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  1. Abingdonboy

    Pakistan finalized Z-10ME Helicopters deal with China : Journalist Sumaira Khan

    A blatant lie btw. You can see the crew walking around putting ON the covers (which are carried inside storage compartments of the airframe in case you land away from your support). They made a precautionary landing which happens all the time with helicopters then flew away a few hours later...
  2. Abingdonboy

    Pakistan to remain in FATF grey list till February.

    It’s the Chinese President that is calling for Pakistan to do more. Doubtful they will continue to bail out Pakistan much longer in this domain. It risks making them look poor and they are particularly vulnerable at the moment and won’t want their image harmed more.
  3. Abingdonboy

    Pakistan to remain in FATF grey list till February.

    Remaining on FATF grey list, nice one. Huge diplomatic victory for Pakistan obviously. Amazing how quickly the goalposts move, I’m old enough to remember the denials that Pakistan has even been put on the grey list at all back in 2018 from the very same people who are cheering today.
  4. Abingdonboy

    I had left after 2016 also, Pakistanis have become very toxic of late and are loosing their...

    I had left after 2016 also, Pakistanis have become very toxic of late and are loosing their minds. Only come here every now and then to correct their filthy lies.
  5. Abingdonboy

    Is India headed for its worst growth recession in a decade?

    Lmao. Do you know what “recession” is? Two consecutive quarters of NEGATIVE growth. India is still growing at close to 7% annually. Growth has contacted along global economic stress and if you knew anything you’d see that the WB has downgraded global growth for this year and next but India...
  6. Abingdonboy

    Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

    JK was a very unique case. There is no other special case like them left.
  7. Abingdonboy

    Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

    People will always see evil designs. Was the status quo previously where the PDP and NC crooks were enriching themselves whilst keeping the state backwards and divided wasn’t working. A stable pro-development administration is just what the 2 UTs need. It’s the first step in bringing long...
  8. Abingdonboy

    Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

    Status quo hasn’t been changed. India called their bluff and all that hot air about solidarity with Kashmir hasn’t been exposed for what it is. Where’s the Pak army’s response? Another tweet? India really has broken free from the prison it had created for itself.
  9. Abingdonboy

    Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

    Connectivity is being addressed by the new rail lines and all weather all year highways. Labour will be addressed by the ability to bow bring in external labour from the rest of India and for those workers to actually be able to settle in JK and Ladakh. This is an untapped market that will...
  10. Abingdonboy

    Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

    Surprised this thread isn’t seeing more viewing figures. For all the obsession about Kashmir on PDF, this is probably the most significant development of the last 70 years. This has effectively ended a dark and bloody chapter in the region’s history. JK and Ladakh will now prosper and...
  11. Abingdonboy

    Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

    Early investors will reap huge rewards as right now prices will be low but will sky rocket in the coming years. If I had the ability I’d be buying all over JK and Ladakh, especially the latter. The amount of investment that will now flow into the UTs will be insane.
  12. Abingdonboy

    Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

    Those that are on the wrong side of history will pay for what’s they say and do in the next 24hrs on this subject. The way CONgress is behaving they are effectively committing suicide. They won’t even win 20 seats in the next GE election. They are so woefully out of touch with the mood of...
  13. Abingdonboy

    Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

    I think many have been caught out by this because now they expected the status quo to prevail. And many have misread the tea leaves. A great strategic game is afoot and that is the real background to all of this. Actually worth watching: Russia-China-Pak nexus to force US out of...
  14. Abingdonboy

    Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

    This is brilliant timing by Modi. Pakistanis are in no position to react given they have just secured an IMF bailout and are trying to work with US on an exit strategy in Afghanistan. If they respond even slightly India can set them back decades I wasn’t ever convinced India would try it but...
  15. Abingdonboy

    Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

    You might have a leg to stand on if Pakistan and their proxies hadn’t already orchestrated the expulsion of the non-Muslim native community of Kashmir. The old formula wasn’t going anywhere, even with the highest central support of any state in the union, with parallel laws, with special...
  16. Abingdonboy

    Gwadar goes red - Specabad.

    So utterly resigned to your own shortcomings you simply want to outsource the job to the Chinese, expect them to create a "Pakistani Hong Kong" and then have Pakistan claim it as its own? There's just SO much wrong with this idea I don't know where to start but the inferiority complex that is...
  17. Abingdonboy

    INDIAN Emergency Services (POLICE, AMBULANCE,FIRE)

    First time seeing KP's special unit. + Looks liek they are using the TONBO imaging NOD.
  18. Abingdonboy

    Police from around the world (2)

    Awesome! Good to see GIGN constantly evolving and coming up with solutions to the threats they face. Centigon are the same people that armour the President of France's car, right? :o::o::o::o::o::o: Just why?? :suicide2:
  19. Abingdonboy

    Police from around the world (2)

    If that's the case then post a SINGLE picture of them with exactly the same gear as the GIGN.... Always a pleasure to see these beasts. Any info on that Land Cruiser and its role? Is that a sniper's nest on top?
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