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I see many brainless posters here, and why don't you do a little search on the inetrnet using simple phrases such as Uyghur man, Uyghur dress.

For Muslims here, muslims killing other muslims are happening all over the world! In China Uyghurs also brought violence to Hui, Tajik as well as other Chinese muslims. Don't make Xinjiang a Han vs Muslim issue.

A few years ago I was in Xinjiang doing a report where I talked to a lot of different Muslim ethnics, e.g. Hui, Kirghiz and Kazakh. Many of them told me that they don't trust the Uyghurs. In fact, they hate the Uyghurs and the Uyghurs hated everyone in return.
. .
There are more than 20 ethnic groups that resided in Xiyu (West Frontiers, present day Xinjiang) before Uyghurs. None of these people likes Uyghurs.

Turkish ancestors defeated the ancient Uyghur tribe in the present day Mogolian area, and Tajiks finally drove Uyghurs migrate into China's Xiyu (Xinjiang).

Maybe Turkey is willing to adsorb their unhappy and centuries-old blood relatives.
Muslims in the region is oppressed by Chinese authorities and the hans, they need support from Muslim brothers from around the world, it's good that America recognised the issue.
Focus more on your own issues. India has much more conflicts than China does.
Anyway, to bring this discussion back to topic, I think the City's actions are misguided and will backfire. Law abiding citizens, who had no connection with extremists but are now forced to give up their personal rights, will become fodder for extremist views.

What kind of actions do you mean? And you know what, China government are even exerting more tolerant laws on minorities and that is stupid since no criminals will feel grateful and this can only raise ethnic hatred.
etc that how do you see this particular news of ban of burqa and beard in a city of Yining situated in Xinjiang region ? isn't it wrong for the city authorities curb the freedom of dressing ?How should the Muslims in there strive for their rights and self respect ? sure it's internal matter of China but I am sure you all will have an opinion about it and suggestions for the betterment of people there.
some people refer hijab/naqab as burqa so which one is bans there? :what:


Your discussion or questions are irrelevant to topic or opening post but wearing hijab or keeping beard is a personal choice and state should not dictate people what they should wear or whether they should keep beard or not. People should have religious/cultural freedom as long as their freedom don't hurt others. If some government force people to not keep beard then they are not any different than talibans who forced some guys to keep it

Yea we may face security issue in case of Afghanistani style burqa which is more cultural thing than religious. There could be problem of identification in banks and courtroom. Criminals can also use such full face burqa as a way to commit criminal acts in disguise although there is not a single incident where burqa was used for any crime or terrorism in western countries or in india/china but these problems could be handle with certain legislation. Face covering veil should be removed in areas where identification is just common sense or necessity such as banks, airports and courtrooms or you can also employ female staffs at sensitive places but taking away ones right to wear something is almost as bad as forcing somebody to wear something against their will.
In the Qing dynasty men had long hair. You guys here probably know what I'm talking about, if you don't google.

When China wanted Prussia help in military, Prussian advisors said if you have hair then no training. Is this a human right violation? Chinese people at that time feels very strong about the hair.

It may be, but with that cut, the Chinese founded the first modern army and regardless of what may have happened after, it is with that cut that started true westernization.

perhaps muslims should be allowed to keep their tradition n China. However China isn't muslim and cling to some old tradition will just slow progress. Muslims today are not in the center of things and it is because of tradition.

Old saying in China about Chinese artiliary is you need to ask permission to put the canon ball in again to say that's done and again to fire. By the time you can fire 5 shots would have already hit you.

China abandoned it's tradition, Russia abandoned it's. Truth be told, can you honestly say Europeans still have theirs? I'm sure suits were not made in the 1500s.
Free Hawaii! And free Texas republic!

You have a US flag in your signatures but what you are saying goes entirely against the constitution of the United States and against the basic democratic process.

First, the US isn't China. No state is 'held by force' that you are 'freeing up' Texas and Hawaii. Its silly to say that. Second, just because you or a few others wish, no state can be 'freed' like this. In fact no state is in a contract by force either. The US's origins came from WE THE PEOPLE not through a government that puts a ban on its citizens using the Internet!!

