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Yemen on brink of losing entire generation of children to hunger, UN warns


May 21, 2006
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Yemen on brink of losing entire generation of children to hunger, UN warns
Food security crisis means acute malnutrition among under-fives at highest levels since war engulfed the country
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Kaamil Ahmed
Wed 28 Oct 2020 12.59 EDTLast modified on Wed 28 Oct 2020 13.01 EDT

Treatment at a centre in Sana’a combating malnutrition
Treatment at a centre in Sana’a combating malnutrition. Photograph: Mohammed Hamoud/Getty Images

Almost 100,000 children under the age of five are at risk of dying in Yemen as the country slides back into a hunger crisis.
An analysis by UN agencies says the coronavirus pandemic, economic problems and conflict have led to the highest levels of malnutrition ever recorded in parts of the country.
Serious malnutrition in southern Yemen has risen 10% this year, according to the study, but rose to 15% among under-fives.
“Yemen is on the brink of a catastrophic food security crisis. If the war doesn’t end now, we are nearing an irreversible situation and risk losing an entire generation of Yemen’s young children,” said Lise Grande, the UN’s humanitarian coordinator for the country.
“Acute malnutrition among children is hitting the highest levels we have seen since the war started.”
Grande said that until 2020 there had been two years of progress against the famine that has loomed over Yemen throughout the war.

Children forced to beg or work as hunger eclipses fear of Covid-19 in Yemen

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Up to a quarter of children were affected in some of the worst-hit areas such as Hodeidah and Taiz, hotspots for the conflict.
The UN also warned that at least a quarter of a million breastfeeding women needed treatment for malnutrition. It has called for $50m (£38.5m) to bolster nutrition programmes as well as water, health and sanitation support.
Yemen’s representative at the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, Dr Hussein Gadain, said work needed to be done on protecting livelihoods and restoring the country’s own food chains.
“The worsening nutrition situation flagged in this latest analysis highlights the urgent need to ensure that every Yemeni girl, boy, woman and man has access to a healthy and diverse diet now and in the future,” said Gadain.
Oxfam this week also warned that donor funding has plummeted, falling shorter of its targets than at any point since the conflict escalated in 2015.
The UN said in August that it was being forced to close more than a third of its major programmes because promised funding had not been delivered.

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UN offers staggering death toll of 233,000 from Saudi-led war on Yemen (presstv.com)
UN offers staggering death toll of 233,000 from Saudi-led war on Yemen
Tuesday, 01 December 2020 4:05 PM [ Last Update: Tuesday, 01 December 2020 4:05 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

People inspect rubble at the site of a building destroyed by Saudi-led airstrikes, which killed at least 60 people and wounded several dozen, according to officials, in Dhamar Province, southwestern Yemen, on September 1, 2019. (Photo by the Associated Press)
The United Nations (UN) has offered the new staggering death toll of 233,000 from the Saudi-led war on Yemen, stressing the importance of a ceasefire.
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) released the toll in a report on Tuesday, calling it "unfortunate and unacceptable."
The international body said those counted had lost their lives either directly due to the conflict or for war-related reasons.
The OCHA also raised the alarm about the humanitarian situation in Yemen, saying the country had reached a critical point and there was an urgent need for a ceasefire.
The conflict in Yemen has already claimed 233,000 lives.
This staggering number is unacceptable. #YemenCantWait pic.twitter.com/cZcDSnbZtj
— UN Humanitarian (@UNOCHA) November 30, 2020
According to the report, Yemen is currently facing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, and more than 80% of its inhabitants are in need of humanitarian assistance and support.
‘Yemenis aren’t going hungry, they’re starving:’ UN issues solemn warning
‘Yemenis aren’t going hungry, they’re starving:’ UN issues solemn warning
The United Nations (UN) issues a solemn warning about a looming catastrophe in Yemen, as the country grapples with years of a Saudi-led war and blockade.

