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Death Professor

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  • Sallam,
    Dear you have done good work explaining the things with facts and figures, have provided links to back up your statement. Why spoil all that good word by using abusive language? That is against forum policy and will get you into trouble. So please keep up the good work and avoid insulting anyone or using foul language.

    Death Professor
    Death Professor
    But, I am not a web developer so I don't know how much effort would it take in adding a live conversation feature JUST FOR MOD's/ADMIN in an already well developed site. At-least, showing some-where on the site which of the mods are online would be a great help too. All in all, I would try my best to keep things down and calm from my end.
    We can look into that live chat mode, till then, just push that report button. Action is usually taken within 24 hours. Do not reply to troll posts, flame bait, insults or abuses, just report. Someone will be there to sort it out.
    Sallam, sorry about the thread but t would have done nothing but attracted trolls from both sides and would be up in flames in no time. I hope you will understand.
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