WE the PEOPLE have the right to do what we want to, to have a state as a republic or not. So trust me, when We the PEOPLE will want Texas or Hawaii to be a separate republic, it will happen. That's the main difference between the United States and China, Syria, India, etc. WE the PEOPLE decide what to do, not a few of us as a small group, not the government and not the military. That's democracy. Now if you are going to silly question the American democracy, please take a look at the most recent US presidential elections. You'll find your answer there about 'We the People'!
"WE THE PEOPLE" - sounds noble, unfortunately I didn't feel like that for the past presidential elections. I felt the choices were given to me before I went into the booths. If I had a choice there would never an Iraqi war.
No state is 'held by force'

WE the PEOPLE decide what to do,

In another point of view, all states were held together by force because the natives were simply killed. In 1500, there were more than 100 million native Americans, how many of them today? The biggest genocide in human history.

Try to get rid of wall street first, then tell us you can make a decision. Goldman Sachs got huge amount of money of your guys as bailout in 2008, then they spent 20 billion as year end bonus..........
You have a US flag in your signatures but what you are saying goes entirely against the constitution of the United States and against the basic democratic process.

First, the US isn't China. No state is 'held by force' that you are 'freeing up' Texas and Hawaii. Its silly to say that. Second, just because you or a few others wish, no state can be 'freed' like this. In fact no state is in a contract by force either. The US's origins came from WE THE PEOPLE not through a government that puts a ban on its citizens using the Internet!!

WE the PEOPLE have the right to do what we want to, to have a state as a republic or not. So trust me, when We the PEOPLE will want Texas or Hawaii to be a separate republic, it will happen. That's the main difference between the United States and China, Syria, India, etc. WE the PEOPLE decide what to do, not a few of us as a small group, not the government and not the military. That's democracy. Now if you are going to silly question the American democracy, please take a look at the most recent US presidential elections. You'll find your answer there about 'We the People'!

Sterotyped propaganda. Compared to Europe, US is a country of dictatorship, and that is why your Economy is not as bad as theirs. No fools will believe American democracy any more. What I wanna say is states like Texas, California, Alaska are much more reasonable to get independence rather than China's Xinjiang or Tibet. Not to say Hawaii Kindom, you Americans are nothing but invaders there, so return the lands to the original residents. It is just foolish to boost your bullshit democracy which allow cops kill innocent citizens for almost no reason. Don't every Americans have guns? That is cool, you would be a much bigger Syria after several decades. let see. Any state of a real democracy federal states have rights to choose independence. The federal government cannot stop free Texans and Californians to pursue for their independence and then the people of the rest of the world will stand with them.
In another point of view, all states were held together by force because the natives were simply killed. In 1500, there were more than 100 million native Americans, how many of them today? The biggest genocide in human history.

Try to get rid of wall street first, then tell us you can make a decision. Goldman Sachs got huge amount of money of your guys as bailout in 2008, then they spent 20 billion as year end bonus..........

America (USA) has never been a true democracy. It is an Oligarchy masked as a Republic, where the 1% call the shots and brainwash the rest 99% sheep to get their way. If 1% is not protecting national interest, then America goes down the tubes, that is exactly what is happening since Reagan came to power. Both political parties are in on this game. The next evolution of democracy will be the end of political class and political parties, as they are the ones who pretend to represent the masses, but really represent the moneyed elite who control the media and fund their elections.

You have a US flag in your signatures but what you are saying goes entirely against the constitution of the United States and against the basic democratic process.

First, the US isn't China. No state is 'held by force' that you are 'freeing up' Texas and Hawaii. Its silly to say that. Second, just because you or a few others wish, no state can be 'freed' like this. In fact no state is in a contract by force either. The US's origins came from WE THE PEOPLE not through a government that puts a ban on its citizens using the Internet!!

WE the PEOPLE have the right to do what we want to, to have a state as a republic or not. So trust me, when We the PEOPLE will want Texas or Hawaii to be a separate republic, it will happen. That's the main difference between the United States and China, Syria, India, etc. WE the PEOPLE decide what to do, not a few of us as a small group, not the government and not the military. That's democracy. Now if you are going to silly question the American democracy, please take a look at the most recent US presidential elections. You'll find your answer there about 'We the People'!

Isn't orangzaib a Pakistani name?
I know where you are coming from, most Pakistani's criticised French ban on veil basically for three reasons

1 - France claims to be a free, democratic, and secular society (China is not considered a free and democratic country by western standards) hence a ban on veil in France (or any other western country) is not comparable to a ban in China

2 - France banned Muslim veil because according to them it sort of creates differentiation on religious basis, but so does a Christian nuns dress including her head scarf, hence just banning the Muslim Veil is discrimination

3 - In case of France, US and other western countries were not exploiting Muslim population or their dress code to create turmoil in the state, but in case of China the same western countries who are spreading poisonous propaganda against Muslims, are exploiting the same Muslim religion by supporting, funding, training and sending terrorists in to China (Xinjiang) to create problems for China, to create problems in China-Pakistan relationship and at the same time spreading more propaganda against Islamic terrorism, which when they support such as in Libya and Syria, is termed as freedom fighters, when it goes against them as in Afghanistan is termed as terrorism.

