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Upper Caste Hindu-American Professor Acknowledges Her Internalized Islamophobia


Oct 31, 2009
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United States

Dr Saiba Varma, Associate Professor of Anthropology at University of California in San Diego (UCSD), has recently been under fire for hiding her familial ties to to a top RAW official while working on her book "The Occupied Clinic: Militarism and Care in Kashmir". “As an upper-caste and upper-class Indian citizen and subject, I have actively and passively internalized anti-Muslim racism my entire life. I am complicit in the colonization of Kashmir and other regions forcibly incorporated into the Indian nation-state", she acknowledges in her book released last year.

Dr. Saiba Verma

“Borrowing and extending techniques from British colonial rule, the Indian state enacted the world’s most established, sophisticated, and pervasive systems of emergency rule and legislation and repeatedly criminalized pro-independence demands as ‘conspiracies’ and ‘anti-national.’ The Indian state’s global image as ‘the world’s largest democracy,’ a generous aid donor, and non-interventionist actor have helped disguise its military excesses in Kashmir and other border regions", she adds.

In her defense, Dr. Saiba has tweeted: “My father (a top official of Indian Indian intelligence RAW posted in Kashmir) had no direct bearing on the research I’ve done. Recognizing the need to acknowledge this relationship, however, during my fieldwork I disclosed it to Kashmiri scholars and journalists I was close to. My ethical practices and scholarly arguments are accountable to them". “In my book, I write: "As Stuart Hall once stated, there is no innocent discourse...There is no innocent way for any scholar of Indian origin, including myself, to engage with Kashmir."

American academia has substantial and growing numbers of upper caste Hindu faculty. More than 80 faculty members of the California State University (CSU) have spoken out against a recent decision of CalState University system to include caste in its non-discriminatory policy. Praveen Sinha, a professor at CSU Long Beach said. "We cannot but oppose the unique risk that CSU's move puts on us as they add a category that is only associated with people of Indian descent such as myself and thousands of other faculty and students in the CSU system. It is going to create divisions where they simply do not exist".
Devesh Kapur, a professor of political science at the University of Pennsylvania and co-author of The Other One Percent: Indians in America (Oxford University Press, 2017), says that the vast majority of Indian-Americans, including university professors, are upper caste Hindus. He explains the phenomenon of high-achieving Indian-Americans as follows: “What we learned in researching this book is that Indians in America did not resemble any other population anywhere; not the Indian population in India, nor the native population in the United States, nor any other immigrant group from any other nation.”
Kapur talks about what he calls “a triple selection” process that gave Indian-Americans a boost over typically poor and uneducated immigrants who come to the United States from other countries. The first two selections took place in India. As explained in the book: “The social system created a small pool of persons to receive higher education, who were urban, educated, and from high/dominant castes.” India’s examination system then selected individuals for specialized training in technical fields that also happened to be in demand in the United States. Kapur estimated that the India-American population is nine times more educated than individuals in the home country.

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More than 80 faculty members of the California State University (CSU) have spoken out against a recent decision of CalState University system to include caste in its non-discriminatory policy. Praveen Sinha, a professor at CSU Long Beach said. ... It is going to create divisions where they simply do not exist".

On a side note, the above comment by devout hindu Praveen Sinha is simply hilarious.. banning caste discrimination will create divisions, who would of thought?? :lol:
On a side note, the above comment by devout hindu Praveen Sinha is simply hilarious.. banning caste discrimination will create divisions, who would of thought?? :lol:
He probably meant division within the same caste since caste serves as an identity that unites people in the caste. Kind of like nationalism. It seems identity politics is quite popular to many people.
Hindutva organizations have been slowly trying to employ revisionism in even the US curriculums using their proxies such as Hindu academics and Hindu social leaders.

This should be called out and publicly shamed. If you want to proclaim Hindu greatness and plan destruction of Abrahamic people, then do that in India, not here.

In this country all religions have equal representation, says so in the constitution. Caste-ism (as an offshoot of racism) is in principle banned.

You can take Hindu out of India, but not Hindutva out of Americanized Hindus...

The ultimate goal of Hindutva folks is a US administration (formal narrative and support) that is friendly and convenient to exploit for Hindutva causes.

They should be reminded that being proponents of fascist organizations or Nazi principles means automatic expulsion from US (cancellation of citizenship and deportation).
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I find it fascinating that the greatest self proclaimed experts on India, Hindus and Hinduism are always Christians and Muslims.

Why is that ?

PS: Recently Chinese too have picked up the thread and go about claim to be experts on India and Indians. Especially on "caste". :lol:
I find it fascinating that the greatest self proclaimed experts on India, Hindus and Hinduism are always Christians and Muslims.

Why is that ?

PS: Recently Chinese too have picked up the thread and go about claim to be experts on India and Indians. Especially on "caste". :lol:

You can't expect a fascist and depraved society that thrives on discrimination to correct itself. That is why others have to raise their voice.
How could they ban something that never existed ?

Caste system came into play only after 1860.
Indian caste system has a big impact on Indian genetic makeup due to endogamy practice along the caste line. You guys had to breed frenetically in order to have such a genetic impact if it only came into play only after 1860.
You can't expect a fascist and depraved society that thrives on discrimination to correct itself. That is why others have to raise their voice.

Is that what you are doing in pdf ? "raising your voice" ? :lol:

Go right ahead. Scream like a banshee.

Let me know how that went.

Indian caste system has a big impact on Indian genetic makeup due to endogamy practice along the caste line. You guys had to breed frenetically in order to have such a genetic impact if it only came into play only after 1860.

Here comes the Chinese expert on "caste" :lol:

Or are you the christian expert ?

BTW is "han" a caste ? how hard did they breed to have a genetic impact in china ?
I find it fascinating that the greatest self proclaimed experts on India, Hindus and Hinduism are always Christians and Muslims.

Why is that ?

PS: Recently Chinese too have picked up the thread and go about claim to be experts on India and Indians. Especially on "caste". :lol:

Can you blame any of them? Bharat Mata is the most f*cked up place on the planet, Worse than subsaharan Africa - fact.

You guys need urgent sanitization/cleaning up and/or balkanization. Whichever comes first....
Indian caste system has a big impact on Indian genetic makeup due to endogamy practice along the caste line. You guys had to breed frenetically in order to have such a genetic impact if it only came into play only after 1860.
I am not sure if someone's caste effects anyone's genetic makeup...
Lets just say she is ugly inside out.
You can't expect a fascist and depraved society that thrives on discrimination to correct itself. That is why others have to raise their voice.
can you elaborate? why has India changed in the past 10 years to this current state? I remember back in the early 2010's it wasn't this bad...

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