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Bajwa was 100% right about the army's combat readiness

Hope you were around in the 70s and 80s to make the above observation.

Pakistan had no option but to intervene in support of the so called "Afghan mountain people".

Perhaps you don't realize the challenges mounting for Pakistan then for you to suggest that Pakistan should have just closed its eyes and minded its own business. Our business was OUR security on our north western borders. Soviets did not take over Afghanistan just because they felt like invading a neighboring country. They had a plan to get close to the warm waters of the Arabian Sea.

Pakistan did let "Afghan mountain people" do their thing only to see them murdered, destroyed throughout 1978/79.

So just because you have suddenly found a "woke" sense to beat up the establishment/army because of the ongoing political mess for all things past and present, at least don't try to re-write the history as if Soviets were sending gifts to Pakistan and Afghanistan and we turned them down and took up "punga" with them for no reason. Just like in the American GWOT in Afghanistan, we did not have the option to ignore the occupation of Afghanistan and its millions upon millions of Pashtuns and non-Pashtuns.

Lastly, hindsight in always perfect. Non-intervention would have been worse for Pakistan.

I always agree on this it’s in my post, yes I was around during Russian invasion ofAfghanistan. the Russia was a much much worse threat to Pakistan. Getting rid of the soviets had to be the priority. It’s clear some of you missed the point I was making of the afghan war. Law of unintended consequences. We armed the mujahideen against the soviets , mujahideen won. US left. They splintered and went nuts. Preventable, but as usual , we fUcked up the end game. Us told us and them once they got rid of the soviets. They would help them agree into peace. But once it was over the US just left them just like that…Pakistan pick up the broken pieces. Woke hahahaha…Woke is made up nonsense by the right wing press to get their readers all angry about something that isn't real.
We do empathise with the Pakistani citizen. Why else do you think an ailing, elderly man would post here?

That your institutions have turned against you and are harming you does not stop them from continuing in their dangerous path of trying to achieve through clandestine means what cannot be achieved through open actions.
I just don't see why they would take pangaa with India at this point, when their hands are full at home.

And why would they go through the trouble of making backdoor deals with India (which was one of top 3 reasons of IK falling out with Bajwa) if they were going to piss off India?

Also, if you think they want things to get hot again on LOC to take the heat off of themselves, that won't work. 90% of all comments on India related chest-thumping these days are negative and people call out the army for using India as a boogeyman.

If that's happening on india related tweets of ISPR, you can imagine the rest. ISPR didn't even wish Eid. You can guess why.

So, it's impossible to imagine why they would piss of India and by extension the US at this point by stirring the Kashmir issue.
where are our mighty undefeated Thanos level SSG ? PA/SSG performance is worse than Highway patrol police in USA, they have lost will/nerve/b@lls to fight, TTP will be scoring huge numbers while Generals are busy in looting Pakistan left right & center, when the time comes most of them will be on the first flight to run and those who stay will offer their Tashreef with the first sight of enemy. Never have I ever thought that Pakistan Army will become such a chicken shit institution which are only brave against innocent kids making tiktoks, killing journalists and making P0rn videos.
I just don't see why they would take pangaa with India at this point, when their hands are full at home.

And why would they go through the trouble of making backdoor deals with India (which was one of top 3 reasons of IK falling out with Bajwa) if they were going to piss off India?

Also, if you think they want things to get hot again on LOC to take the heat off of themselves, that won't work. 90% of all comments on India related chest-thumping these days are negative and people call out the army for using India as a boogeyman.

If that's happening on india related tweets of ISPR, you can imagine the rest. ISPR didn't even wish Eid. You can guess why.

So, it's impossible to imagine why they would piss of India and by extension the US at this point by stirring the Kashmir issue.
That is truly an interesting proposition, and sounds like common sense.

However, whatever brief brushes I have had with a certain profession leads me to remember that sometimes, in those organisations, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

I would be saddened but not shocked to learn that somebody, somewhere was going through whatever he had been tasked to do, without bothering to communicate or to engage his own mind.

It's a possibility.
Losing 6 soldiers to kill 3 terrorists is shameful to say the least.
Bajwa was not Right, Wrong Title of Thread.

Fight in battlefield with professional army in Uniforms,


Fighting terrorists without Uniform who hide themselves in civilians or in mountains where no roads, IED everywhere or Road side bomb on the way has difference.

