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American sold weapons are useless If they're using GPS

Cash GK

Sep 20, 2015
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The Role of GPS in Global Security: Empowering the USA

GPS, or Global Positioning System, has revolutionized navigation and has become an integral part of our everyday lives. However, its significance extends far beyond personal convenience. The USA, as the primary operator and developer of GPS, utilizes this technology strategically to control the world. This article explores how GPS empowers the USA to control and safeguard its interests by leveraging its advanced satellite network.

GPS as a Strategic Asset:
The United States' investment and development of GPS technology have positioned it as a vital strategic asset. With a network of satellites continually orbiting the Earth, GPS offers unparalleled precision in determining locations worldwide. This capability enables the USA to exercise a level of control over global events, particularly in situations involving the use of weapons.

Weapon Tracking and Disarmament:
One notable advantage of GPS technology is its potential to track weapons supplied by the USA to both allies and adversaries. By equipping these weapons with GPS receivers, the USA can monitor their locations in real-time. This knowledge allows the USA to control of these weapons which they took money and those weapons are not their property anymore, prevent unauthorized transfers, and sold weapons are useless If they go against American's interests.

To explain the matter , during the 2019 India-Pakistan border skirmishes, the USA, equipped with GPS technology, reportedly detected the locations of missiles deployed by Pakistan. This information allowed the USA to alert India to the impending attack. Such instances demonstrate how GPS assists the USA. After that event Pakistanis went for great upgrades to using Chinese Satellite bieDou to its weapons.

Enhanced Defense Systems:
GPS also plays a pivotal role in bolstering the USA's defense capabilities. By accurately tracking the locations of potential threats, the USA can activate its defense systems promptly and respond effectively. This real-time information empowers the USA to calculate the exact time of incoming missiles, providing valuable seconds to react and mitigate potential damage.

Furthermore, the USA's ability to swiftly identify the location of hostile assets through GPS technology enables targeted responses. By pinpointing the positions of adversaries' assets, the USA can plan and execute precise countermeasures, minimizing collateral damage and maximizing strategic advantage.

The Future of GPS:
Recognizing the significance of GPS technology, other nations have also begun developing their own satellite navigation systems China, for instance, has launched its BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. This diversification of satellite networks suggests a growing awareness of the strategic importance of GPS.

GPS has emerged as an indispensable for USA, By leveraging its advanced satellite network, the USA can track weapons, prevent unauthorized use, and strategically respond to potential threats. GPS empowers the USA to exercise control over its interests, ensuring the stability and security of not only its allies but for themselves. As technology continues to advance, the future of GPS will undoubtedly play an increasingly vital role in shaping global security dynamics.
India uses NAVIC as an alternative to GPS. The latest IPhone models support it.
GPS is a passive system for vehicles to tack it's own location. Vehicles don't relay their location back to GPS satellites.

As an example, a mobile phone uses the passive GPS signals to find it's own location. Apps installed on the phone can then transmit that location via the internet to a server to announce it's location. For the US to track a jet or missile's location, the jet or missile must be equipped with a secondary telecommunication system to send it's location back to a server, from which the US can see it's location.
Here he goes my favorite indian

GPS is a passive system for vehicles to tack it's own location. Vehicles don't relay their location back to GPS satellites.

As an example, a mobile phone uses the passive GPS signals to find it's own location. Apps installed on the phone can then transmit that location via the internet to a server to announce it's location. For the US to track a jet or missile's location, the jet or missile must be equipped with a secondary telecommunication system to send it's location back to a server, from which the US can see it's location.
Usa do Geographical boundaries around their assets whenever someone tried to attack them or even put the location of the asset, the algorithm in their system in GPS warns them about danger.
you may notice when you driving your car on busy road and google tells you if road is busy. It is because that device throw ipz to connect with other devices around and tells you real time.
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So you mean still usa has hands on info as Apple has this access to indian use system. Bravo.
The civilian use one is open for everyone. The military one is encrypted and only available with authorisation.
Here he goes my favorite indian

Usa do Geographical boundaries around their assets whenever someone tried to attack them or even put the location of the asset, the algorithm in their system in GPS warns them about danger.
you may notice when you driving your car on busy road and google tells you if road is busy. It is because that device throw ipz to connect with other devices around and tells you real time.

GPS is a passive system for vehicles to tack it's own location. Vehicles don't relay their location back to GPS satellites.

As an example, a mobile phone uses the passive GPS signals to find it's own location. Apps installed on the phone can then transmit that location via the internet to a server to announce it's location. For the US to track a jet or missile's location, the jet or missile must be equipped with a secondary telecommunication system to send it's location back to a server, from which the US can see it's location.
BS, you are woefully ill-informed on how the technology works.
BS, you are woefully ill-informed on how the technology works.

Please inform me then. Tell me how the GPS system can be used by missiles to send it's location to usa.
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