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YOu wouldn't want to be in a Tank when that thing is flying...


Apr 25, 2007
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The A-10 Thunderbolt 2 correctly being the flying tank. Also known as the Warthog, is a twin-engine aircraft that provides close-air support of ground forces and employs a wide variety of conventional munitions, including general purpose bombs. Its able to disable 16 heavy tanks in one go and its low fuel consumption makes the aircraft to loiter around for longer periods.
The simple, effective and survivable single-seat aircraft can be used against all ground targets, including tanks and other armored vehicles. The aircraft is currently supporting operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.


The first flight of the A-10 was in May 1972, and a total of 713 aircraft have since been produced. Over 350 A-10 aircraft are in service with the US Air Force, Air Combat Command, the U.S. Air Force Reserve and the Air National Guard.

A-10/OA-10 Thunderbolt IIs have excellent maneuverability at low air speeds and altitude, and are highly accurate weapons-delivery platforms. With abilty to loiter near battle areas for extended periods of time and operate under 1,000-foot ceilings (303.3 meters) with 1.5-mile (2.4 kilometers) visibility makes this aircraft frightening aspect. Their wide combat radius and short takeoff and landing capability permit operations in and out of locations near front lines. Using night vision goggles, A-10/OA-10 pilots can conduct their missions during darkness.

The single-seat cockpit is protected by all-round armor, with a titanium "bathtub" structure to protect the pilot that is up to 3.8cm thick. The cockpit has a large bulletproof bubble canopy, which gives good all-round vision.

The A-10 can carry up to six Maverick AGM-65/B/D/G/H/K air-to-surface missiles, and up to four AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles.

But its main feature weapon is the GAU-8/A Avenger 30 mm hydraulically-driven seven-barrel Gatling-type cannon which the plane is built around. The gun is so big that the front gear was needed to be moved to the right axis, breaking the simmetry of the plane.


And the 30mm shells:


30 mm ammunition generally comes in three varieties: armor piercing (AP), high explosive (HE), and training rounds. Armor piercing and high explosive cartridges usually also possess incendiary characteristics.

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The A-10 is a thing of beauty, ain't it?

For all my criticisms, the Americans sure make amazing weapons of war, it's something ever military should aspire to achieve.
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