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Upper Caste Hindu-American Professor Acknowledges Her Internalized Islamophobia

can you elaborate? why has India changed in the past 10 years to this current state? I remember back in the early 2010's it wasn't this bad...

I will let Xeuss answer you but here's my very brief and clear take.

They have been enslaved by first the Muslims (Tughlaq, Mughal dynasties), then the British for over 700 years, the British colonization ended with the ending of WWII.

Hence the Birth of fascist RSS, of whom Modi is a major leader, they feel that this history of being slaves to every other "foreign" religion and culture must end.

Modi and RSS want to revive a glory of Hinduism, which exists only in stories and fables. India was mostly fractured as a loose collection of small kingdoms and fiefdoms until the Muslims arrived in 1200. Over the 500 plus years Muslims (Mughals) ruled India, they became part of the local fabric, with excellent governance. establishing many modern additions, such as a postal system and a court system (judiciary), but the Hindu extremist revisionists who want to re-write Indian History, want to erase references to the Mughal era, saying it was a dark chapter in Indian History because Hindus "suffered". This is of course far from the truth.

These Hindu extremists now want to purify India (now that Modi is in power) by driving out non-Hindus and making it a glorious Hindu republic. Just like Nazi Germany. Actually Hitler is revered in India by all Hindu extremists and even in the general non-Hindu Hindu intelligentsia (I have no idea why, delusion and stupidity seem to be apt reasons). Copies of Mein Kampf can be found in all common roadside bookstalls in India, is in great demand and is published continually. The fascist moniker for Hindu extremists is very apt.

Nowadays Hindu extremists (with Modi's support) are intent on passing laws to make life for non-Hindus (esp. Muslims) very difficult, an ethnic cleansing campaign to drive out Muslims (i.e a Pogrom) will start sometime soon. This is part of a bigger Zy-o-nist plan which Modi is an accessory to.

Meanwhile Gulf Arab idiots and clueless people in the US are employing these extremists as H1B IT labor and managerial folks, financing their pogrom campaigns in India.
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How could they ban something that never existed ?

Caste system came into play only after 1860.

Read some history.

Based on DNA analysis, endogamous i.e. non-intermarrying Jatis originated during the Gupta Empire.[8][9]

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Very refreshing to see a sane voice.

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