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Why should Kashmiris go to Pakistan?

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Aug 29, 2010
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Some people are talking about the small proportion of Kashmiris refugees joining Pakistan.

Guess why the proportion is small?

What does Pakistan offer to them?
Pakistan has no economic or administrative base to enlighten the life of its own citizens.
Pakistan's economy is struggling,how would it handle Kashmiris?
Pakistan's government,lol its hated by their own people.
Terror threats,Pakistan has low literacy rate compared to India,India offers more opportunities with its rapidly growing global and economic status,with highly reputed educational centers.

Pakistan lags behind India in these terms,nonetheless.

That's why their are not much refugees heading to Pakistan,but i wonder why there are even "some"?
do you consider that leaving percentages aside India has everything running into three digit millions. Kashmiris have better chance at anything Pakistan than India which cant provide few million toilets!

For every traitor like omar and abdullah there are thousands who wont surrender.
do you consider that leaving percentages aside India has everything running into three digit millions. Kashmiris have better chance at anything Pakistan than India which cant provide few million toilets!

For every traitor like omar and abdullah there are thousands who wont surrender.

few million toilets?
Lol,do you have a link to support that number?
We can provide Kashmiris few million rupees backing a strong economy,
We can provide them education ,way too higher than yours.
We can provide a society way to friendly and terrorist free than yours.
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Everyone has their own reasons.. but for me the main reason Kashmir should remain independent or join Pakistan are "looks". lol! :D

I have posted pictures of average Kashmiris and average Indians before.. most Kashmiris look nothing like your typical average Indian. Most Kashmiris belong to Iranic or Central Asian stock.. and these people should be separated from mainland "dravidian" India. period! Religion doesn't matter!
Hail hitler. I thought you are dead. Still alive and kicking in pakistan.

I think even Hitler will support my view point.. separate Kashmir from the mainland India.. they have nothing in common with mainland Indians.. racially.. culturally.. etc :D
Everyone has their own reasons.. but for me the main reason Kashmir should remain independent or join Pakistan are "looks". lol! :D

I have posted pictures of average Kashmiris and average Indians before.. most Kashmiris look nothing like your typical average Indian. Most Kashmiris belong to Iranic or Central Asian stock.. and these people should be separated from mainland "dravidian" India. period! Religion doesn't matter!

They are NOT Indians. Kashmir is a Separate country occupied by a Terrorist army of a terrorist state. Simple and straight.
I think even Hitler will support my view point.. separate Kashmir from the mainland India.. they have nothing in common with mainland Indians.. racially.. culturally.. etc :D

Glad that in pakistan every one looks the same. May be like in Matrix. Wont that be boring? You should have the circle face ,square face, long face to make life interesting. In india people from each state has different language and 1000s years of cultural history. It is not single culture and that is the beauty of it. You get to have muslim,hindu and christian,budhist,jain friends attend their different types of marriages and have biryani,24item veg meal and and fish molly And when we go for trips with our friends we go to an entirely new area w.r.t language and culture. Now that makes it fun.
And yes we do have kashmiri friends who studies with us in engineering colleges. So if they look central asian welcome to the club.
I think even Hitler will support my view point.. separate Kashmir from the mainland India.. they have nothing in common with mainland Indians.. racially.. culturally.. etc :D

Whatever the looks, whatever the culture, whatever the languages .. its still one nation and remain so..

Glad that in pakistan every one looks the same. May be like in Matrix. Wont that be boring? You should have the circle face ,square face, long face to make life interesting. In india people from each state has different language and 1000s years of cultural history. It is not single culture and that is the beauty of it. You get to have muslim,hindu and christian,budhist,jain friends attend their different types of marriages and have biryani,24item veg meal and and fish molly And when we go for trips with our friends we go to an entirely new area w.r.t language and culture. Now that makes it fun.
And yes we do have kashmiri friends who studies with us in engineering colleges. So if they look central asian welcome to the club.

