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No peace in region without Kashmir solution, says PM

I doubt whether Pakistan can afford to the repeat the mistake. This time Pakistan would have to face consequences that would be severe. Pakistan would loose even the little sympathy and solidarity that it is enjoying in the comity of nations. This would be for Pakistan a blunder both financially and strategically

Financially it costs us little to nothing, sine most of these groups have their own fund-raising apparatus.

Just look at the number of schools, clinics, hospitals and charitable works the LeT (and later the JuD, after it split off from the LeT) was able to run.

Strategically, well, that will depend on how the US effort in Afghanistan is proceeding, and how long the US presence in Afghanistan will be of a substantial size.
Who is supporting BLA and TTP?"

Seriously we don't know. Pakistan has been accusing India but now there no no proof shown to any country. Going by the latest news, now India is accused to side with taliban as well. Also it is really hard to believe on what ground these two are working with each other.

Whose army officiers are getting caught for providing explosives to terrorists and buring passenger trains?

If you are referring to Samjhota blast, no Indian was found behind it.
Instead USA has named someone from your country instead.

WebCite query result

Whose country made weapons are being caught from FATA?

This is a naive arguement. Even Chinese, Russian weapons are also found from there. This concludes nothing.

Who was responsiable for arming,training and using mukti bhani in 71?

Do you really want to put a new topic into Kashmir? Please go through the concerned thread.
BTW, Pakistan also tried similar with India. It is just it did not get success.

Whose head of state talked about playing sindh card?

When and where? Link please.

And about the water issue id love to see that.Your govt. couldnt do tht even if it wanted to because it knows Pakistan isnt Nepal or srilanka.

There is an ongoing and one already refuted thread about this so-called water issue. This is offtopic here.
Who is supporting BLA and TTP?"
Whose army officiers are getting caught for providing explosives to terrorists and buring passenger trains?
Whose country made weapons are being caught from FATA?
Who was responsiable for arming,training and using mukti bhani in 71?
Whose head of state talked about playing sindh card?

These accusations seem to be retaliatory in nature. Please realize that the terrorists are anti-Pakistan not because of Indian support, but because they feel Pakistan "betrayed" them. Pakistan, and to a lesser extent, America are suffering because of the support they gave the Taliban for the last two decades.

If u still believe ur angels then son satan himself is a student in ur class.
And about the water issue id love to see that.Your govt. couldnt do tht even if it wanted to because it knows Pakistan isnt Nepal or srilanka.
And such thing will only invite more problems for u not solutions.

I don't know what to make of the first sentence. And yes, India will not do anything of this sort to any country, be it Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka or Bangladesh. Not because our political class is divine, but because we are a democracy with a lot of mixed opinions. And given our population and diversity, we always have people who sympathize with each of these nations on a cultural and humanitarian basis.

Gilani said solution of the Kashmir problem would enable Pakistan to single-mindedly focus on the war against terrorism.

With this stand, Gilani needs to understand that his government is the biggest impediment to peace in the region. If you start acting against the terrorists in PO Kashmir, and give up politico-religious demands for that region, India will have no problems with it. If you keep stating that you are more worried by a democratic country rather than the beastly extremists, what does it say about your priorities? Agreed Kashmir issue needs to be resolved, but it cannot be a bargaining chip whenever Pakistan wants to talk.
Redeploying Pakistani "infiltrators" (the term the U.S. State Dept. uses in its cables) into Kashmir is exactly the wrong thing to do, if peace between Pakistan and India is what Pakistanis desire. For that will prevent India from agreeing to a mutual withdrawal of armed forces, because that would obviously lead to Pakistani control, not the freedom of Kashmiris to choose their fate.

It does, however, make sense from the viewpoint of Pakistan's military leadership, for the prospect of conflict with India locks in the status quo and the promise of future glory; with the Taliban defeated (for now) that's all they have left.

Now we may be seeing the true reason behind the apparently baseless stories of nefarious Indian activities in Afghanistan, Baluchistan, and the Taliban-controlled areas: falsified "Islam is under attack!" charges to justify Pakistani-supported attacks in Kashmir and in India.

Will Pakistanis call out their leadership on this one, or will they run once more to do evil, as they have in the past?
Financially it costs us little to nothing, sine most of these groups have their own fund-raising apparatus.

What about the economic sanctions Pakistan would face from the international community? Can Pakistan afford these sanctions? I doubt. World has changed a lot after 9/11 bro!

Just look at the number of schools, clinics, hospitals and charitable works the LeT (and later the JuD, after it split off from the LeT) was able to run.

I would not like to comment on this. Everyone knows how LeT(JuD) get funds

Strategically, well, that will depend on how the US effort in Afghanistan is proceeding, and how long the US presence in Afghanistan will be of a substantial size.

Strategy doesn’t begin with Afghanistan and ends with Afghanistan. There is lot more to it. What would happen to brand Pakistan? What happens if UN declares Pakistan a terrorist state? Contemplate the consequences.

Moreover, US presence or non presence has no bearing on India’s presence in Afghanistan. India will be there in Afghanistan until its presence is required or people of Afghanistan wants it to be present. And, please don’t consider Afghanistan to be Pakistan’s backyard or its’ fifth province. This would lead to nothing, but alienation from the people of Afghanistan
Actually we haven't - if the BBC report is correct, then militants have established camps in AK, but without active PA support.