And how can we trust Hamid Mir, what Bajwa spoked.
Now even the kill ratio is in ttp's favour, if they can't fight these cavemen than how on earth they protect against india. you people take almost half the budget yet can't get one job done

As long as Pakistani generals are safe in DHA societies and.on the golf courses... The slave soldiers lives do not matter. They are just cannon fodder
.slaves will be.slavrs forever until they revolt.
I always agree on this it’s in my post, yes I was around during Russian invasion ofAfghanistan. the Russia was a much much worse threat to Pakistan. Getting rid of the soviets had to be the priority. It’s clear some of you missed the point I was making of the afghan war. Law of unintended consequences. We armed the mujahideen against the soviets , mujahideen won. US left. They splintered and went nuts. Preventable, but as usual , we fUcked up the end game. Us told us and them once they got rid of the soviets. They would help them agree into peace. But once it was over the US just left them just like that…Pakistan pick up the broken pieces. Woke hahahaha…Woke is made up nonsense by the right wing press to get their readers all angry about something that isn't real.

Most people talk like the Soviet invasion was the beginning of Pakistan’s involvement in the Afghan jihad. It was not. Pakistan was actively involved in supporting almost all the mujahideen groups years before the Soviet invasion.

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was similar to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It was actively provoked as a bear trap, and it worked beautifully for America and the West. Afghanistan and Pakistan may have been destroyed but, hey, the generals made a lot of dollars.

Although deliberately vague as to what this meant, the evidence indicates that Brzezinski called for moderate covert support for Afghan dissident groups which had set up headquarters in Pakistan. Some, such as forces under the command of Rabbani and Hekmatyar, had been operating out of Pakistan without much outside aid for years. According to a former Pakistani military official who was interviewed in 1988, the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad had asked Pakistani military officials in April 1979 to recommend a rebel organization that would make the best use of U.S. aid. The following month, the Pakistani source claimed, he personally introduced a CIA official to Hekmatyar who, while more radically Islamic and anti-American than most Afghans, headed what the Pakistani government considered the most militant and organized rebel group, the Hizb-i Islami (Hekmatyar).(11)

Freedom of Information Act requests for records describing these meetings have been denied. But CIA and State Department documents seized by Iranian students during the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in November 1979, reveal that, starting in April 1979, eight months before the Soviet intervention and immediately following Brzezinski’s SCC decision, the United States had, in fact, begun quietly meeting rebel representatives. Although most of the cables and memoranda released to date show that U.S. officials politely turned down rebel requests for U.S. assistance, others reveal CIA support for anti-DRA demonstrations and close monitoring of Pakistani military aid for rebel parties based in Pakistan’s NWFP.

where are our mighty undefeated Thanos level SSG ? PA/SSG performance is worse than Highway patrol police in USA, they have lost will/nerve/b@lls to fight, TTP will be scoring huge numbers while Generals are busy in looting Pakistan left right & center, when the time comes most of them will be on the first flight to run and those who stay will offer their Tashreef with the first sight of enemy. Never have I ever thought that Pakistan Army will become such a chicken shit institution which are only brave against innocent kids making tiktoks, killing journalists and making P0rn videos.
Just because generals are busy as per you looting. Does not mean you ridicule jawans of Pakistan. What can SSG do ? highway petrol ? have you seen us petrol videos how they perform can they actually handle terrorist attacks ? Comparing SSG to them is insult. Sorry to ask but when will this western worshiping of their greatness be stopped ?

A coward person wearing suicide west and civilian cloths attacks a person with uniform. How can in the world of common sense you expect that to handle ? you don't want army to check and search every civilian in critical areas cause that would be anti human rights and misuse of power. Then what can jawans do ?

If you think it is so unprofessional why don't enemy of Pakistan dare take it quickly. India is now global power and has great influence you think world will sanction India as much as Pakistan is sanctioned every now and then ?

At least western people no matter what do not insult there soldiers and respect them. Have you seen any vietnam war soldier/ iraq / afghan war soldier insulted due to negligence and pride and misuse of power of their generals ? No, because only person to blame for those wars are diplomats, politicians and generals!

I always agree on this it’s in my post, yes I was around during Russian invasion ofAfghanistan. the Russia was a much much worse threat to Pakistan. Getting rid of the soviets had to be the priority. It’s clear some of you missed the point I was making of the afghan war. Law of unintended consequences. We armed the mujahideen against the soviets , mujahideen won. US left. They splintered and went nuts. Preventable, but as usual , we fUcked up the end game. Us told us and them once they got rid of the soviets. They would help them agree into peace. But once it was over the US just left them just like that…Pakistan pick up the broken pieces. Woke hahahaha…Woke is made up nonsense by the right wing press to get their readers all angry about something that isn't real.
Woke people exist you are just not one of them.

We defeated soviets by helping mujaheddin. That was bigger threat and gave our country more life. Otherwise what we have now might have not existed. India from right and from left soviets would have destroyed us. That was good history that we happened to stop them along with help.

US is just a traitor in history of world. We just fall victim of it. You cannot always have victory.

This is sad reality that people of Pakistan especially liberals believe everything that is said in media is true.

Totally misleading article.
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