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Why should Kashmiris go to Pakistan?

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Problem is religious bonhomie. Why is n't there any terrorism in Jammu and Leh.

Well the partition happened becauce of religion ,indians ended up with the majority hindu states-regionsand the pakistanis ended up with the majority muslim areas.
Going of that simple logic kashmir being a majority muslim region should have gone to pakistan.
Did I wake up in a dream sequence for the Groundhog day?...

Ive seen the same damn thread spun a million ways and the end result is the same.....

1. YES....Us Indians are hypocrites.....There is no amount of moral arm twisting that will get us to give up Kashmir.....You can try....but fact remains....

"Jiski Lathi Uski Bhains".....

Unfortunately, Pakistanis need to get some special meds to elongate their stick to match India's and the poor Kashmiris have no stick....

So until you can take Kashmir by force, its not going away anywhere...in fact, the way things are progressing, Non-Indian parts of Kashmir need more defence than the Indian side....

2. Plebiscite is a failed dream.....except on this forum, nobody expects Kashmir to be resolved with a Plebiscite.....

3. Freedom for Kashmir is as ridiculous a concept as giving allowing Taliban to rule Afghanistan.....Both will end in a disaster....
A free kashmir will be
a. Dependent on its larger neighbor...
b. Be the next playground for extremist forces....being that it already has ultra elements present within.
c. Lack of strong leadership among Kashmiris will make its governance a tug of war between the elite....a situation not quite different from India and Pakistan.....
d. Economically challenged and largely unskilled and uneducated population of Kashmir will make it no better than the somalia of Asia.....

I say have a second partition........Let the people who want to be called Pakistani move to P-O-K....Indians remain where they are....reintegrate the Pandits back.....Give both sides autonomy under soveriegnty of India and Pakistan.....and live happily ever after....

Lets remember "A bird in hand is worth two in the bush"....Try to keep what you have instead of eyeing your neighbors piece.....

Sadly this is the reality the way I see it...
Another classic piece of BS peddled by indians that is total rubbish.

NEW DELHI: Prominent lawyer AG Noorani has rebuffed the impression created by the Indian government, and widely accepted by Kashmiri leaders, that Pakistan ceded some Kashmiri territory to China in 1963.

At an Indo-Pak peace conference on Monday, People’s Conference Chairman Sajjad Ghani Lone had accused Pakistan of “gifting” Kashmiri territory to China. A few years ago, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front chief Amanullah Khan had levelled similar allegations. Separatists have recently picked up the issue and demanded Beijing’s involvement in the Kashmir dispute. “Based on documentary and archival evidence, Pakistan did not cede any land. On the contrary, it was China which ceded 750 square miles of administered territory to Pakistan under the Pakistan-China boundary agreement of March 3, 1963,” Noorani told Daily Times.

He said according to Article 2 of the agreement, after the settlement of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India, the sovereign authority concerned will reopen negotiations about the boundary with the Chinese government of the People’s Republic of China.

What Mr. Noorani forgot to mention was that China ceded 750 sq. miles in return for Pakistan ceding 2000 sq miles of Kashmiri Land in return....dont know even your own map...you really a Kashmiri??

1962 - Border skirmishes escalate into full-scale war. Chinese troops overrun Indian military positions in Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh before a ceasefire. China withdraws to pre-war positions behind the McMahon line dividing the two countries along Arunachal Pradesh. The ceasefire line becomes known as the Line of Actual Control (LAC).
1963 - Pakistan cedes 5,160 sq km of Kashmir to China.
1981-1987 - Eight rounds of border talks end in deadlock.
Reuters AlertNet - FACTBOX-India and China border dispute festers

whos got bullshit now?

Weasle words with no facts to back it up......Pakistan has said from day one that they want a vote in kashmir so the people can decide what they want.......if indias so great then you guys should have no problem in winning the vote....will you

Wrong again...Pakistan has agreed to take away the option of Kashmiri independence too ...Kashmir can only vote two ways....either India or Pakistan

The UNSC Resolution of 21 April 1948--one of the principal UN resolutions on Kashmir—stated that “both India and Pakistan desire that the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan should be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite”. Subsequent UNSC Resolutions reiterated the same stand. UNCIP Resolutions of 3 August 1948 and 5 January 1949 reinforced UNSC resolutions.

Read more: The KASHMIR dispute between Pakistan and India requires to be on,President .Mr.Obama's agenda too,while being on tours !
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Even simplier.......let the people have a vote under the UN like Nehru promised and lets abide by the result.

Yeah sure lets do that....but you gotta move Pakistani troops out of J&K for that first. Why don't you go request them that first since you are so sure of winning the vote.
The China-Pakistan border aggrement resulted in a favourable closure towards Pakistan by getting more terriotery.

The Sino-Pakistan Agreement (also known as the Sino-Pakistan Frontier Agreement and Sino-Pak Boundary Agreement) is a 1963 document between the governments of Pakistan and China establishing the border between those countries. It resulted in China ceding over 1,942 square kilometers (749.8 sq mi) to Pakistan and Pakistan recognizing Chinese sovereignty over hundreds of square kilometers of land in Northern Kashmir and Ladakh.

The agreement was moderately economically advantageous to Pakistan, which received grazing lands in the deal, but of far more significance politically, as it both diminished potential for conflict between China and Pakistan and, Syed indicates, "placed China formally and firmly on record as maintaining that Kashmir did not, as yet, belong to India.[6] India does not recognize the agreement, under which China holds 5,180 square kilometers (2,000.0 sq mi) of northern Kashmir, as legal

Pakistan only recocnized what the Chinese already held. They did not accede any terriotry but resolved the issue of Hunza and gained 750sq/mi terriotry on hand. Much to the Indian propoganda.
Why should or shouldn't Kashmiris go to Pakistan?

Let them decide and they will tell you.

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