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Bilal Khan (Quwa)

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  • Hello Bilal.
    I've sent an email to the Quwa premium email address. Is it active? If not, please share another email address.
    Does Hardkill APS protect tanks from top attack ATGMs? If not I may have a radical idea inspired from a Bond movie "Die Another Day".

    If you've seen the movie Bond and one villain fight it out in their cars. Le villain fires missiles and Bonds car deploys guns that fire airburst ammo.
    Ahmet Pasha
    Ahmet Pasha
    So a miniaturized Iron Dome for tanks?
    From what I've seen in images and videos ATGMs are not very big in size.
    no, no, that was just an example, we dont want anything for tanks, infact, the miniaturized iron dome in role is the trophy. Just slap APS on gimbals as opposed to mounted directly to the hull, this way you get full coverage.
    Ahmet Pasha
    Ahmet Pasha
    Sir I have a question for you. When ever I used to talk about VLS I coined a term which is universal VLS. That is a VLS system which if needed can carry Air Defence Missiles and when needed can carry long range land attack cruise missiles.
    My question to you is does that kind of VLS exist. That let say we place them in our Type 54 A. When our mission requires we place HQ 9 in those VLS and when mission requires HQ 9 is taken out of those VLS and replaced by a 1500 KM range Babur ??? Does that kind of VLS exist or could it be made ???
    Bilal Khan (Quwa)
    Bilal Khan (Quwa)
    The concept of a universal VLS does exist, but in the US/Europe. In the East, I don't think it's a thing yet, but I bet the Chinese are studying the idea and would look to implement it.
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    Hi Bilal, any plans to open your Quwa or personal twitter account DMs, so fans of the website can interact with you? I think it will increase engagement and website visibility.
    Bilal Khan (Quwa)
    Bilal Khan (Quwa)
    Yes, but I'm constrained on time.

    I wanted to ramp up a stronger free content side via emails, YouTube videos, and podcasts, but I don't have the resources (in terms of time or capable people) to do it consistently. If you want to take charge on this front, we can discuss that.
    Understandable. Unfortunately, I don’t have the required capacity or time. But I think a podcast would be a very fine idea. You have such a great product and I have been a fan from day 1 (when I sent you a private message on PakDef)
    Bilal Khan (Quwa)
    Bilal Khan (Quwa)
    Thanks bro!
    @Bilal Khan (Quwa)

    Salam brother, wanted to ask you since I'm sure you know about it in more depth than any online researching would lead me to: what's Turkey's arms policy towards India like?

    I was under the impression that it was totally zero-tolerance in terms of not selling any offensive weaponry, but some online pics have led me to believe otherwise.
    Bilal Khan (Quwa)
    Bilal Khan (Quwa)
    I think at the policy level, the Turks are ambivalent -- they don't care. It may get murky at the company level, e.g., some contractors may have business with Pakistan, so they'll avoid India.
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    I see, but if they are open to sales at policy level, than doesn't that conflict with what they say, referring specifically to how pro-Pak, Erdogan's Kashmir narrative is?
    I was thinking of creating a thread on this issue, as I have seen pictures of Indian SF personnel deployed on the LOC with assault rifles equipped with MKEK UBGLs. Obviously that should irk any Pakistani, as these are being used against PA and IMO needs to be raised
    Respected Sir, I wanted to discuss with you that if China offers J-20 to PAF in the future(post 2027) then will PAF go for it? If yes then what advantages will it offer over J-35?
    @Bilal Khan (Quwa) Of course if J-20 is offered then PAF will most probably ask for some modifications. Will a J-20 that is modified for PAF be better than J-35?
    Bilal Khan (Quwa)
    Bilal Khan (Quwa)
    I think it'd serve a different need. The J-20 is a heavyweight fighter (likely MTOW of around 35,000 kg), while the J-35 will be a medium-weight fighter (25,000 to 28,000 kg MTOW). The J-35 will be lower-cost, not just to procure but also operate, so the end-user could probably field those in larger numbers. You'd operate both.
    @Bilal Khan (Quwa) If AZM turns out to be a medium weight fighter then purchasing J-20 makes more sense to me. J-20 can finally give PAF the ability to strike deep into enemy's territory. For me seeing J-20 in PAF's colors would be a dream come true.
    Salaam bro,

    I would like to see your assessment about the political atmosphere for UAE and SMQ going of. What you see the long-term game being played?

    I feel Pakistan is in a very critical position at the moment, and we will have to chose one side for the final play.
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