The OCHA also separately reacted to the killing on Monday of 14 women and children in the western Yemeni province of Hudaydah, and censured the the aggression as "unacceptable and unjustifiable."
The body said in a statement that the attack was "horrific and a gross violation of international humanitarian law, so the parties involved are required to take action to protect civilians."
Saudi Arabia and a number of its allies launched the war on Yemen in March 2015 to suppress an uprising that had toppled a Riyadh-friendly regime.
The Houthi Ansarullah movement, backed by armed forces, has been defending Yemen against the Saudi-led alliance.
Saudi-led coalition, mercenaries working with al-Qaeda, Daesh in Yemen: Foreign Ministry
Saudi-led coalition, mercenaries working with al-Qaeda, Daesh in Yemen: Foreign Ministry
Large amounts of weapons, bombs and explosive belts have been seized in the province of Bayda.

The war has taken a heavy toll on Yemen's infrastructure, destroying hospitals, schools, and factories. The UN says over 24 million Yemenis are in dire need of humanitarian aid, including 10 million suffering from extreme levels of hunger.
Children are among the most vulnerable victims of the Saudi war on Yemen, but the issue has barely drawn any international response.The UN children's agency warned in late June that the shortage of humanitarian assistance amid the coronavirus pandemic threatened to push more children in Yemen to the brink of starvation.
What an un-Islamic and cold hearted view truly supportive of genocide. You obviously don't have fear of Allah.


I do have fear of Allah (SWT) but it's not our issue if Allah (SWT) destined morons to rule over the Islamic World. He should've destined proper leaders with 2 neurons that can fire properly, this issue is Allah (SWT) to solve it's a hard fact truth. These GCC Arabs shot themselves in the foot decades ago, and suffering due to there betrayals -- hell, these clowns can't even be loyal to themselves.
Average Yemenis are suffering and extremely so. That's a fact.

A lot of us in Pakistan do care and love our brothers and sisters in Yemen who are suffering under such harsh circumstances.

A lot of us are even “muslim by race” meaning for us every muslims is our very own race and our very own country man/woman unless individually they turned out to be the “anti-muslims”.

Some us don’t give a damn to some supposed ancient infidel ancestor. The biological factories that created our past generations, all came from Allah. Allah created us and Allah is our only true ancestor and Allah is enough for us.

Only Allah can be the judge who is good or who is not. Some ruler or royal family is NOT the representative of the entire arab muslim world.

Muslim Arab world is filled with good practicing muslims. If one's heart is open enough, one can find them where you may go. Some of best scholars, and genuine muslims I have ever met are from the middle east.

Allah knows that. He does not need our opinion in regards to that. .

A deep down racist Pakistani will always find a deep down racist arab. Like finds the like. Allah brings alike people together so that they can be who they truly are, inciting each other’s true inner selves. Allah always helps us reveal our true selves. He said so Himself.

Same way, a good Pakistani muslim will attract good arab and other muslims in his life. That’s how it works, …..always.

Personally, some of my best friends are Arabs. Some are Turkish, some are Bosnians, some are Iranians and few are from Somalia and even Eritrea. Most are actually Arabs and Bosnians. Life is just amazing because of them. Having experienced it first hand, friendship and brotherhood based solely on Islam has always been a blessing. No ethnic friendship will ever come close to it. A good muslims is always a better friend and more loyal and brings off course barakah in life. Especially since Allah himself blesses such friendship here and here after.. One has to experience both to truly know the difference.

Hard time like middle east occur everywhere. Even on as great muslims as Chechen, the like of whom does not exists. They lost half their population but stood for islam without any foreign help and eventually got what they wanted, a victory like non other. An Islamic legal system in Chechnya, and to live according to islam as they please.

Middle east like hard times came to all of us too. From 1947 (death of millions) to recent turmoil in Pakistan, we ourselves been through a lot. From economic hardships to helplessness in front of big powers, we ourselves have seen enough.

Millions of individuals in Pakistan go through painful circumstances every day. Not all of them are being punished due to some supposed bad deeds. Allah sometimes tests good people's faith through hardship and He said so in Quran. Sometime it is just part of our learning process that helps individuals and nations grow stronger and be better people. Sometime we just invite such events due to our own short sighted actions.

Arab will overcome all of this just like everybody else. Most of the arab world from Oman to Algeria is doing actually quite well. Industrially and economically they are progressing very well. So hopping they all be soon be gone is not going to work. Allah has always taken care of them and always will despite the ill-wishers.

