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TRT World Exposed IK Narrative in One Simple Question to IK

All of a sudden, patwaris are rearing their ugly head.. they wait like hyenas for a lion to show weakness .. what a ugly bunch of existence u all are ..

TRT: But Difficult to Understands whether you want the military out of the Pakistan politics or Do You want the military on Your side in Pakistan's Politics? Which is it?
Imran: aaaa uuuu aaaa your voice not clearly reaching me....:rofl:

He is a pied piper, a false prophet....and majority of PDF Pakistanis or otherwise are his followers:hitwall:

Who even takes TRT seriously?

TRT is the official propaganda tool of the AKP party,along with Yeni Safak and a few other newspapers and media.

Imran Khan basically replied: He wants the Army to be neutral. To be fair. But first,he wants to get the country out of the situation that it's in. This chaotic situation that the PML-N government has created in Pakistan.
Sharif and Zaradri should be regarded as a curse word in Pakistan.
The status quo along with thier backers are the biggest curse, no wonder Pakistan is not prospering.
Imran Khan basically replied: He wants the Army to be neutral.
He said neutral umpire. His view is that the Army has a role in politics as an umpire, so it must act fairly. I think the other politicians consider the army as a power broker too.

TRT: But Difficult to Understands whether you want the military out of the Pakistan politics or Do You want the military on Your side in Pakistan's Politics? Which is it?
Imran: aaaa uuuu aaaa your voice not clearly reaching me....:rofl:

He is a pied piper, a false prophet....and majority of PDF Pakistanis or otherwise are his followers:hitwall:

Patwaris clutching at straws is a really pathetic sight. Come back to us when your lordship is able to form a coherent sentence in an English interview like this.
Just watched the video.

He didn't stutter. The video is also cut off whilst he is giving his answer.

No surprise - it was posted by noonie toons.

# Throughout the interview as how the answers are rather cryptic/distracting instead of answering straight.
There is nothing more low grade and filthy than a Sharif or Zardari bootlicker.
There is always personal profit in there - never national one. Either his family profits or he does in some way by this support - the only other alternative is that he is an ethnofascist and supports them based on ethnic origin
Imran needs to fire his media managers and spin doctors and allow himself to prepare for interviews.
I have to admit , he was unable to play that curveball rest was embarrassing.

The question itself is actually quite incisive and needs an answer for everyone to understand IK's position.
sadly Imran never prepares for international interviews. being a narcasist single minded bully he is, in his world ( his mind , his view rules) no one can dare to advise him, prepare him or correct him. just sing his praise curse his opponents and raise him above sainthood that there is no one at his level.

that is a tragedy.

oh whataboutism ? its irreverent because the discussion is about Imran's interview here.
RSS has trained Modi and is still training many others for years to be in politics to serve their organization goals.

How comes your establishment has blundered in foreseeing what IK will do to them and to your foreign policy.

I hope either IK will bend and do what is expected of him or your establishment will find a replacement asap.
What about ism is important here. Who is the best leader pak has right now regardless of their short comings. The Sharifs, Zardaris, IK....who else is there.

Your either with IK, with current regime or dont care.
Interview could have been better, but I think Khan started off well. Sadly his talking points were limited.
sadly Imran never prepares for international interviews. being a narcasist single minded bully he is, in his world ( his mind , his view rules) no one can dare to advise him, prepare him or correct him. just sing his praise curse his opponents and raise him above sainthood that there is no one at his level.

that is a tragedy.

oh whataboutism ? its irreverent because the discussion is about Imran's interview here.
culture of making men god must end in Pakistan, - when you create false gods you dont question or critique em
I am noticing something similar with IK- you can dislike PDM but criticizing his policies or how he acts get people riled up - which it shoudnt

we as Pakistanis should only judge by basic parameters- is he institution building, his foreign policy, is he reining in the army
if he is not doing it than he is wrong number and we as people need to dial another number
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