month i have over come that. I want to ask that if i start proper gym and eat healthy will i be selected in army. I still have 2 years so...Or there is any problem regarding that?. Can i clear medical and everything? This is not a joke question so don't give joke replies. And also tell anything regarding this and Pakistan army. what should i do from now to make myself ready by then and all.. Thank you.
PS: I was involved in it for a year and a month.

2 years is enough time to get fit, although the physical test to get accepted for only consideration for interview and recruitment and further tests is pretty mediocre, what is to come after is difficult. Try your best to maintain your body mass index, I think you need to be at 23 or around, the Pakistan Army I believe uses BMI.

To maintain that, two factors you need to consider; what is your genetics role in your health, that is that either it is easier for you to put on weight, or too difficult for you to put on weight. Go to any respectable gym, and make sure you get the package where they also provide trainer assistance, they will craft a diet plan for you based on your goal (obviously muscles and health is the goal, but whether to lose weight or gain weight), you can also visit a dietician to assess your diet plan.
That's pretty much the easy part, the hard part is keeping consistent with it and having patience. If you're not doing the exercise and keeping to the diet plan routinely, daily then you're not going to get anything. It's quite difficult, both the exercise and diet plan, it takes time and strength, so be determined. Only if you keep consistency rightfully, you will see any observable results in a time of 6 months, then even better results at the 1 year mark.

That's all the advice I can give you on health, just remember that if it does not hurt, then you're not doing it right. And if you haven't done gym before don't be alarmed if you can't move your muscles for a week.
Go to any respectable gym, and make sure you get the package where they also provide trainer assistance, they will craft a diet plan for you based on your goal (obviously muscles and health is the goal, but whether to lose weight or gain weight), you can also visit a dietician to assess your diet plan.

It's an expensive approach. His age is around 14-16, he doesn't really need all this, he needs a good diet, exercise and restraint. All he needs is normal body, i.e BMI of 19-25, with good stamina and normal strength, that one could achieve by doing normal exercise, like sit-ups, push up, jogging and running.
It's an expensive approach. His age is around 14-16, he doesn't really need all this, he needs a good diet, exercise and restraint. All he needs is normal body, i.e BMI of 19-25, with good stamina and normal strength, that one could achieve by doing normal exercise, like sit-ups, push up, jogging and running.

I think it varies from person to person, not everyone can achieve it with normal exercise.
That's a good question, the reason why you are asking it because you are looking of approval of that habit. Being in army is a tough task, you have to leave some of your habits. If you can't leave this habit of yours now, then you would have a pretty tough time when you join the force. Human body has it's own mechanism, and it functions well without you doing anything. It's better to leave your habit now then latter. If I said that keeping in limits is fine, it won't help you mentally because masturbation is like addiction. It won't go away unless you make a strong conviction by yourself to stop doing it now. Kuch pannay k liye kuch khoona parta hai....

A year, what do you mean? Example of chronic masturbation. Don't really think you have a disorder. IT's just your age and may be you watching too many movies or stuff...
Okay thanks

2 years is enough time to get fit, although the physical test to get accepted for only consideration for interview and recruitment and further tests is pretty mediocre, what is to come after is difficult. Try your best to maintain your body mass index, I think you need to be at 23 or around, the Pakistan Army I believe uses BMI.

To maintain that, two factors you need to consider; what is your genetics role in your health, that is that either it is easier for you to put on weight, or too difficult for you to put on weight. Go to any respectable gym, and make sure you get the package where they also provide trainer assistance, they will craft a diet plan for you based on your goal (obviously muscles and health is the goal, but whether to lose weight or gain weight), you can also visit a dietician to assess your diet plan.
That's pretty much the easy part, the hard part is keeping consistent with it and having patience. If you're not doing the exercise and keeping to the diet plan routinely, daily then you're not going to get anything. It's quite difficult, both the exercise and diet plan, it takes time and strength, so be determined. Only if you keep consistency rightfully, you will see any observable results in a time of 6 months, then even better results at the 1 year mark.

That's all the advice I can give you on health, just remember that if it does not hurt, then you're not doing it right. And if you haven't done gym before don't be alarmed if you can't move your muscles for a week.
I can easily put on weight. I used to go to gym a month back. but now i have exams from next week so i dont go now a days. i understand what you said. thank you

I have to go for now. If anything please tell here. Thank you
I wanted to ask one question. I want to join Pakistan Army. I am in matric as of today. I will give my SSC-II exams next week. So i will be in college in some months. I want to join Pakistan Army after FSC. And the problem is... I had some issues with me and i was over masturbating. Long thing short i was addicted. But its been month i have over come that. I want to ask that if i start proper gym and eat healthy will i be selected in army. I still have 2 years so...Or there is any problem regarding that?. Can i clear medical and everything? This is not a joke question so don't give joke replies. And also tell anything regarding this and Pakistan army. what should i do from now to make myself ready by then and all.. Thank you.
PS: I was involved in it for a year and a month.

Young man, at your age some people are mastarbating multiple times a day. Here are a few tips to help.

1. Don't watch p0rn and avoid pictures/videos of attractive women/dance videos etc. It gets a young man going and then you end up doing what you do.

2. Namaz will help. There is great wisdom in what Allah has proscribed for us, beyond what we can understand. Salat even just as a regular event embeds discipline in us, keeping to a schedule, focusing on something. When you start praying your namaz regularly, you will build self discpline - which in turn will help control your urges, not because of divine intervention, but rather because you are training yourself to control yourself.

Another benefit will be in order to pray you have to be paak, so you cannot be mastarbating several times a day, as you'll have to do ghusl several times a day in order to pray. You won't have the time for that.

Also try to pray as many prayers as you can in the masjid. This is incovenient, but it also again focuses you, it gives you a chance for daily walks, and builds up a routine. Whilst you are there you may come across classes or short talks or something, which again will focus your mind, meaning you have other things to do, rather than play with yourself.

3. Start running. If you want to past the army medical you need to be physically fit. Start running long distances, try running uphill if you can (or upstairs) and mix it with sprinting short distances too (50-100m). One day focus on long distance, another day focus on sprinting, another day focus on incline training (running uphill).

4. Start exercise. How many push ups can you do? How many sit ups can you do? How many pull ups can you do? How many lunges or squats can you do? These are very basic exercises that you don't need a gym for. Do these at home, then increase the numbers every week.

Trust me, between the exercise and the discipline and barakah of namaz, you won't be playing with mini-me all the time. :)
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