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Zaid Hamid In New Style

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Ive always wondered what goes through the mind of such ppl ,tht has em convinced to such a degree.

isent it the nature of man to question everything? aren't we all so evolved because of tht very instinct?

i guess he ought to pick up his Darwinian award soon.

Our firm and final message to the Hindu Zionists! You have been warned now.

We are the soldiers of Rasul Allah (sm) and are burning with desire for Ghazwa e Hind! By Allah, we desire for Shahadat more than you desire for wine.

We wait for you in ambush. You will not see our faces, we will move stealthy in the darkest of nights, strike like the lightening bolts and then disappear like the morning star!

Our nation is armed and ready and the sight of dirty Hindu Mushriks are enough to unite this nation like a solid wall of steel. Come on, we are eager to meet you in the battle. 30 million armed Pakistani tribals, mujahideen and patriots stand united with our armed forces.

You start this. We will finish it for you. That is a promise.. and this time, we will not take prisoners. If you do not believe us, try us!!

Please next time dont use Islam in such personal agendas which give our religion a bad name. disgrace
inside he is wearing only bra and panty.
first with only guns, then came vest then came mask

congrats transformation completed
I think there has been enough trolling already. Kindly close the thread.

Zaid hamid is epic troll, no one can out troll him. We all can only try. He trolls at completely different level.
People who use weapons as instruments to wage war, seldom pose with them. What a joker. :blink:

P.S. @Aeronaut, is the OP a registered fundo? :blink:
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