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Zero Pak infiltration attempts on LoC since the Balakot airstrikes.

I think this is because pakistan does not want to give any opportunity for Modi to conduct another strike and gain public sympathy with that action and make his winning more stronger than it already is.

I think that your post, as well, is "Andha Dhund" and too conjectural, unless it is intended as a pun.
Almost None of the bombs exploded and one only hit a tree.
Only aircraft lost was a MiG-21.

Lolz ... Your armed forces didn't seems to agree to your stupid statements ...

Downing of a fighter aircraft is something smaller to you then this is hilarious ...

So rather than Mujahidien you are welcoming bombs and downing your fighter planes but its Ok for you ... Why dont you Indians learn that its an election campaign
So when things get a little hot to handle then another Balakot should be done.

When the price to be paid is too high, then the enemy will have to think hard before doing mischief.
just makeup whatever suits you, Pakistan doesn't give a shit about your infiltration and Strikes. just as long as you don't try that blunder again...which I am sure you wont for next 10 years at least. So, yeah its been peaceful now, not because you got your *** whipped and you were shown your place which was the direct result of balakot attack but because you attack balakot....do someone else see the irony in this or is it just me.

So, next 10 years India wont dare to cross the border, but at the same time India will issue these kind of statements every now and then to give some relief to that Jalan
Balakot and subsequent my undie my head meri marzi op by iaf were huge shuccshess... Thats why
real news is, " After gettign beating on 27 Feb 2019, IA is scared to do any LOC violations fearing PA response. Those IA LOC violations were used for infiltration narrative."

IA local commanders and soldiers have refused to become political tools of Modi.
So as per Pakistanis here only a few trees were damaged. If damaging a few trees can create such fear in the pak establishment, India should have done the bombings a long time back.
Never understood which world Indians live....They still want to believe that their Security Force did Strikes inside Pakistan :blah::blah:, Whole world's media did coverage and shown the location where according to Indians they destroyed the hideouts of Terrorists, but in reality just killed a crow... :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: and on top of that 2 Indian Jet shot down by PAF and one Pilot Captured, who got International Humiliation and Indians still don't want to come out from their dream or rather filthy Lies...
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