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Young Tibetan mother and student self-immolate in China.

India has much more freedom in religion, so does that mean Indians have more freedom to discriminate the untouchable because the caste system is part of their religion?

Caste system is not a part of Hinduism... none of our religious scriptures mention it. It has been an unfortunate association with Hinduism thats all. It was formed as a part of the ancient societal practices in the sub-continent.
Third Tibetan self-immolates in three days in China | Reuters

(Reuters) - A Tibetan youth has burned himself to death in southwestern China, the third self-immolation in three days, in what overseas Tibetan rights groups said reflects growing resentment against Beijing's policies in the Tibetan areas of China.

It was the 25th self-immolation in the past year, with at least 18 believed to have died from their injuries, according to rights groups.

The latest deaths were all lay people and not, as is often the case, Buddhist monks or former clergy. Rights groups said this reflects a wider frustration among ethnic Tibetans at China's tightening security measures in Tibetan areas.

"This third self-immolation in as many days underlines that Tibetans will not stop protesting until their calls for freedom are heeded," Free Tibet Director Stephanie Brigden said in an emailed statement.

"The international community must take immediate action."

Activists say China violently stamps out religious freedom and culture in Tibet, the mountainous region of western China which has been under Chinese control since 1950.
If this is true (From US government backed Radio free asia), another loss of two young lives, how sad. So far all these who set fire to themselves are young people that are easily intoxicated by some fanatic ideas. Traditionally only high ranking Buddist monks set themselves ablaze. Yet in this case I didn't see any people from Dalai group are willing to give up their own lives for the cause they promote.
What you are saying is possible, there are several self interest groups based in the west who are quite capable of funding. I could give numerous examples here, but that's for another topic. I guess a similar structure existed in the Tibetan region as well... very similar to what you described in the Sichuan province.

So why are these self immolations more in Sichuan than in TAR. Is it because more people in Sichuan province also want freedom? (or autonomy like Tibet?)

Praise your imagination, but it is absurd. Today's upper supporters of Tibetan independence movement, they are the slave owners nobility in Sichuan, compared to Tibet, their influence in a small area of Sichuan,Therefore, they can take advantage of it, now you know it does not matter and Tibet. this is just a dirty game, if they do not play, how they get money from the West? of course, because the United States to assist them to carry out some infiltration,religious brainwashing and money to do, but they can not do any true self-immolation to incite other people, when they are safe.
Look who's talking. The untouchables and tribals of India are discriminated against in a much worse way than Tibetan citizens in China. You treat the lower castes like dirt and this is reflected by the Hindu religion.

Indian racists revile dark skinned and low-caste people as rat eaters. Indeed, not few of them are forced to eat rats to survive!

One India News

Racism is very, very bad...

yea ..brain fart...we know Racism is bad..stop doing it..still its not on GOI agenda to differentiate between among us.its just some people ..but with time they gonna disappear too..but u chinlanders openly subscribing to Racism here on the thread do it openly against poor Tibetans and Uighurs...pathetic.....

Free Tibet..

---------- Post added at 08:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:54 PM ----------

dalai larma has several buttons on his chair. These are 3 out of many:
1. light the fire
2 indian cacophany
3. cia: done

He pressed all three before and when the tragedy happened!
and u read that on Global Times...:china: :moil:
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Self immolation is not a way to protest. They should rather give a fightback by other means..
Self immolation is not a way to protest. They should rather give a fightback by other means..

For some Buddhists it has been that way.


This is too bad, people have to think before comminting such acts. This kind of self immolation is a kind of terrorism. It sends bad image to the people who lead these brainwashed people as well as to the country against which they are fighting.
This is too bad, people have to think before comminting such acts. This kind of self immolation is a kind of terrorism. It sends bad image to the people who lead these brainwashed people as well as to the country against which they are fighting.

Really?? How is this terrorism?? They are not killing innocent people. This act is simply to protest against government atrocities. I don't agree with the way but in no way consider it as an act of terrorism. People are frustrated and oppressed so they will react in they ways as bad as these.. But they are not some suicide bombers just to give you example of terrorism..

---------- Post added at 11:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ----------

This is too bad, people have to think before comminting such acts. This kind of self immolation is a kind of terrorism. It sends bad image to the people who lead these brainwashed people as well as to the country against which they are fighting.

Really?? How is this terrorism?? They are not killing innocent people. This act is simply to protest against government atrocities. I don't agree with the way but in no way consider it as an act of terrorism. People are frustrated and oppressed so they will react in they ways as bad as these.. But they are not some suicide bombers just to give you example of terrorism..
Really?? How is this terrorism?? They are not killing innocent people. This act is simply to protest against government atrocities. I don't agree with the way but in no way consider it as an act of terrorism. People are frustrated and oppressed so they will react in they ways as bad as these.. But they are not some suicide bombers just to give you example of terrorism..

---------- Post added at 11:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ----------

Really?? How is this terrorism?? They are not killing innocent people. This act is simply to protest against government atrocities. I don't agree with the way but in no way consider it as an act of terrorism. People are frustrated and oppressed so they will react in they ways as bad as these.. But they are not some suicide bombers just to give you example of terrorism..

Solar Temple Suicides

Records seized by the Quebec police showed that some members had personally donated over $1 million to the group's leader Joseph Di Mambro

we know Racism is bad..stop doing it..but u chinlanders openly subscribing to Racism here on the thread do it openly against poor Tibetans
No offense, but you don't seem to be capable of understanding the difference between ethnic conflicts and biological racism.

Tibetans are Chinese just like the Han and both groups are Mongoloid in race. The 56 ethnic groups living in modern China are all of the same nationality, Chinese.

Racism in China is in fact nowhere as prevalent as in other countries. In the more cosmopolitan cities such as Shanghai and Beijing, foreigners rarely encounter any serious problems.

We Chinese are culturally advanced enough to live and let live in harmony with one another, save for a small number of exceptions – separatists and religious extremists. Separatists and radical extremists are discriminated against not because of their biological race, but because of their harmful ideologies. It's about ideology, not race!

The Tibet problem should be the sole concern of China. Tibet belongs to China, that's a historical, cultural, geopolitical reality.
A mother's first priority is taking care of her children, not die for a "greater" cause - because there can't be a cause greater than ensuring the continued survival of her children. Ultra-right wing nationalism can totally f*** up people's brains.
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