My class starts in few minutes.. I will give u a detailed reply later... :sick:
Everyone has their own reasons.. but for me the main reason Kashmir should remain independent or join Pakistan are "looks". lol! :D

I have posted pictures of average Kashmiris and average Indians before.. most Kashmiris look nothing like your typical average Indian. Most Kashmiris belong to Iranic or Central Asian stock.. and these people should be separated from mainland "dravidian" India. period! Religion doesn't matter!

by that fanda......Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, Assam, Sikkim, etc etc should also be separated.
Everyone has their own reasons.. but for me the main reason Kashmir should remain independent or join Pakistan are "looks". lol! :D

I have posted pictures of average Kashmiris and average Indians before.. most Kashmiris look nothing like your typical average Indian. Most Kashmiris belong to Iranic or Central Asian stock.. and these people should be separated from mainland "dravidian" India. period! Religion doesn't matter!

Kashmiris probably look more similar to Pakistanis. Should't they have left for Pakistan at the time of Partition.
Some people are talking about the small proportion of Kashmiris refugees joining Pakistan.

Guess why the proportion is small?

What does Pakistan offer to them?
Pakistan has no economic or administrative base to enlighten the life of its own citizens.
Pakistan's economy is struggling,how would it handle Kashmiris?
Pakistan's government,lol its hated by their own people.
Terror threats,Pakistan has low literacy rate compared to India,India offers more opportunities with its rapidly growing global and economic status,with highly reputed educational centers.

Pakistan lags behind India in these terms,nonetheless.

That's why their are not much refugees heading to Pakistan,but i wonder why there are even "some"?

Well why dont we put it to the test and have a vote in kashmir and see what the people want.......or will all your BS fall apart?
Problem is religious bonhomie. Why is n't there any terrorism in Jammu and Leh.
Ok to get back to your thread. I am going to say a few things. Try not to laugh.
1. Pakistan is a highly advanced state taking care of the well being of all citizens(it has control of)

Just like you indians take care off all the untouchables and slum dwellers......am trying hard not to laugh.:rofl:

2. Pakistan has not sold piece of kashmir to any other country like china. So that is a good example of what is in store for kashmir if it joins pakistan.

Another classic piece of BS peddled by indians that is total rubbish.

NEW DELHI: Prominent lawyer AG Noorani has rebuffed the impression created by the Indian government, and widely accepted by Kashmiri leaders, that Pakistan ceded some Kashmiri territory to China in 1963.

At an Indo-Pak peace conference on Monday, People’s Conference Chairman Sajjad Ghani Lone had accused Pakistan of “gifting” Kashmiri territory to China. A few years ago, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front chief Amanullah Khan had levelled similar allegations. Separatists have recently picked up the issue and demanded Beijing’s involvement in the Kashmir dispute. “Based on documentary and archival evidence, Pakistan did not cede any land. On the contrary, it was China which ceded 750 square miles of administered territory to Pakistan under the Pakistan-China boundary agreement of March 3, 1963,” Noorani told Daily Times.

He said according to Article 2 of the agreement, after the settlement of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India, the sovereign authority concerned will reopen negotiations about the boundary with the Chinese government of the People’s Republic of China.

3. People in azad kashmir are extremely happy. Some might have flowers on their ears.

Well i am from Azad Kashmir and i can tell you that we are totally happy with pakistan......our standard of living is great and heres a little example.
Houses in AJK Photo Gallery by Gharib Hanif at pbase.com

4. Kashmiris want to join pakistan.( This is because terrorists have eliminated those who dont want and forced others to flee. They are trying to have a unanimous decision soon as soon as they take care of few budhists up in the mountains.

Weasle words with no facts to back it up......Pakistan has said from day one that they want a vote in kashmir so the people can decide what they want.......if indias so great then you guys should have no problem in winning the vote....will you:what:

5. All problems of kashmir will be solved once it joins pakistan because only those who create problems knows how to solve it. We dont have an idea..

Even simplier.......let the people have a vote under the UN like Nehru promised and lets abide by the result.

6. And as old saying goes. Kashmir was created by Kashyapa who was a pakistani... :-)

We have not been brainwashed to the extent you seem to be have.......put your money where your mouth is demand that a vote in kashmir takes place so we can all see what the kashmiris choose.:pdf:
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