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Does the PN need an aircraft carrier?



New Recruit

Jun 4, 2009
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though they r expensive but its about time r navy should get one our navy needs to b upgraded seriously by cutting on our expenses(luxury) i think v can afford one.
Now getting an AC is easy mate, Protecting it, Maintaining it and raising a Carrier battle group is really difficult. An aircraft carrier costs atleast $3 billion with all the armaments. You need atleast 3 destroyers with it. and 5 FFGs and a complement of submarines to protect it. So raising a CBG will cost you at the minimum of $12 billion. Even if it is a namesake CBG.
no, i think we dont need it!!................ instead of aircraft carrier if we only buy some more advance frigates, destroyers, minehunters & submarines, they will be less expensive & will provide better defence capabilities..... then aircraft carreir will, as it needs lots of maintanence & it also needs a whole fleet including submarine to defend it from any air or surface attacks.....
I donot think so that Pakistan would ever need AC. Our sea strip is not that large It will be better if we buy some Frigates first and then some destroyers. In possible war scenario our naval approach will be defensive not offensive.
though they r expensive but its about time r navy should get one our navy needs to b upgraded seriously by cutting on our expenses(luxury) i think v can afford one.

Aircraft Carrier or not, but i am sure that Pakistan could do with a better navy. The current disparity between the capabilities of the IN and the PN leave Pakistan very vulnerable to an economic blockade.
though they r expensive but its about time r navy should get one our navy needs to b upgraded seriously by cutting on our expenses(luxury) i think v can afford one.

mate nothing offense

But even a country like china is currently not operating a aircraft carrier( i know they will have soon)

I do not want burst your bubble

But I just don't think pakistan is anywhere close to afford a aircraft carrier

As u can see pakistan is seriously adopting a economical platform like JF-17(from my point of view this is a very good decision) just because of present economic condition

In that condition thinking of a aircraft carrier is just insane
I think our Indian friends summed it up quite nice.
We can't afford it, and even if we could, we'd go bankrupt.
We don't need one, it's not in our interests, we'd be better off with destroyers, frigates and subs.
India has other ambitions than Pakistan, all we want is to protect our waters, not to project power.
I think our Indian friends summed it up quite nice.
We can't afford it, and even if we could, we'd go bankrupt.
We don't need one, it's not in our interests, we'd be better off with destroyers, frigates and subs.
India has other ambitions than Pakistan, all we want is to protect our waters, not to project power.

yes yes wed go bankrupt alread and zardari put all money in his pocket on the name of FRIENDS OF PAKISTAN lol how did we get ship or even a attack helicopter when zardari continue playing his ludo game
pakistani navy has had the foresight to NOT go for every ship and weapon the IN procures....but to procure weapons to COUNTER the IN procurements...it's kinda like evolution...the predator gets fangs...the prey grows a bullet-proof hide sorta thing.
so the indian navy in short has chinaas it's main concern...the IN wants to be a blue-water navy...large fleets almost three A/Cs to be procured...all that costs a lot.all PN has done is to procure the best of diesel powered subs and plenty of them...to counter the IN fleet.clever move i must say...getting an A/C would mean not enlarging the sub fleet and hence compromising national security.
yes yes wed go bankrupt alread and zardari put all money in his pocket on the name of FRIENDS OF PAKISTAN lol how did we get ship or even a attack helicopter when zardari continue playing his ludo game
haha man you are so right
pakistani navy has had the foresight to NOT go for every ship and weapon the IN procures....but to procure weapons to COUNTER the IN procurements...it's kinda like evolution...the predator gets fangs...the prey grows a bullet-proof hide sorta thing.
so the indian navy in short has chinaas it's main concern...the IN wants to be a blue-water navy...large fleets almost three A/Cs to be procured...all that costs a lot.all PN has done is to procure the best of diesel powered subs and plenty of them...to counter the IN fleet.clever move i must say...getting an A/C would mean not enlarging the sub fleet and hence compromising national security.

PN does not have the best of diesel electric submarines and neither plenty of them. The Augusta 90B's are the only ones in the PN's inventory that can be classified as good, and there are just three of them. The presence of 10 Kilo class submarines with the IN alone are more than a match for the PN submarine fleet as well as its surface fleet. The arrival of P8I's in a couple of years is likely to alter this balance more in the IN's favor.
PN does not have the best of diesel electric submarines and neither plenty of them. The Augusta 90B's are the only ones in the PN's inventory that can be classified as good, and there are just three of them. The presence of 10 Kilo class submarines with the IN alone are more than a match for the PN submarine fleet as well as its surface fleet. The arrival of P8I's in a couple of years is likely to alter this balance more in the IN's favor.
Pakistan knows that you are not going to attack Pakistan 100% So first Pakistan will make her Airforce powerfull enough to deter any IAF aggression, then we come to Navy but trust me Pakistan is a country of surprises, if we can lock you latest fighter jets with F7s then Gid bless you, English says that you never underestimate your enemy and i have seen that alot in India, well thats also an advantege of Pakistan, Lastly PN will be even more stronger and will become a offensive force when it needed to be, Buddy just relext and show your hate of Pakistan at Indian forum. Some times i laugh my butt of after looking at your guys, USA being the only super power never ects like this the way Indian does its pretty funny, The REALS dont talk they walk and wanna be's just talk:cheers::pakistan::china:
though they r expensive but its about time r navy should get one our navy needs to b upgraded seriously by cutting on our expenses(luxury) i think v can afford one.

It wont be an advantage, since losing one gets to be a pretty big insult look at the Indian Aircraft Carrier during 71 war PN sent missions to search and destroy the AC of IN they hid the beast from us, we were offered an AC by France in mid 70s when ZAB visited France, but ZAB declined the offer since it would have been trouble keeping it maintained and keeping it out of the reach of the enemy, he told the than PM of France to offer it to China instead but even they declined it. An AC is advantage if you have the know how but if you don't its just a burden on the entire navy, the IN has been repairing this rust since they had it, its no good.

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