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'Yeti footprints': Indian army mocked over claim

It was F-16 hopping back injured i tell you ...
Indian Air force : yar, Pakistan humiliated us and no one is believing our story, what can we do?

Indian navy: we too got humiliated, they caught our submarine.

Indian army: *walks in drunk* I KNOW, we can say we found a yeti and have the world report on that, the world will forget our humiliating defeat and congratulate us on finding this mythical creature. This is a fool proof plan and the world will certainly not laugh at us.... :whistle:

Silly Indian Army are 29 days late for Aprils fools!!! Silly idiots!
These are the footprints of a secret SSG commando unit who carried out a surgical strike this is the Indian explanation so they wont have to retaliate?
I canot belive indian army is so stupid that they think big snow shoes footprit as being that of yeti. also what is funny is they post it in twitter. hahahahah :rofl:

indian army has become retard army:haha: big joke in world.:close_tema:
For an army that could mistake Jupiter and Venus as Chinese drones for more than half an year, bizarre claims such as this should not come as a big surprise to others.
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