The LoC ceasefire too remains largely intact.

Were Pakistan to re-start full support for the insurgency again, we would be looking at the days of the nineties again, with constant barrages between Indian and Pakistani forces across the LoC, often providing cover for militants, and active PA/ISI support for the groups.

We are nowhere close to that yet - the only thing that may have happened is some of the camps that were closed down during Musharraf's tenure may have been allowed to reopen.

I always hear that these cowards dont have PA support........so is PA so incompetent that it cannot eleminate them or is it that they dont want to eleminate them
there were certain proves of presence of BLA persons in indian consulates in afghanistan .....
it was confessed by their leaders too....
total proves ...
best proves are word of indra gandhi ... after 1971 ...
its all indian game .....
and fata ... indian amy made bombs were seized by pak army ...
many of raw spies were arrested ....
enen sawat indian hands were involved ... communication system of indian label was shown even on media....
but remember its not pakistan of 1971 ....
thats was lacking arms due to sanctions by america and others ...
same is for water issue ... its better ti die with honour than with thrust and hunger ..
regards ...
india has never accepted pakistan since partition and from now on trying its best to break and conquer pakistan ..... remember days in 1980s when it supported both baloch rebels and at same time worked through spies for pushtoonistan ...
but both india and russia were kicked out....
peace can only be achieved through equality .......
1960 water accoed is present but what india doing now ...
1948 UN resolution for kashmir there but ...........
but its not 1971 pakistannn
its now atomic power ...
knows how to dear with indian foxes.....
india has never accepted pakistan since partition and from now on trying its best to break and conquer pakistan..... remember
As near as I can tell, India hasn't thought of eating Pakistan since the days of Indira Gandhi. IMO, you guys are remembering propaganda, not real stuff.

Contrast Pakistan with Vietnam. Pakistan obsesses about India all the time, despite the fact it's been 40 years since there was a major war between the two. On the other hand, Vietnam got over thinking of the U.S. as an enemy very quickly, despite the fact less time had passed and Vietnamese casualties as a proportion of their total population were greater than Pakistan's. Today U.S. and Vietnam have a healthy trading relationship and plenty of interpersonal contracts.
Last edited:
Who is supporting BLA and TTP?"
Whose army officiers are getting caught for providing explosives to terrorists and buring passenger trains?
Whose country made weapons are being caught from FATA?
Who was responsiable for arming,training and using mukti bhani in 71?
Whose head of state talked about playing sindh card?
If u still believe ur angels then son satan himself is a student in ur class.
And about the water issue id love to see that.Your govt. couldnt do tht even if it wanted to because it knows Pakistan isnt Nepal or srilanka.
And such thing will only invite more problems for u not solutions.

Well suggest what would Pakistan do if India decides to reduce the flow of water to Pakistan by diverting it. What options would you have, more freedom fighters or say nuke war? In any case Pakistan would be doomed. You do not have any strong cards in this case to play.
india has never accepted pakistan since partition and from now on trying its best to break and conquer pakistan ..... remember days in 1980s when it supported both baloch rebels and at same time worked through spies for pushtoonistan ...
but both india and russia were kicked out....
peace can only be achieved through equality .......
1960 water accoed is present but what india doing now ...
1948 UN resolution for kashmir there but ...........
but its not 1971 pakistannn
its now atomic power ...
knows how to dear with indian foxes.....

The biggest propaganda that you all try to promote is that India is scared of a nuclear war but Pakistanis doesn't fear it. If you are given the chance to launch the nuke, would you dare to do it? Yes the subcontinent will be doomed but don't make it feel like you will win, cause there won't be anything worth standing for after a nuke war.

Keep holding that gun against your head and threaten to kill yourself.
but remember its not pakistan of 1971 ....
thats was lacking arms due to sanctions by america and others ...
same is for water issue ... its better ti die with honour than with thrust and hunger ..
regards ...

Sir, ever had a wound on your body made by a bullet.

Its easy to deliver these speeches and appears like those heroes in the movies. But ever imagined living in a half alive state?
The biggest propaganda that you all try to promote is that India is scared of a nuclear war but Pakistanis doesn't fear it. If you are given the chance to launch the nuke, would you dare to do it? Yes the subcontinent will be doomed but don't make it feel like you will win, cause there won't be anything worth standing for after a nuke war.

Keep holding that gun against your head and threaten to kill yourself.

When someone talks of using nuclear weapons he/her has to be either mentally deranged or utterly insane. These people don’t understand the aftermath of a nuclear war such as effects of nuclear radiations on eco systems, mutations, nuclear winter etc… Contemplate the consequences if these weapons fall into the hands of Al Qaeda or Taliban. The consequences are beyond imagination
Don’t worry brother; if anything to go by after watching the non-proliferation efforts by various governments and agencies, I foresee a world free of Nuclear Weapons by the year 2030.
When someone talks of using nuclear weapons he/her has to be either mentally deranged or utterly insane. These people don’t understand the aftermath of a nuclear war such as effects of nuclear radiations on eco systems, mutations, nuclear winter etc… Contemplate the consequences if these weapons fall into the hands of Al Qaeda or Taliban. The consequences are beyond imagination
Don’t worry brother; if anything to go by after watching the non-proliferation efforts by various governments and agencies, I foresee a world free of Nuclear Weapons by the year 2030.
better go for your mental checkup..... it would be better..
read what i said ..... mr mental

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