Same applies to other Muslims countries, outside of middle east. Allah takes care of them too. That includes Pakistan.

Good or bad people are everywhere. They exists in the middle east, and they exist in Pakistan. That doesn’t mean one can generalize one “subgroup’s behavior or bad attitude” to the whole group of countries. Such generalization is called “racism”. NO matter how one justifies it, it is just pure racism. Nothing can sugar coat it despite the delusion of the racist ones.

Yemeni Muslims are one of best and most strongest Muslims in the world. Let Allah who created them decide whether that is the case or not.

May be we should stop appointing ourselves god and leave it the source of All existence, the One who created them in the first place and let Allah decide who is who and who is not.

Passing broad stroke judgement on entire nations on behalf of Allah is hardly being human.

Yemeni muslims are suffering because Allah is showing the true face of the rest of muslim world.

By not helping our muslim brothers and sisters in Yemen, Syria, Palestine, Kashmir, Somalia, Uighurs, Rohingya, Chechnya and other places, it is "us" who are revealing who we truly are. We are showing to Allah that we only worship "our supposed ancestors, or idols made up of our races, countries or ethnic groups.

What we are doing in response to all this, is just revealing our true faces not Yemeni Muslim’s or other Muslims in suffering. True Muslims are being revealed to be true Muslims and fake ones to be the fake ones by our very responses to the sufferings of other Muslims.

Allah pulls our masks down in so many ways, revealing who we truly are underneath despite our fraudulent, self-deceptive grandiose claims of being better or superior or more sincere Muslims. This revelation consisting of our words, our deeds and our thinking all would be put as an evidence on the day of judgement of who we were all along while alive. No race, no ethnic affiliation or country will protect us that day, not it will be in existence at that time. Nothing will be there except our true face, and who we were all along.

I sincerely hope that as pakistan grows powerful, we become more assertive towards defending the rights of other muslims, even though right now it is time to practice strategic restraint so that we can buy time and focus on economic/military growth (even compromising temporarily core islamic princples regarding defending the rights of other Muslims). We might allow oppressed muslims to migrate if they are not allowed to live according to Islam in their respective countries. A lot of Pakistani will support that even though some won't.

When we help our Muslims brothers and sisters we actually not just feel happy and at peace but also Allah puts Barakah in our lives. Having helped lots of families in Syria, Yemen, Kashmir, Afghanistan and somalia I personally witnessed that. It actually helped me far more, even in the worldly and materialistic terms.

Whether we expressed hate or love to other fellow muslims (regardless to their treatment towards us), Allah returns the favor and massively so.

I sincerely pray that Allah eases the suffering of all muslims and especially like those in yemen who can't even meet their daily food needs.
These little innocent kids just came to the world few years ago. Its not their fault. It can never be their fault. Allah does not go around punishing the innocent babies. Nor He hates them. Only racist people do.

People of yemen and these children will be rewarded for an eternity for their sufferings when they will return to Allah. They are the lucky ones. Allah loves the innocent and cares not the ones who hates them.

Suffering will be rewarded and Allah promised that in Quran, again and again. Its better to have suffering here then there.

Tofeeq to do the right thing is not a choice, You can’t get it by intellect or hard work. Its given and it’s a blessing. Its not given to certain races or certain countries. It is given to certain individuals. It is given by the source of all things, Allah, to the blessed ones. Whomever he chooses.

Dismissing all of this as religious sentiments or some “mullah sermon” by some racist low life does not changes the fact that Allah said so.

Pakistan is a free country and we have always maintained a true plurality of opinions and always had freedom of speech. So we are all entitled to our opinions in the land of pure. Lets keep it that way.

Still fact remains that a lot of us do care what Allah asked of us. Alternative opinions are just noise ultimately leading to nothing but the false dead idols they represent.

