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Zionist Soldier Sniped And Killed By HAMAS - video

RIP soldiers, war is indeed hell especially in urban warfare
of the 13 Israeli soldier killed 2 were US citizens


Max Steinberg, a Woodland Hills native and volunteer IDF, was killed Sunday along with 12 other soldiers in the Gaza Strip, amidst an Israeli operation to quell rocket fire and destroy underground smuggling tunnels

US citizens who serve in any foreign military lose their citizenship. From what I understand his family lives in US and so did he, not sure if he really was a US citizen.
some member here mentioned that Hamas were using Iranian made sniper rifles so can anyone give us some info about those.
Near 70 zionist soldiers up to now have killed.

Provide your source.

Here. This is for the entire year of 2013.
2013 India–Pakistan border skirmishes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

13 Indians dead, 24 Pakistanis dead. Nearly twice.

If by chance you feel like talking about 'civilian' casualties, know that we consider all those killed as terrorists or 'non state actors'(whichever term you prefer).

Off topic but Indian soldiers can't fire right even on the border, killing civilians regularly.

If by chance you feel like talking about 'civilian' casualties, know that we consider all those killed as terrorists or 'non state actors'(whichever term you prefer).

nice way to spin it around after I embarrassed you and your "argument" a few days back (in which you quoted the same wikipedia source!)

more indian soldiers dead; 5 of which lost they heads

p.s. already confirmed that the civilian deaths were not "terrorists" as you dot-heads claim.....i believe some of them were cattle farmers

How do we know he was a Zionist?

All we know is that he was serving in the armed forces of his own nation, doing his duty, was as young and patriotic as any other in here and died like anyone here will in the future.

Rest in peace.

Killing children and Women that is the Duty of Asshole not soldier...
nice way to spin it around after I embarrassed you and your "argument" a few days back (in which you quoted the same wikipedia source!)

more indian soldiers dead; 5 of which lost they heads

p.s. already confirmed that the civilian deaths were not "terrorists" as you dot-heads claim.....i believe some of them were cattle farmers

Dont really give a crap whether you call it fail or not. We have seen far too many of Pakistani 'civilians' with Kalashnikovs and custom made belts and vests while crossing the border. You have the stats now - almost twice as many Pakistanis dead.
Israel of course does better, more power to Israel. God bless them.
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