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American sold weapons are useless If they're using GPS

GPS is a passive system for vehicles to tack it's own location. Vehicles don't relay their location back to GPS satellites.

As an example, a mobile phone uses the passive GPS signals to find it's own location. Apps installed on the phone can then transmit that location via the internet to a server to announce it's location. For the US to track a jet or missile's location, the jet or missile must be equipped with a secondary telecommunication system to send it's location back to a server, from which the US can see it's location.

You're right, some GPS equipment have hardware limitations, but it can be avoided using another hardware.

It's what Iran does in his Shaheds suicide drones, they use SDR boards to get GPS position, with no limitations.

It doesn't say anything about how the GPS satellites can be used to send missile locations to USA. I would like to know technical details.

The military uses GPS extensively for various purposes, including navigation, target tracking, and precision-guided munitions. Here's an overview of how the USA uses GPS in its military operations and the challenges associated with disabling weapon systems:

1. Navigation and Situational Awareness: GPS enables military personnel to determine their precise location, which is crucial for navigation on land, sea, and air. It helps troops and vehicles move efficiently, plan routes, and coordinate operations. GPS also provides situational awareness by allowing military units to track the movement of friendly and emimy forces and monitor potential.

2. Targeting and Precision-Guided Munitions: GPS plays a vital role in guiding precision-guided munitions (PGMs) such as missiles, bombs, and artillery projectiles. By incorporating GPS receivers, these weapons can accurately navigate to their intended targets, improving overall effectiveness and reducing collateral damage.

3. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR): GPS is used in ISR platforms like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and satellites. It helps gather real-time intelligence by providing precise positioning information for target identification, tracking, and monitoring.

4. Communications and Timing: GPS also supports military communications systems by providing accurate timing synchronization. This is crucial for coordinating operations, ensuring secure communications, and preventing electronic warfare attacks.

Now, regarding disabling weapon systems:

1. Sovereign Control: Once a country purchases weapon systems from the USA or any other supplier, they have sovereign control over those systems. The USA cannot unilaterally disable or control those weapons without violating international law and agreements. But usa have always vital info and expertise in system they can disable or put error in system via link any time they want as they always know serial numbers and built in codes issued to what weapon

2. Security Measures: Weapon systems typically incorporate security measures to prevent unauthorized access or tampering. These may include encryption, authentication protocols, and physical safeguards. Disabling such systems would require bypassing or overcoming these security measures, which is extremely difficult but as usa designed this system so they have complete control on it

3. International Agreements: The transfer of weapon systems often involves contractual agreements and international treaties. These agreements specify the terms and conditions of use, including limitations, safeguards, and obligations to prevent misuse. Violating these agreements would have severe diplomatic and legal consequences.
Here are some additional technical details regarding how the USA uses GPS to control and navigate the world:

1. Time Synchronization: GPS signals also include extremely accurate time information. The GPS system uses atomic clocks on board the satellites, which are synchronized with ground-based atomic clocks. This precise time synchronization is crucial for various applications, such as telecommunications, financial transactions, and scientific experiments.

2. Multiple Satellites: To obtain accurate positioning, a GPS receiver needs signals from at least four satellites. By receiving signals from multiple satellites, the receiver can perform trilateration and calculate its three-dimensional position (latitude, longitude, and altitude). The additional satellite signals also help improve accuracy and reliability by allowing the receiver to account for factors like signal interference and satellite geometry.

3. Differential GPS (DGPS): DGPS is a technique that further enhances the accuracy of GPS positioning. It involves using additional ground-based reference stations that precisely measure their own positions. These reference stations compare their known positions with the GPS-calculated positions and determine any discrepancies. The differential corrections are then broadcasted to GPS receivers, allowing them to apply more accurate positioning calculations.

4. Selective Availability (SA): In the past, the USA intentionally introduced a feature called Selective Availability, which introduced deliberate errors in GPS signals for non-military users. This reduced the accuracy for civilian applications. However, in 2000, the SA feature was discontinued, leading to a significant improvement in civilian GPS accuracy.

5. Augmentation Systems: Various augmentation systems have been developed to enhance GPS accuracy and reliability in specific regions or applications. For example, the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) in the USA uses ground-based reference stations and geostationary satellites to provide differential corrections and integrity monitoring, enabling high-accuracy positioning for aviation and other critical applications.

