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  • Hello Jade;

    Thank you for posting the video of Paradise Biriyani. I will be visiting the city on my next trip to Janam Bhumi.

    Pls condemn the killing of the two sisters in sopore by LET in your signature as posting articles is not allowed. They don't have the balls, but we are from Gandhi's land and we do.
    Hello sir,
    I am from Delhi
    I have request to you and hope you can pass on to other members since you are a senior member.

    Let us not discuss or tell about some strategic positions, demography of the area where you live and any establishment near to your house. I hope you can understand. Let's us be low profile. It's good for us.
    Through this form one can have a lot of information about our current Projects and planning without really doing a hardwork.
    Hope you will take this as a consideration.
    Thanking you!!
    "=p" is a smile its a tounge smile :P

    and as for the link yea i already knew about that one of my class mate told me about it though i was wondring how did you knew i love astronomy :P?
    No Seiko, India does receive aid, but from only G8 countries. I was quoting from “position paper on external assistance received” by ministry of finance, India. Please refer to this link for the full report http://www.finmin.nic.in/the_ministry/dept_eco_affairs/pmu/PositionPaper_ExtAssist.pdf

    By the way there is nothing wrong in receiving aid, every developing country is entitled to aid. Even china is one of the biggest aid receiver of the world. Recently china received lot of US aid when there was H1N1 epidemic.

    But this Haq guy is using aid as an excuse to equate India to a begging bowl
    hey Jade..hws u??yaar about India reciving AID ..as far as i know..Indian government stopped reciving AID long time ago and the current AID coming to India are for NGO organisations..most of them are formed to make the black money white in the first place..I heard that in news long time ago about Indian government decision of not reciving AID any more..correct me if i am wrong
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