So If you started this thread to see Pakistani members reaction to a problem (to which we reacted vehemently in case of France), you will not see such reaction, because its not the action it self, its the motive behind it that we criticised.

It's not like you Indians who talk about freedom of expression and press when western media humiliates Islamic figures, but goes crazy when Australian company prints Hindu goddess pictures on swim suits.

A city in western China is trying
reduce religious fervor by prohibiting
people from wearing veils, traditional
Arab dress, or growing long beards,
Associated Press reports.
"Dilute religious consciousness,
advocate a civilized healthy life style,"
the notice in the Dunmaili district of
Yining in China's heavily Muslim
western reaches read.
The notice added the campaign's
objective was "to completely get rid
of the abnormal phenomenon in the
entire community of minority ethnic
women and youth wearing Arabian
dress, growing beards and covering
their faces in veils."
The notice also called for stubborn
individuals who refuse to give up their
veils, Arab dress, or long beards to
be educated, and "diehards" turned
over to judicial departments.

Yining is in Xinjiang, a region home to
the traditionally Muslim Uighur ethnic
group. The region has occasionally
seen religiously-motivated violent
Tibetan Buddhists, Uighur Muslims
and other minority faiths are generally
allowed to wear their traditional dress.
However, both groups have been
targeted in political re-education
campaigns following anti-government
violence related to complaints over
the lack of religious freedom in China.
Xinjiang regional spokeswoman Hou
Hanmin told AP by telephone that she
was unaware of the campaign.
"This is not consistent with the reality
here," Hou said of the campaign,
adding that it sounded "unrealistic."
The notice from the Dunmaili district
of Yining disappeared from the Yining
government website Thursday after
Western press inquiries, but remained
available on a state-run news website.
Bans of face coverings and other
forms of hijab are increasingly taking
hold in Western countries where a
failure to assimilate large numbers of
Muslim immigrants has resulted in
societal divisions and calls to
supplant the indigineous mainstream
Western culture and laws with the
growing minorities' Islamic Sharia law.
Both Tunisia and Turkey have bans on
hijab in public schools, universities,
and government buildings. Morocco
has no official ban, but actively
encourages women to eschew hijab.
In all three countries hijab is seen as
a symbol of political Islam rather than
mere religious expression.

Chinese City Seeks Burqa Ban - Israel National News

I would like to seek comments from learned members like @Awesome, @Aeronaut, @Thorough Pro, @JonAsad
@Raja.Pakistani @ChineseTiger1986

@muse @Safriz
etc that how do you see this particular news of ban of burqa and beard in a city of Yining situated in Xinjiang region ? isn't it wrong for the city authorities curb the freedom of dressing ?How should the Muslims in there strive for their rights and self respect ? sure it's internal matter of China but I am sure you all will have an opinion about it and suggestions for the betterment of people there.
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In the Qing dynasty men had long hair. You guys here probably know what I'm talking about, if you don't google.

When China wanted Prussia help in military, Prussian advisors said if you have hair then no training. Is this a human right violation? Chinese people at that time feels very strong about the hair.

It may be, but with that cut, the Chinese founded the first modern army and regardless of what may have happened after, it is with that cut that started true westernization.

perhaps muslims should be allowed to keep their tradition n China. However China isn't muslim and cling to some old tradition will just slow progress. Muslims today are not in the center of things and it is because of tradition.

Old saying in China about Chinese artiliary is you need to ask permission to put the canon ball in again to say that's done and again to fire. By the time you can fire 5 shots would have already hit you.

China abandoned it's tradition, Russia abandoned it's. Truth be told, can you honestly say Europeans still have theirs? I'm sure suits were not made in the 1500s.

Before the industrialisation, European men wore long hair like this:


Due to the industrialisation long hair was not only out of fashion but dangerous when working in the factories. Fashion also had to change and adapt to the new and fast machines to avoid accidents. Short hairstyle for men has nothing to do for being western but rather a technological evolution demanded this.

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