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Desperate US wants to be part of India’s first manned space mission


Nov 13, 2010
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Desperate US wants to be part of India’s first manned space mission
By Nirad Mudur | Place: Bangalore | Agency: DNA

National Aeronautics & Space Administration (Nasa) is trying hard prevent India’s first manned space mission, tagged at Rs10,000 crore,from being indigenous. And India does not seem to have a problem. Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) and US’ Nasa are amid discussions to collaborate on India’s first space mission in low-earth orbit— a mission which will be launched after 2017 as it awaits the Centre’s approval :azn:. As per Isro sources, Nasa and US space department officials are pushing for the collaboration through Deviprasad Karnik, India ’s space attache at its embassy in Washington. DNA has learnt that US ’ desperation emanates from pressure from within their country to restart its manned space mission, which it suspended in 1972 citing huge costs. This follows a review of Nasa’s manned space programme conducted by a 10-member US presidential panel. An Isro scientist told DNA collaboration on India’s manned space mission will benefit India and US. “Nasa is struggling for a higher budget to conduct human space exploration, ” he said.
Recent news reports indicates something same. Boeing wanted to be part of manned mission. Now NASA call for it. India-US joint declaration during Obama's should be noted as well. I think joint projects and collaboration will help both countries but India should be careful after Moon water discovery 'fiasco'. US has the best space technologies, no doubt, but they are costliest as well.
US needs india more than india needs US. lets remember that and work towards achieving our goals.
US needs india more than india needs US. lets remember that and work towards achieving our goals.

I would see it the other way around. India isnt the one that has been doing manned space missions for years. America's expertise can help India, if it doesn't want the help thats fine too..
I would see it the other way around. India isnt the one that has been doing manned space missions for years. America's expertise can help India, if it doesn't want the help thats fine too..

Thank you for deflating the bubble just a bit.
I would see it the other way around. India isnt the one that has been doing manned space missions for years. America's expertise can help India, if it doesn't want the help thats fine too..

I WASNT REFERRING TO SPACE TECH. I WAS TALKING ABT STRATEGIC AFFAIRS. ITS A FACT US NEEDS INDIA MORE THEN INDIA NEEDS US. Its for no reason the americans are making all the right noises regarding india.
I WASNT REFERRING TO SPACE TECH. I WAS TALKING ABT STRATEGIC AFFAIRS. ITS A FACT US NEEDS INDIA MORE THEN INDIA NEEDS US. Its for no reason the americans are making all the right noises regarding india.

Even in strategic affairs, USA is more valuable to India then the other way around. USA has strategic partnerships all over the world, if India doesn't want to be one... Thats fine too..
I am appalled at people writing obituary of USA. Beware, just a decade of decent growth is what India has and that too is still 11th largest economy, and no where near USA in terms of standard of living, scientific accomplishments etc.. China is better than India but again a far No.2 in GDP terms and still a third world country in standard of living terms.

I would not trust ISRO with a manned mission esp. with Chandrayaan going dead in a months time. Manned missions are mighty complex and any way, if India is getting help from Russian with Moon Rovers, I do not see a problem with a collaboration.
I would see it the other way around. India isnt the one that has been doing manned space missions for years. America's expertise can help India, if it doesn't want the help thats fine too..

You are seeing this in reverse way. India is not seeking any help or but US is more than eager for collaborations. Thats what the news report says....

"As per Isro sources, Nasa and US space department officials are pushing for the collaboration through Deviprasad Karnik, India ’s space attache at its embassy in Washington"
You are seeing this in reverse way. India is not seeking any help or but US is more than eager for collaborations. Thats what the news report says....

"As per Isro sources, Nasa and US space department officials are pushing for the collaboration through Deviprasad Karnik, India ’s space attache at its embassy in Washington"

If you can make some bucks off of India, why not rush? But if India doesnt want it, thats fine too.. India can do this alone. =P
Even in strategic affairs, USA is more valuable to India then the other way around. USA has strategic partnerships all over the world, if India doesn't want to be one... Thats fine too..

R sure, then why US is urging india to play a more active role vis-a-vis china. if they had collaborations all around the world they wouldnt do that. the fact is indian and US interests are converging and US has recognised it.
US needs partners in space exploration desperately due to budget cuts. India needs guidance to cut the time taken in developing technologies.

its win win for both. Having said that, india can achieve its goal without US help, as has been proved in chandrayaan 1. We already have the Space capsule recovery technology (SRE-1 experiment). We need to adopt it for manned flight.

NASA on the other hand suffering from huge budget cuts
Proposed 2011 NASA budget cuts Moon/Mars program, favors commercial orbital scheme (Proposed 2011 NASA budget cuts Moon/Mars program, favors commercial orbital scheme : Composites World)

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