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Why doesn't Pakistan build an aircraft carrier?

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The marines have an annual budget of $4billion. The entire Pakistani military has one of 5billion.

One aircraft carrier can cost 5 billion.

No. You can get a Santa Maria from Spain for 400 million dollars....
In case of Pakistan, following are the main issues;

1. Poor economy
2. Small coastline

Aircraft Carrier can be a useful asset, if economy permits its procurement and maintenance expenses. It will grant Pakistan Navy long range strike capability. A single small Aircraft Carrier with the capability to carry 30 - 40 Jets will be sufficient for Pakistani needs IMO.

What does the coast line have to do with anything? Are AC to be operated in and around coastlines? And why 30 to 40 jets, please be specific -
Pakistan will build at appropriate time. as of now no ned.

Pakistan will build at appropriate time. as of now no need.

What does the coast line have to do with anything?
My point is with respect to security needs of the country and measures to protect AC. Typically, nations with large coastlines invest a lot in Naval capability to defend themselves from seaborne threats.

Are AC to be operated in and around coastlines?
I am not saying that AC will have limited coverage. This is why I stated that AC will provide PN with long range strike capability. Possibly Blue Water capability.

And why 30 to 40 jets, please be specific -
A small AC will be sufficient for our security needs in the near future IMO.

Gigantic AC is very expensive to maintain. Similarly, several AC are also expensive to maintain.
My point is with respect to security needs of the country and measures to protect AC. Typically, nations with large coastlines invest a lot in Naval capability to defend themselves from seaborne threats.

I am not saying that AC will have limited coverage. This is why I stated that AC will provide PN with long range strike capability. Possibly Blue Water capability.

A small AC will be sufficient for our security needs in the near future IMO.

Gigantic AC is very expensive to maintain. Similarly, several AC are also expensive to maintain.

I don't know your level of experience or education, so forgive me if I begin with some elementary stuff :
Typically, nations with large coastlines invest a lot in Naval capability to defend themselves from seaborne threats.

Actually AC and the battle groups accompanying them serve to keep sea lanes open for trade, even as they project power - that's their purpose -- it has nothing to do with coast line --

A small AC will be sufficient for our security needs in the near future IMO.

OK fine, but tell how you have arrived at this -- which adversary will these 30-40 jets deter??
I don't know your level of experience or education, so forgive me if I begin with some elementary stuff :
I respect my seniors. :)

Actually AC and the battle groups accompanying them serve to keep sea lanes open for trade, even as they project power - that's their purpose -- it has nothing to do with coast line --
Certainly. AC can also grant Pakistan political leverage in the region. It can also deter potential naval blockade attempt by India in case of any hypothetical showdown between the two nations, as India have history of doing this.

OK fine, but tell how you have arrived at this -- which adversary will these 30-40 jets deter??
India at least? Imagine having the capability to harass Indian navy from far away from Pakistani coastline?

India has ambitions to acquire Blue Water naval capability. Pakistan needs to do something as well. Of course, fixing economy is the first priority. Otherwise, gap will widen much more in the near future.
I respect my seniors. :)
India at least? Imagine having the capability to harass Indian navy from far away from Pakistani coastline?
India has ambitions to acquire Blue Water naval capability. Pakistan needs to do something as well. Of course, fixing economy is the first priority. Otherwise, gap will widen much more in the near future.

Nuclear powers "Harass" each other through proxies, doing it directly is suicidal - plus all other powers will gang up on the power that is pursuing such tactics because it will lead to a war no one will win - what will there be left to "win"?

And go after the Indian navy with 40 jets?? ---- See, one small AC is really just one big target for a navy like the Indian Navy --- and for some time to come, the Indian navy is going to be a lesser problem than some other navies.
No. You can get a Santa Maria from Spain for 400 million dollars....

A Santa Maria is a Spanish built Oliver Hazard Perry FFG. At 400 million dollars, that's not cheap for a second-hand frigate.
Focus on economy, and PN will get one in decades

Precisely so. What many posters don’t realise is that Pakistani economy cannot afford a large Navy. Joe public needs housing, food to eat, potable water to drink, fuel for the cars and cooking. For this you need to create employment and improve law & order and strong economy. The country therefore has to make a compromise between military and economic expenditure. No doubt security of sea lanes is important but welfare of ordinary citizens even more so.

Majority of the forum members live inside Pakistan; they see and experience bombings, target killing, load shedding, closure of CNG stations etc. every day. I humbly request all honourable members not to get carried away with their emotions and rationalize before posting requirements that are beyond Pakistan’s economic capability.

Strong economy is needed to fight wars else it bankrupts the nation. USSR had ICBMS, large number of nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers but Afghan war proved so costly that it collapsed from within.
I want to know what are efforts are being done by pakistan regarding the naval aircraft carrier ... Do they have such a plan ?...
I know, we in India have it. And a new one is being built in Russia.

NONE of India's Business !!!

Pakistan will build an AC when she feels like to do so !!!
Can I ask a genuine question, without all the abuse that wil no doubt go with this Q- would we even be discussing this of the IN didn't have plans to operate ACCs? Is this desire felt on this thread purely out of- " if they can do it, we can" that has dogged the India-Pakistan relationship for decades. Or can one see te legitimate advantages of operating such a platform despite the financial and resource constraints of the PN and Pakistan as a whole not to mention the limited actual coastline that Paksitan has that needs defending.

This is a legitimate question as this case study is quite intriguing as is context was removed you would never think Paksitan either needed nor was in a pidgin to operate a ACCs but when you factor in India it becomes, regarded by many here, as a nessecity. Smialr situation arises with the case of the PN and a nuclear sub wherin many members here are convinced it is a much for the PN.
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