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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

nothing new religion was always used by the elite to fool the morons while being freely corrupt. just like at Brunei
Forget about history. How religious are the current day Turks? For most part they do not care about Islam and not brainwashed likes the lunatics from the West Asia.

Some are religious, some are not, some are faithful, some are not

Who are you to make proclamations about the faith of people
Lovely video.
Seems they own a bar there or something. I thought xijiang was a Muslim region, as such alcohol is forbidden there? Or maybe they follow a more liberal form of Islam?
Anyway, it's good to see they live a happy life.
Xinjiang is a province of China. Opening a bar and selling alcohol is legal.
CHINA Xinjiang provides free medical kits for rural residents
Source: Xinhua| 2017-10-18 15:45:05|

URUMQI, Oct. 18 (Xinhua) -- The government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region sent the first batch of 100,000 medical kits to rural residents in Aksu Prefecture Tuesday.

They are among 1.84 million medical kits to be given for free by Xinjiang to rural farmers and herdsmen in Aksu, Kashgar, Hotan and Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture of Kizilsu this year, according to Xinjiang Health and Family Planning Commission.

Xinjiang has invested around 140 million yuan (around 21 million U.S. dollars) to provide a medical kit for every rural household in these areas.

The kit consists of regular first-aid medicine, painkillers and cold remedies. More of the medication can be obtained for free in designated local clinics once it is used up, the commission said.

The project is a new move for Xinjiang to improve rural health care. In 2016, the autonomous region launched a free health check program.

The first overall health checks covered more than 17.5 million residents and cost over 1.49 billion yuan. A new round of universal health checks in the region is underway.
Free education, free square school meals, free school shuttle service, free school accommodation...Xinjiang kids enjoy all of them and some still say that China persecutes them. I highly doubt if their countries provide all of those welfare to their minority kids.
Free education, free square school meals, free school shuttle service, free school accommodation...Xinjiang kids enjoy all of them and some still say that China persecutes them. I highly doubt if their countries provide all of those welfare to their minority kids.
Unfortunately, I had to buy my own lunch from school starting at elementary 1st grade in the US. Capitalism starts early in American education.
Unfortunately, I had to buy my own lunch from school starting at elementary 1st grade in the US. Capitalism starts early in American education.
Most Chinese kids do the same. Only minority kids from poor regions in Xinjiang and Tibet get that government funded welfare.
No. In some rural areas kids have free lunch.
today almost every rural school kids could enjoy it.CHINA used to modify its policies several years later with much more improvements the details depend on economy and financial income of each province !
National fund is the same but as we all.know city like.shanghai, beijing,guangzhou ,shenzhen are richer,the municipal fund is much higher while the rest regions are relatively backward that is normal in every country like the difference a capital and a small city the financial budgets quite.different!!!.
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President Xi personally asked the local government to well arrange the earthquake victims before winter and in just several months mostly Uyghur Muslim earthquake victims moved into brand new modern apartment buildings and even utility fees including electricity, water and gas was exempt for them. How many governments can have things done this fast and efficient?
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For those who accuse China of persecuting Uyghur Muslims in China. Does your country do this for your poor Muslim population?

Chinese central government allocated 465 million Yuan and Xinjiang local government 100 million Yuan to have had all kids living in poor underdeveloped far western regions in Xinjiang covered by nutrition meals program ( balanced nutrition meals must contain meat, milk, eggs, vegetables etc) . The kids in those regions have already long enjoyed free education to high school and all other benefits such as free books , accommodation , All the cost is paid by the government.

Free school shuttle bus rides for Xinjiang students
Thank you China for helping her own citizens in a natural disaster. :china:

It seems like the ordinary and expected duty of a government that deserves no special congratulation right? But even superpowers like the US (e.g. during Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Katrina, etc) and India (with its ongoing child malnutrition epidemic) cannot live up to such a responsibility. So when a developing country like China can, it's remarkable.
When the above mentioned earthquake first struck, PLA medical corp rushed to the scene in couple of hours to treat the quake victims and other units dug and saved many quake victims trapped in the ruins just in time.

Foreign anti China propaganda bashes China claiming that China persecutes Muslims, massacres Tibetans, genocides Mongols... One should come to China and see how people live with their own eyes. They live a much better life than the people of their neighboring countries.
It seems like the ordinary and expected duty of a government that deserves no special congratulation right? But even superpowers like the US (e.g. during Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Katrina, etc) and India (with its ongoing child malnutrition epidemic) cannot live up to such a responsibility. So when a developing country like China can, it's remarkable.
Yes, it's remarkable.
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