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Z-8 and Z-18 transport helicopter thread

there is literally hundreds in operation and new Z18 only a hand full

it will be years before they are phased out even if ever
I don't think it just handful. We literally seen and many Z-8 & Z-18 involved in many exercise in last couple of years in large numbers with even no Mi-17 involved. The production rate I believe is quite high per year with up to 35-40 units. The difficult to get spares and obsolete of Mi-17 means PLA are replacing quite fast at a rate. Given a huge number of Z-8 and Z-18 appear in 70th anniversary celebrration. Estimate a more than hundred has put into service.

Via @航空工业 from Weixin
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Via @捣蛋就对 from Weibo

An impressive lineup of 14 Z-8KA SAR helicopters and one KJ-2000 + a KJ-200 AEW in the background
However IMO it must be an older image, since the 6x9x pattern is no longer in use and it seems more likely from the then 78th SAR Regiment, 26th Division.
An impressive lineup of 14 Z-8KA SAR helicopters and one KJ-2000 + a KJ-200 AEW in the background
However IMO it must be an older image, since the 6x9x pattern is no longer in use and it seems more likely from the then 78th SAR Regiment, 26th Division.
It was 10 years ago.
A new ASW variant if the legacy Z-8 helicopter was spotted. This one is allegedly based on the improved Z-8C SAR variant and features a prominent radome sjmilar to the Z-18F. Anyway I'm confused, why developing yet another ASW type based on the older and much less capable original Z-8 when already a much more capable Z-18F is avalable?

(Image via @Loongnaval)

Here is a clear photo. Oops!, it is not the same variant. May be one is a test-bed while the other is a serial production?

Edit: as per Huitong:-
The latest image (November 2019) indicated that an improved variant of Z-18F is being developed at Changhe, featuring a Z-8CJ style engine compartment with new domestic engines inside.

Screenshot (1087).jpg
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