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An endless war: Iran, Israel and the United States


Apr 17, 2009
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Since the Islamic Republic of Iran was founded in 1979, there has been a war between Iran, Israel, and the US. The war has never been officially declared, and there has been no real reconciliation.

Part One of this two-part documentary focuses on the origins of the conflict between Iran and Israel. It began when the Israelis invaded Lebanon to confront a new Lebanese Shiite force backed by Iran: Hezbollah.

Throughout the Middle East, targeted assassinations, bombings, and non-military attacks with no clear attribution are on the rise. Could the "secret war" between Iran and Israel escalate into a major regional or even global confrontation? The two countries are dominant powers in today’s Middle East. Yet Iran and Israel have failed to resolve their historical disputes, and there has never been significant dialogue between them. And what role does the United States play in the conflict?

Based on painstaking archival research and featuring high-profile players in Israel, Iran, Lebanon, and the US, the film looks back on the more than forty years since Iran’s Islamic Revolution. It explores key moments and provides ways of understanding the new Middle East.

Part Two of this two-part documentary focuses on the period after the first Gulf War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union. With US influence dominant in the Middle East, there was an opportunity to settle the conflict between Israel and its Arab neighbors. When Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin entered into dialogue with the Palestinians, one motive for the rapprochement was to neutralize Iran's influence. The Islamic Republic’s leaders found themselves threatened and responded by confronting Israel and the US, while secretly making preparations for the development of nuclear weapons.

Throughout the Middle East, targeted assassinations, bombings, and non-military attacks with no clear attribution are on the rise. Could the "secret war" between Iran and Israel escalate into a major regional or even global confrontation? The two countries are dominant powers in today’s Middle East. Yet Iran and Israel have failed to resolve their historical disputes, and there has never been significant dialogue between them. And what role does the United States play in the conflict?

Based on painstaking archival research and featuring high-profile players in Israel, Iran, Lebanon, and the US, the film looks back on the more than forty years since Iran’s Islamic Revolution. It explores key moments and provides ways of understanding the new Middle East.
I saw it on YT just a while ago. It's altrightish but the profile has some other interesting content.
USA non-war against Iran is one of the most strangest things of recent history.

Everybody expected a USA first strike against Iran in 2011/2012. And then nothing happened, and then silence and then Iran Deal 2015.

Only a perfect fool would think that Israel is something more than a tiny chess piece in that story.

I think USA planned something really big using Iran/Israel one decade ago, but something failed, they thought Iran would reply their provocations, but they didnt nothing.

Maybe USA was listening Iranian high ranks conversations through eavesdropping, Iran became aware, and they deceive Americans making them believe that they will attack them.

What was the real purpose of those twisted American actions one decade ago?

January 21 2012, the day of the non-star of USA/Israel/Iran war.

Fidel Castro articles those days were very interesting, here one from the start of January 2012, after a Ahmadinejad (Iran PM in 2012) and Fidel Castro meeting in La Habana, Cuba:

Iraq needs freeeedommmmm, let's attack.... Palestine doesn't.

Iran must not get nukesssssss, let's attack... Israel can have them.

Iran is signatory to treaties not to develop nuclear weapons, Israel is not. Iran is not a friend of Pakistan. Their quite close to India and sponser protests against mistreatment of Shias in Pakistan but don't give a f**ck about Kahsmiri mUslims. They do not like Pakistanis.

Stop sucking up to them. Both the Pakistani government and military recognise the threat of their nuclear program to Pakistan.
Iran is signatory to treaties not to develop nuclear weapons, Israel is not. Iran is not a friend of Pakistan. Their quite close to India and sponser protests against mistreatment of Shias in Pakistan but don't give a f**ck about Kahsmiri mUslims. They do not like Pakistanis.

Stop sucking up to them. Both the Pakistani government and military recognise the threat of their nuclear program to Pakistan.
There is zero real evidence of Israel possesion of nukes.

Iran is signatory to treaties not to develop nuclear weapons, Israel is not. Iran is not a friend of Pakistan. Their quite close to India and sponser protests against mistreatment of Shias in Pakistan but don't give a f**ck about Kahsmiri mUslims. They do not like Pakistanis.

Stop sucking up to them. Both the Pakistani government and military recognise the threat of their nuclear program to Pakistan.
Are you suggesting that Israel is a friend of Pakistan?

And what makes you think that Iranian nuclear program is a threat to Pakistanis?
Iran is signatory to treaties not to develop nuclear weapons, Israel is not. Iran is not a friend of Pakistan. Their quite close to India and sponser protests against mistreatment of Shias in Pakistan but don't give a f**ck about Kahsmiri mUslims. They do not like Pakistanis.

Stop sucking up to them. Both the Pakistani government and military recognise the threat of their nuclear program to Pakistan.

LOL. Are you a child?

