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Zaid Hamid perfect reply to gobar arya

Splash over effect of fighting with a modern army. Also Let's not forget afghan special forces,instructors and men from the afghan army from top to bottom did have an problem of defecting,So since they were trained by the Americans they spilled beans to the Talis. Combination of copying a modern army and learning from their defectors.

Also the American reddit Community is surely up in Flames because someone got hands on the ACOG first than they did.
Major GOBAR Arya - Remember the Name.

Gobar means shit!
He is a useless twonk.He thinks himself of an great strategic mind on the battlefield,I Remember once watching his video in which he goes in great detail about a firefight in the kashmir Valley, In which they lay siege to 2 houses in the pitch of dark, And apparently in his great utilisation of manpower and his last two brain cells,Against overwhelming odds in complete darkness he came up with Nullah flank, In which apparently he sent 4 grenadiers to use the winding Nullah to come up from the 2 adjoining houses flank, That contained the freedom fighters.Thus the 4 grenadiers enter from back windows kill all targets. Even tho a bullshite story he calls himself a great CT expert cough cough bullshite.

The irony is that the Indian army discharged this great mind.
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Gobar Arya was talking the impeccable gun safety and trigger discipline Taliban fighters have .
He does propaganda against Pakistan. By twisting facts, wrong story telling etc. He is kind of indian establishment proxy and part of proxy warfare from india.
Knowing that your powerful establishment and isi are unable to put forward any single person against him.
Who can not only counter with facts. But by twisting facts and storytelling beguile Indians. They like this major can also interview indian dissidents. Join conversations with indian sepratist and spread misinformation.
But our establishment never do that. Dont know why. There can be no logical reason to it.
Or else they are too afriad the kinds of american and Indian sponsored journalist like hamid mir's, najam sethi type people would even went out to oppose these people and support indian instead. What's the logic. I don't understand.
We don't kill ttp and bla hiding in plain sight. We literally don't assassinate anyone. We are unable to stop or control anything in our country.
What is the thinking in our intelligence head quarter. There must be a serious question.
Because in propaganda warfare we are loosing.
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