6. GPS Modernization: The USA continually works on modernizing and improving the GPS system. This includes launching new satellites with advanced capabilities, such as higher transmit power, more accurate atomic clocks, and improved anti-jamming capabilities. This modernization aims to enhance the overall performance and resilience of the GPS system.

It's important to note that while the USA has developed and maintains the GPS system, it is a global utility available for use by anyone with a compatible GPS receiver, regardless of their location.

You're right, some GPS equipment have hardware limitations, but it can be avoided using another hardware.

It's what Iran does in his Shaheds suicide drones, they use SDR boards to get GPS position, with no limitations.

They ultr the system so well that even Russians were surprised reason why usa is not willing to attack Iran. They saw how they used drones againt USA Assets in Middle East time in last 15 years.

You bater eaten fish. Eating tiny fish made your brain so small. Give me counter info rather act like idiot.
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They ultr the system so well that even Russians were surprised reason why usa is not willing to attack Iran. They saw how they used drones againt USA Assets in Middle East time in last 15 years.
Right but those are different things.

1. Shaheds with SDR boards to get GPS (civilian) position: It's not the big deal, and any country can do it.

2. Iran capturing RQ-170 drone in 2011 through GPS-mil replay attacks to spoof the position of a USA military base and change to a Iran air base. That was the big deal.

All GNSS signals, even GPS-mil encrypted signals are vulnerable to a replay attack, i.e: add a delay in the signal so the receptor get a fake position.
Former President Ayub khan in tight situation during his visit to USA in 1961.

The Vulnerability of Western-Made Weapons: The Case of GPS Systems and National Security

In recent geopolitical tensions, the role of GPS systems in warfare has come under intense scrutiny. I have writen article on 28 October 2023 https://defence.pk/threads/american-sold-weapons-are-useless-if-theyre-using-gps.778733/page-2
The recent BBC report sheds light on how the USA and Israel strategically turned off GPS systems before attacks on Iran, revealing a critical vulnerability in Western-made weapons systems.

The reliance on GPS technology in modern warfare is undeniable. From guiding missiles to coordinating troop movements, GPS provides unparalleled accuracy and real-time awareness of battlefield dynamics. However, this same reliance has become a double-edged sword, as demonstrated by the ability of nations like the USA and Israel to manipulate or disable GPS signals to their advantage.

The essence of the issue lies in the design and control of GPS systems. Developed primarily by American and Israeli entities, these systems are programmed with geographical boundaries to protect their assets. When a hostile entity launches a weapon equipped with GPS, it inadvertently triggers alerts within the American and Israeli defense networks, providing them with precise information on the incoming threat's location and trajectory.

To illustrate, consider the analogy of sharing live locations on WhatsApp. Just as one user can track another's movements in real-time, GPS systems provide constant updates on the position and movement of equipped weapons. This awareness gives Western powers a significant tactical advantage in countering threats and protecting their interests.

However, this advantage also exposes a glaring weakness for those relying on Western-made weapons. As highlighted in the Defence.pk article, users in regions like Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine have experienced discrepancies in GPS accuracy, with their locations appearing in incorrect countries. This is a direct result of the geographical boundaries set by the USA and Israel, which can inadvertently disrupt civilian and military operations in affected regions.

Moreover, recent events in Pakistan further underscore the implications of GPS vulnerabilities on national security. The decision to ground Chinese surveillance aircraft equipped with the Beidou system, a move attributed to Pakistani General Asim Munier and air chief raises questions about the country's defense strategy and potential compromises in security.

The grounding of the Chinese ZDK-03 fleet, as reported by Republic World,
suggests a deliberate shift from bidu To reliance on Western-made GPS systems is treason committed by Pakistan high command.
Before asim munier Pakistan decided to shift from GPS to chines bideu system after 27 feb when USA informed india about Pakistani 18 missiles attack.

In conclusion, the case of GPS systems and their manipulation by powerful entities like the USA and Israel reveals a critical vulnerability in Western-made weapons. While GPS technology offers unparalleled precision and awareness on the battlefield, it also exposes users to potential exploitation and compromise of national security. As nations navigate geopolitical tensions and strategic alliances, the need for robust defense mechanisms that mitigate reliance on GPS systems becomes increasingly apparent.
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