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Pakistan Defence

Ahmet Pasha
Ahmet Pasha
I admit outright sounds really wild&crazy.

But I got the idea when I was messing around on youtube and saw a CIWS (phalanx I believe it was not the Russian one hard to tell em apart) and the Bond clip with some meaningless vlogs smushed in between.
Ahmet Pasha
Ahmet Pasha
This could save tanks from becoming obsolete like we've seen in Armenia. And USMC and British Army is considering retiring or drastically decreasing tank fleets in favor of wheel&tracked afvs/ifvs with different weapon suites, to complement advanding mechanized infantry.
Depends on the system. Trophy in theory is capable of protecting against top attack, this is because the actual projectile launchers are able to move around on a gimbal, enabling them to face the target for lack of a better term, vs something like Zaslon which each launcher has a set area of operation,
i.e for example, a single launcher may be able to defend against targets from 0-80 degrees(this is a made up example.). By lobbing a wall of bullets at a projectile, you may disable it or reduce its effectiveness, sure, however, bear in mind,
you still have X amount of metal flying at you very fast, this is bound to cause damage to your tank and could even take out critical sensors. This is the same reasons why IMO, CIWS guns are obsolete by modern standards unless paired with an missile based PD system
, i,e C-Dome, CAMM, RIM-116 to name a few, as you have say, 2 ton of metal flying at you at mach 2 or 3, that's going to cause a lot of damage unless engaged far out, which is beyond the range of CIWS systems.
You also have the issue of being able to track small targets such as ATGMs, if you read up on Counter Battery Radars, you'll see that you will have trouble engaging small targets with a small/weak radar array, hence why alot of CBRs are absolutely huge and even then their ranges are limited.
The best way to do this would be some form of E/O guidance and a missile, an interesting combo i can think of would be using something like the US' MSDM, adapting it to a CIWS role, however this is honestly pointless,
the best means of defense against ATGMs is taking out the launcher since alot still rely on SACLOS guidance or using some form of IR countermeasure alongside literally just moving to defeat IR based top attackers.
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