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  • MilSpec
    Don't take comments by trolls to seriously. We are guests here, We should keep our opinions as well articulated as possible. - regards
    Thanks sir, for the advice and now I understand how should i do at PDF
    I will now only keep on pressing Report button, in each and every wrong word. Let's see for how long Mod stays quiete
    @MilSpec sir please guide me .i want to become like you but sometimes i got lost and distracted here in PDF .i need a senior advice. give me some tips advice or anything i can follow with.
    keep calm, maintain good language, and listen carefully to the other side.
    what if the other side insult me, my religion or my country.
    i can't control myself to give a hard reply.and thats my problem.and sometimes i do it too.
    chaos in some threads that cant decide what to do.
    and when i comment or post nicely the other part start bullying or insulting me.
    remember you, your nation, and you religion, is not affected by someone insulting it online, if you come across such post, report them, do not respond and get into a mud slinging match.
    Don't take stuff too seriously.
    I am not able to access few threads ( mainly indo-pak threads)..because I am banned from a section a off-topic post which was not abusive in any kind..What should I do?
    Shall I ask MODS to ban me temporarily and ask them to reset than sectional ban?

    I was curious to know, if TTA's receive warnings from mods?
    I do,sometimes, but then again I have a pretty tight control on my language unlike the ones you deal with...
    Remember Joe sir, follow his suit and be subtle with TTA/TTC's
    Kyusuibu Honbu
    Kyusuibu Honbu
    I report more posts of TTA, rather than responding to them. Was curious to know, if it was a worthless effort. Thanks for confirming its not :)
    LOL I wanted to be a think tank to give ratings but after seeing the reaction of that nerd(you know whom i'm talking about :P) yeh powr aapko hi mubaark ho sarkar :)
    Can you reverse my negative rating please? given by you, on a thread ?
    I don't think you would be able to edit your post to edit the offensive content, reply to your post and retract your statement and tag me, i will reverse it. - regards
    Sir what would be the advantage of 3D printing of canopy or airframe parts economically than the conventional ways
    there are quite a few, 3D printing in popular term is usually refereed to what we know as stereolitgraphy or Laminated object manufacturing. But look up RP methods like Selective Laser Sintering, where you can prototype aluminium components which might have immense potential in Aerospace industry. Especially when we are trying to repair or restore an aircraft.
    Unfortunately Rapid prototyping is not a manufacturing process, thus economy of cost doesn't hold up against say CNC VMC or a even CNC Lathe. But I believe It does serve a purpose with Low Volume complex components.
    Why did you give me a negative rating? I'm from Kashmir and I can show you reports the true face of Indians as being rapists, murderers. They even have not spared Christians in Orissa and raped and burned down churches. Are you challenging the facts?
    Dear sir,

    You are deliberately insulting a nationality by generalizing certain incidents. You can ask for a review in post rating board, If the rating is found inappropriate, the moderators will be more than happy to reverse it.

    Hi, i am doing Mphil thesis and i need help in collection of data. It would really help if you could provide me with info related to China & India. What sort of relations they have. How India is seeing Chinese rise and what India is doing to counter it. Even an article would help a lot. Thanks
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    Reactions: MilSpec
    I do not have any articles off hand, But I will indeed compile some articles for you and send it soon.
    Best regards
    That will be great.
    @MilSpec: I apologize for my post. My intent wasn't malicious. Tried to be sarcastic though I see it was a terrible idea. I've deleted the post. I engage positively on PDF. I post translations of Cantonese/Mandarin: defence.pk/posts/7040829/. Wouldn't mind translating German/French. I've learned a lot from your contributions. I'd hate it if this incident defined our engagement here. Please accept my sincere apology.
    Hi can you give a negative rating to this just to make sure that you are not bias against those who holds a different view to Indians.
    Mike_Brando said: ↑
    Man,send us some of your voluptuous pinoy girls immediately and i promise that i will personally send you guys enough food grains to last for a year:rofl::rolleyes:
    this one just loves negative, part of his life.
    You do realize that Bollywood is contributing to the sexual problems and rapes in India. The kissing, sexual content and the Indian **** movies and stars. Please reconsider this post.
    Dear sir, your intellectual outlook or understand of social issues or lack of it is not my concern. Ratings and reports are based on quality of the content and rules of the forum. your post is insulting a nationality, extremely distasteful and of low quality.
    for further information on the regulations of the forum please visit the following thread

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