Its what Allah says, and its what Allah’s opinion that matters and ........will matter always.
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Yemenis even before war were living in very miserable conditions. As a frequent traveller there I have seen their hardships personally. The war has further aggravated their sufferings. The dollar Yemeni riyals exchange rate which once use to be 214 is now 960. For the people of a country which imports virtually everything even survival has become an uphill task.
Yemenis even before war were living in very miserable conditions. As a frequent traveller there I have seen their hardships personally. The war has further aggravated their sufferings. The dollar Yemeni riyals exchange rate which once use to be 214 is now 960. For the people of a country which imports virtually everything even survival has become an uphill task.
Unfortunately people take Yemani some ragtag jahil ...but actually there literacy rate is over 70 percent per UN report. They deserve free and fair election ... no more impose of foreign aided dictatorship. Other countries stealing there wealth and land.
They wanted Pakistan to join this war. Now imagine if Pakistan had.
Pakistan should revive that port of Aden and link it to Gwadar.

Djibouti onwards till the merchants reach Zion.

Unfortunately Pakistan is hostage to blackmail and propaganda giving space to Indo Iranian on the high sea trade.
The Arabs couldn't give a damn:-

Arabs killing fellow Arabs. :disagree:

Not our issue, it's an Arab problem.

Nope, it's a humanitarian problem, then a Islamic problem then a Arab problem...

It just depends on how you view it.

Average Yemenis are suffering and extremely so. That's a fact.

A lot of us in Pakistan do care and love our brothers and sisters in Yemen who are suffering under such harsh circumstances.

A lot of us are even “muslim by race” meaning for us every muslims is our very own race and our very own country man/woman unless individually they turned out to be the “anti-muslims”.

Some us don’t give a damn to some supposed ancient infidel ancestor. The biological factories that created our past generations, all came from Allah. Allah created us and Allah is our only true ancestor and Allah is enough for us.

Only Allah can be the judge who is good or who is not. Some ruler or royal family is NOT the representative of the entire arab muslim world.

Muslim Arab world is filled with good practicing muslims. If one's heart is open enough, one can find them where you may go. Some of best scholars, and genuine muslims I have ever met are from the middle east.

Allah knows that. He does not need our opinion in regards to that. .

A deep down racist Pakistani will always find a deep down racist arab. Like finds the like. Allah brings alike people together so that they can be who they truly are, inciting each other’s true inner selves. Allah always helps us reveal our true selves. He said so Himself.

Same way, a good Pakistani muslim will attract good arab and other muslims in his life. That’s how it works, …..always.

Personally, some of my best friends are Arabs. Some are Turkish, some are Bosnians, some are Iranians and few are from Somalia and even Eritrea. Most are actually Arabs and Bosnians. Life is just amazing because of them. Having experienced it first hand, friendship and brotherhood based solely on Islam has always been a blessing. No ethnic friendship will ever come close to it. A good muslims is always a better friend and more loyal and brings off course barakah in life. Especially since Allah himself blesses such friendship here and here after.. One has to experience both to truly know the difference.

Hard time like middle east occur everywhere. Even on as great muslims as Chechen, the like of whom does not exists. They lost half their population but stood for islam without any foreign help and eventually got what they wanted, a victory like non other. An Islamic legal system in Chechnya, and to live according to islam as they please.

Middle east like hard times came to all of us too. From 1947 (death of millions) to recent turmoil in Pakistan, we ourselves been through a lot. From economic hardships to helplessness in front of big powers, we ourselves have seen enough.

Millions of individuals in Pakistan go through painful circumstances every day. Not all of them are being punished due to some supposed bad deeds. Allah sometimes tests good people's faith through hardship and He said so in Quran. Sometime it is just part of our learning process that helps individuals and nations grow stronger and be better people. Sometime we just invite such events due to our own short sighted actions.

Arab will overcome all of this just like everybody else. Most of the arab world from Oman to Algeria is doing actually quite well. Industrially and economically they are progressing very well. So hopping they all be soon be gone is not going to work. Allah has always taken care of them and always will despite the ill-wishers.

Same applies to other Muslims countries, outside of middle east. Allah takes care of them too. That includes Pakistan.

Good or bad people are everywhere. They exists in the middle east, and they exist in Pakistan. That doesn’t mean one can generalize one “subgroup’s behavior or bad attitude” to the whole group of countries. Such generalization is called “racism”. NO matter how one justifies it, it is just pure racism. Nothing can sugar coat it despite the delusion of the racist ones.