1) Who is sucking up to them? Pointing out US hypocrisy, which is a fact, does not equal sucking up to Iran.

2) Nobody gives a shit about Kashmiri Muslims, including your own Establishment who has abandoned them and instead renames streets and releases cringey jingles. It's not anybody else's job to care for them --- it's ours, since we claim it, so stop outsourcing this responsibility. If our leaders have pretty much handed IOK to India on a silver platter in a pathetic, weak appeasement strategy, why the F should anybody else care?!

3) You think the reason the US doesn't want nuclear Iran is because of some damn treaty, or that it's okay with Israeli nukes because Israel hasn't signed the treat...?!

4) Wherever Iran works against legitimate Pakistani interests, it should be directly confronted. Similarly, whenever any country works against Pakistani interests, it should be confronted.

Are you suggesting that Israel is a friend of Pakistan?

And what makes you think that Iranian nuclear program is a threat to Pakistanis?

Ignore these clowns. They only see one side of the coin.
Wherever Iran works against legitimate Pakistani interests, it should be directly confronted. Similarly, whenever any country works against Pakistani interests, it should be confronted.

And that's exactly what is being done. Iran is an ally of India and has a bad influence on Pakistani Shias and needs to be stopped from developing nuclear weapons.
Are you suggesting that Israel is a friend of Pakistan?

And what makes you think that Iranian nuclear program is a threat to Pakistanis?

No not a friend, but a country with occasional overlapping interests such as supporting the same side during the Afghan War of 1979-1989.

The Iranian regime is a close ally of India and has a bad influence on Pakistani Shias as does Saudi Arabia on Pakistani Sunnis.

It also brutalizes it's people. It has a bad human rights record. Pakistan's mutual interest with Israel & Gulf Arab states lies with supporting Iranian freedom fighters to overthrow the mullah regime and shut the nuclear program.

I am not claiming Israel does not have bad human rights records. Neither does Pakistan, not to mention Gulf Arab states. But right now mutual co-operation needs to occur to eliminate the greater threat.

Many Iranians do not want their government to attain nuclear weapons. Also if the Iranian regime is overthrown, the Saudis will have no "excuse" left to spread Wahabbism.
It also brutalizes it's people. It has a bad human rights record. Pakistan's mutual interest with Israel & Gulf Arab states lies with supporting Iranian freedom fighters to overthrow the mullah regime and shut the nuclear program.
Seriously? You are not speaking on behalf of Pakistani state. What you said is the words of an sleeping guy walking in the dark. What you need is a big slap to awaken you from nightmare.

Many Iranians do not want their government to attain nuclear weapons. Also if the Iranian regime is overthrown, the Saudis will have no "excuse" left to spread Wahabbism.
Shut up. Speak for yourseld dumbfk
USA non-war against Iran is one of the most strangest things of recent history.

Everybody expected a USA first strike against Iran in 2011/2012. And then nothing happened, and then silence and then Iran Deal 2015.

Only a perfect fool would think that Israel is something more than a tiny chess piece in that story.

I think USA planned something really big using Iran/Israel one decade ago, but something failed, they thought Iran would reply their provocations, but they didnt nothing.

Maybe USA was listening Iranian high ranks conversations through eavesdropping, Iran became aware, and they deceive Americans making them believe that they will attack them.

What was the real purpose of those twisted American actions one decade ago?

January 21 2012, the day of the non-star of USA/Israel/Iran war.

Fidel Castro articles those days were very interesting, here one from the start of January 2012, after a Ahmadinejad (Iran PM in 2012) and Fidel Castro meeting in La Habana, Cuba:

I was very young when this happened, but reading on 2011/2012, two AC carriers in the region with the 5th fleet and other nations taking part in this fleet, was definitely a "close" period and wonder what the hell happened there. The US attempted to enact a naval blockade on Iran, which prompted this high tense scenario, but some how everything wooshed away like nothing happened.

Do you think it was a bait attempt?
I was very young when this happened, but reading on 2011/2012, two AC carriers in the region with the 5th fleet and other nations taking part in this fleet, was definitely a "close" period and wonder what the hell happened there. The US attempted to enact a naval blockade on Iran, which prompted this high tense scenario, but some how everything wooshed away like nothing happened.

Do you think it was a bait attempt?
I remember another things like EU annoucing sanctions to Iran in January 2012: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/jan/04/eu-iran-oil-embargo-ban

And the recent Gadafi impalement months before. The Arab Spring and so on.

Iran weeks before said that would respond if USA keep harassing passing their carriers through Hormuz, but they finally did nothing.

My opinion is that Iran deceived Americans, making them believe that Iran would attack them and sink US carriers.

So USA and West-Europe slaves like UK and France made a deployment like to start a war against Iran, but Iran didnt start it, and nothing happened.

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