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  • Sir i forgot , can you guide me from where i can create my own thread ?
    Go to the relevent section on the forum and at the top, on the right hand side, you will see a "create thread" option click there and you'll be on your way...
    Good to see you back. Please don't go off-topic, instead you are expected to report such posts being a senior member.
    @Abingdonboy, whatsup bro?
    I'm saddened by ur ban. When Will they take off your ban?
    Did you join any new forums?
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    Reactions: Abingdonboy
    Hey brother, I'm well how are you? I do also visit IDF from time to time and my band is now over here.
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    Reactions: SR-91
    So, I'm going to reply here, considering the thread is closed. Economy doesn't necessarily imply power projection, or global influence; it helps, but it isn't the only indicator. If economy was the only indicator, Israel wouldn't be as powerful , or influential as it is.
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    Reactions: Abingdonboy
    I'm not really sure which discussion/thread this is in reference to.
    good to see you back !!!!!
    • Like
    Reactions: Abingdonboy
    Many thanks brother, a 2 month ban removed after 2 days and it is entirely thanks to you.
    its nothing from my side.. you are a solid poster brother.. thats why even webby agreed to look at your case.. but do choose a little diplomatic language... avoid contentious issues and flamebait moves.. even if its tough to resist
    after all its all of our loss if you get banned again.. especially when there are exciting days ahead to talk on various developments
    Hi mate...... I saw you banned twice this month??? What happened???? How did you get in to trouble?
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    Reactions: Abingdonboy
    To be honest this second time was pretty absurd. I had simply made a rebuttal to some Pakistani members accusing India of initiating an arms race in Asia despite merely spending 1.65% of GDP on defence. I guess they didn't like me comparing them to Belgium (similar GDP).
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    Reactions: Levina
    May be you need to turn down your aggression a bit........ Points can be made in little more diplomatically..... Learn from me :P
    Point taken but where's the fun in that? :P

    (seriously I will try my best sir, it's no fun to watch the fun going on without being able to take part )
    Hi ,

    Sorry to see you banned, Nilgiri too..
    Please don't get emotional , it's not worth it.
    Sometimes some push is needed even for the king to see life in new angle..
    We ll see u soon.

    • Like
    Reactions: Abingdonboy
    Thanks for the advice and you are right, I just can't help myself sometimes-I'll have to work on that.

    Take care brother
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    Reactions: sathya
    The Czech Republic have similar rates to that of USA.
    Planned on going there myself but that did not metallised.
    The C-172 has enough endurance to fly from Burno to Oxford where you can visit your home every day and return back once fueling is complete.
    Go and check the 0 to ATPL JAA link

    Here is the link.
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    Reactions: Abingdonboy
    Pilots are professionals hence it is different. Mostly there is a written exam. Then a medical examination of the company followed by an interview.
    If there is a shortage then walk in interviews, provided your CV is acceptable and you have the required prerequisite. These are also flexible if there is a need for pilots.
    Its almost morning here... so would take a few hrs of nap before going to CAA Pakistan where I am an Aviation Consultant.
    No problem brother, thank you so much for all the advice and information I couldn't be more grateful. Have a good sleep and take care.
    Do you have any design details available for LSA (just out of curiosity)? He was claiming that first bird will roll out in 4-5 years. I couldn't find much info about this plane so just going by his words currently. If the design is good and plane is able achieve better performance than LCA then should be welcomed with open arms as it will allow faster replacements of All older Mig series planes and Jags.
    Hi, Thought its better to discuss away from the thread. Was Raha or Parrikar by any chance mentioning about LSA to be created with some private player? This would be indigenous and also cost lesser if you go by its maker's comment. I have read in IDF that this is very close to reality now and also IAI is showing interest in this plane.
    I can assure you the LSA will never become a reality my friend. The design is FAR too old AND doesn't address the urgent requirements of the IAF. The LSA, if devloped, wouldn't be in service before 2026/7 and would take 3 years just to get inducting inserious numbers.
    The blueprint I am certain is the most logical and what the IAF will pursue is:

    MKI (then FGFA when available), LCA, Rafale and AMCA. It's simple and all elements compliment each other nicely.
    Don't reply to troll post, report them. Same action is taken against those who fall into the trap and post off-topic posts. Learn to report.
    Hi Abingdonboy,

    Since you know so much about military affairs, I wonder if you knew what system is in place in the UK for soldiers to receive their battle uniforms (camouflage uniforms). I have heard that in India, soldiers have to go buy from shops in the military cantonment. Is this the case with the UK or the quartermasters are the only point for issuing new combat camou clothes - including boots etc?
    Hello bro, Hows life? Not seeing you for few days.. Seems you are maintaining a bit of distance.. Sadly, even i need to perhaps.. well MILspec and Knight11 has advised me not to post too much content which r sensitive in nature..
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    Reactions: Abingdonboy
    If the situation picks up in the Indian defence realm (ie some big ticket deals cleared and such) I may find some fire again but right now the current stagnation and in the absence of fact idiots step in status quo makes this place a bit dull for me.
    I am doing good..Thats true about lull.. seems a bit calm cool time now.. Beyond Rafale this month not expecting much.. Lets hope some thing more is included in the deal to make things alive again.
    Ya the firefighting is way too much so in that sense it becomes boring but sadly the other forums indian or defense india pr Bharat rakhshak are too much one sided discussion.. so not many options too
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