Yemeni Muslims are one of best and most strongest Muslims in the world. Let Allah who created them decide whether that is the case or not.

May be we should stop appointing ourselves god and leave it the source of All existence, the One who created them in the first place and let Allah decide who is who and who is not.

Passing broad stroke judgement on entire nations on behalf of Allah is hardly being human.

Yemeni muslims are suffering because Allah is showing the true face of the rest of muslim world.

By not helping our muslim brothers and sisters in Yemen, Syria, Palestine, Kashmir, Somalia, Uighurs, Rohingya, Chechnya and other places, it is "us" who are revealing who we truly are. We are showing to Allah that we only worship "our supposed ancestors, or idols made up of our races, countries or ethnic groups.

What we are doing in response to all this, is just revealing our true faces not Yemeni Muslim’s or other Muslims in suffering. True Muslims are being revealed to be true Muslims and fake ones to be the fake ones by our very responses to the sufferings of other Muslims.

Allah pulls our masks down in so many ways, revealing who we truly are underneath despite our fraudulent, self-deceptive grandiose claims of being better or superior or more sincere Muslims. This revelation consisting of our words, our deeds and our thinking all would be put as an evidence on the day of judgement of who we were all along while alive. No race, no ethnic affiliation or country will protect us that day, not it will be in existence at that time. Nothing will be there except our true face, and who we were all along.

I sincerely hope that as pakistan grows powerful, we become more assertive towards defending the rights of other muslims, even though right now it is time to practice strategic restraint so that we can buy time and focus on economic/military growth (even compromising temporarily core islamic princples regarding defending the rights of other Muslims). We might allow oppressed muslims to migrate if they are not allowed to live according to Islam in their respective countries. A lot of Pakistani will support that even though some won't.

When we help our Muslims brothers and sisters we actually not just feel happy and at peace but also Allah puts Barakah in our lives. Having helped lots of families in Syria, Yemen, Kashmir, Afghanistan and somalia I personally witnessed that. It actually helped me far more, even in the worldly and materialistic terms.

Whether we expressed hate or love to other fellow muslims (regardless to their treatment towards us), Allah returns the favor and massively so.

I sincerely pray that Allah eases the suffering of all muslims and especially like those in yemen who can't even meet their daily food needs.
These little innocent kids just came to the world few years ago. Its not their fault. It can never be their fault. Allah does not go around punishing the innocent babies. Nor He hates them. Only racist people do.

People of yemen and these children will be rewarded for an eternity for their sufferings when they will return to Allah. They are the lucky ones. Allah loves the innocent and cares not the ones who hates them.

Suffering will be rewarded and Allah promised that in Quran, again and again. Its better to have suffering here then there.

Tofeeq to do the right thing is not a choice, You can’t get it by intellect or hard work. Its given and it’s a blessing. Its not given to certain races or certain countries. It is given to certain individuals. It is given by the source of all things, Allah, to the blessed ones. Whomever he chooses.

Dismissing all of this as religious sentiments or some “mullah sermon” by some racist low life does not changes the fact that Allah said so.

Pakistan is a free country and we have always maintained a true plurality of opinions and always had freedom of speech. So we are all entitled to our opinions in the land of pure. Lets keep it that way.

Still fact remains that a lot of us do care what Allah asked of us. Alternative opinions are just noise ultimately leading to nothing but the false dead idols they represent.

Its what Allah says, and its what Allah’s opinion that matters and ........will matter always.

Awesome post as always bro. :enjoy:

Take this poor man's positive rating:


Other countries stealing there wealth and land.

Israel just stole that island (Socotra; thread on PDF about it) of theirs to use it against us...

And then there's Pakistanis on PDF which want to establish relationships with Israel. :lol:

They wanted Pakistan to join this war. Now imagine if Pakistan had.

Pakistan would have been on the wrong side.....which is why Pakistan didn't join.

Pakistan should revive that port of Aden and link it to Gwadar.

Djibouti onwards till the merchants reach Zion.

Unfortunately Pakistan is hostage to blackmail and propaganda giving space to Indo Iranian on the high sea trade.

Excellent proposal. But like you said, coconuts would rather be coconuts. :D
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